withr::local_options(list( lintr.exclude = "#TeSt_NoLiNt", lintr.exclude_start = "#TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT", lintr.exclude_end = "#TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD" )) test_that("it returns an empty list if there are no exclusions", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this is a test ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), list()) }) test_that("it returns the line if one line is excluded", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this is #TeSt_NoLiNt a test ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), list(2L)) t2 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this is #TeSt_NoLiNt a test #TeSt_NoLiNt ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t2), list(c(2L, 4L))) }) test_that("it supports specific linter exclusions", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this is #TeSt_NoLiNt: my_linter. a test ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), list(my_linter = 2L)) t2 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this is #TeSt_NoLiNt: my_linter. a test #TeSt_NoLiNt: my_linter2. ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t2), list(my_linter = 2L, my_linter2 = 4L)) t3 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this is #TeSt_NoLiNt: my_linter. another useful #TeSt_NoLiNt: my_linter. test testing #TeSt_NoLiNt: my_linter2. ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t3), list(my_linter = c(2L, 4L), my_linter2 = 6L)) }) test_that("it supports multiple linter exclusions", { t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this #TeSt_NoLiNt is #TeSt_NoLiNt: a, b. a thorough #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT: a, b, c. test #TeSt_NoLiNt of #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD all features #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT a, b, c interleaved #TeSt_NoLiNt a, b with each #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD other ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), list( a = c(2L, 4L:6L), b = c(2L, 4L:6L), c = 4L:6L, c(1L, 5L, 8L:11L) )) }) test_that("it supports overlapping exclusion ranges", { t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT: a. is a #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT: b. test with #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD overlapping #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD ranges ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), list( a = 1L:5L, b = 3L:6L )) }) test_that("it returns all lines between start and end", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT is a #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD test ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), list(c(1L, 2L, 3L))) t2 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT is a #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD test of the #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT emergency #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD broadcast system ")) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t2), list(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 6L, 7L))) }) test_that("it ignores exclude coverage lines within start and end", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = c( "this #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT", "is #TeSt_NoLiNt", "a #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD", "test" )) expect_identical(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), list(c(1L, 2L, 3L))) }) test_that("it throws an error if start and end are unpaired", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) error_msg_stem <- "Equal number of line starts and ends expected for exclusion from linting" t1 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT is #TeSt_NoLiNt a test ")) expect_error(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t1), error_msg_stem) t2 <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = trim_some(" this #TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT is #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD a #TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD test ")) expect_error(lintr:::parse_exclusions(t2), error_msg_stem) })