# When called from inside a package: # > lint_package(".") # .. should give the same results as when called from outside the package # with: # > lint_package(path_to_package) # Template packages for use in testing are stored in # tests/testthat/dummy_packages/ # These packages should not have a .lintr file: Hardcoding a .lintr in a # dummy package throws problems during `R CMD check` (they are flagged as # hidden files, but can't be added to RBuildIgnore since they should be # available during `R CMD check` tests) test_that( "`lint_package` does not depend on path to pkg - no excluded files", { withr::local_options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config") # This dummy package does not have a .lintr file, so no files / lines should # be excluded from analysis pkg_path <- test_path("dummy_packages", "assignmentLinter") expected_lines <- c( # from abc.R "abc = 123", # from jkl.R "jkl = 456", "mno = 789", # from exec/script.R "x = 1:4" ) lints_from_outside <- lint_package( pkg_path, linters = list(assignment_linter()) ) lints_from_pkg_root <- withr::with_dir( pkg_path, lint_package(".", linters = list(assignment_linter()), parse_settings = FALSE) ) lints_from_a_subdir <- withr::with_dir( file.path(pkg_path, "R"), lint_package("..", linters = list(assignment_linter()), parse_settings = FALSE) ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(lints_from_outside)[["line"]], expected_lines ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(lints_from_outside), as.data.frame(lints_from_pkg_root), info = paste( "lint_package() finds the same lints from pkg-root as from outside a pkg", "(no .lintr config present)" ) ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(lints_from_outside), as.data.frame(lints_from_a_subdir), info = paste( "lint_package() finds the same lints from a subdir as from outside a pkg", "(no .lintr config present)" ) ) } ) test_that( "`lint_package` does not depend on path to pkg - with excluded files", { # Since excluded regions can be specified in two ways # list( # filename = line_numbers, # approach 1 # filename # approach 2 # ), # the test checks both approaches pkg_path <- test_path("dummy_packages", "assignmentLinter") # Add a .lintr that excludes the whole of `abc.R` and the first line of # `jkl.R` (and remove it on finishing this test) local_config(pkg_path, "exclusions: list('R/abc.R', 'R/jkl.R' = 1)") expected_lines <- c("mno = 789", "x = 1:4") lints_from_outside <- lint_package( pkg_path, linters = list(assignment_linter()) ) lints_from_pkg_root <- withr::with_dir( pkg_path, lint_package(".", linters = list(assignment_linter())) ) lints_from_a_subdir <- withr::with_dir( file.path(pkg_path, "R"), lint_package(".", linters = list(assignment_linter())) ) lints_from_a_subsubdir <- withr::with_dir( file.path(pkg_path, "tests", "testthat"), lint_package(".", linters = list(assignment_linter())) ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(lints_from_outside)[["line"]], expected_lines ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(lints_from_outside), as.data.frame(lints_from_pkg_root), info = paste( "lint_package() finds the same lints from pkg-root as from outside a pkg", "(.lintr config present)" ) ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(lints_from_outside), as.data.frame(lints_from_a_subdir), info = paste( "lint_package() finds the same lints from a subdir as from outside a pkg", "(.lintr config present)" ) ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(lints_from_outside), as.data.frame(lints_from_a_subsubdir), info = paste( "lint_package() finds the same lints from a sub-subdir as from outside a pkg", "(.lintr config present)" ) ) } ) test_that("lint_package returns early if no package is found", { temp_pkg <- withr::local_tempdir("dir") expect_warning( { l <- lint_package(temp_pkg) }, "Didn't find any R package", fixed = TRUE ) expect_null(l) # ignore a folder named DESCRIPTION, #702 file.copy(test_path("dummy_packages", "desc_dir_pkg"), temp_pkg, recursive = TRUE) expect_warning( lint_package(file.path(temp_pkg, "desc_dir_pkg", "DESCRIPTION", "R")), "Didn't find any R package", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("length(path)>1 is not supported", { expect_error(lint_package(letters), "one package at a time", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that( "`lint_package` will use a `.lintr` file in `.github/linters/` directory the same as the package root", { withr::local_options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config") pkg_path <- test_path("dummy_packages", "github_lintr_file") # First, ensure that the package has lint messages in the absence of a # custom configuration: pkg_lints_before <- withr::with_dir( pkg_path, lint_package(".", linters = list(quotes_linter())) ) expect_identical( as.data.frame(pkg_lints_before)[["line"]], c("'abc'", "'abc'"), "linting the `github_lintr_file` package should fail" ) # In `github/linters`add a `.lintr` file dir.create( path = file.path(pkg_path, ".github", "linters/"), recursive = TRUE ) on.exit(unlink(file.path(pkg_path, ".github"), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) local_config( file.path(pkg_path, ".github", "linters"), "linters: linters_with_defaults(quotes_linter(\"'\"))", filename = "lintr_test_config" ) pkg_lints <- withr::with_dir(pkg_path, lint_package(".")) expect_length(pkg_lints, 0L) subdir_lints <- withr::with_dir(pkg_path, lint_dir("tests/testthat")) expect_length(subdir_lints, 0L) } ) test_that("package using .lintr.R config lints correctly", { withr::local_options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config") r_config_pkg <- test_path("dummy_packages", "RConfig") lints <- as.data.frame(lint_package(r_config_pkg)) expect_identical(unique(basename(lints$filename)), "lint_me.R") expect_identical(lints$linter, c("infix_spaces_linter", "any_duplicated_linter")) # config has bad R syntax expect_error( lint_package(test_path("dummy_packages", "RConfigInvalid")), "Malformed config file (lintr_test_config.R), ensure it is valid R syntax", fixed = TRUE ) # config produces unused variables withr::local_options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config_extraneous") expect_warning( expect_length(lint_package(r_config_pkg), 2L), "Found unused settings in config file", fixed = TRUE ) # R is preferred if multiple matched configs withr::local_options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config_conflict") lints <- as.data.frame(lint_package(r_config_pkg)) expect_identical(unique(basename(lints$filename)), "testthat.R") expect_identical(lints$linter, c("expect_null_linter", "trailing_blank_lines_linter")) }) test_that("lintr need not be attached for .lintr.R configs to use lintr functions", { exprs <- paste( 'options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config")', sprintf('lints <- lintr::lint_package("%s")', test_path("dummy_packages", "RConfig")), # simplify output to be read from stdout 'cat(paste(as.data.frame(lints)$linter, collapse = "|"), "\n", sep = "")', sep = "; " ) if (tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) == "windows") { rscript <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rscript.exe") } else { rscript <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rscript") } expect_identical( system2(rscript, c("-e", shQuote(exprs)), stdout = TRUE), "infix_spaces_linter|any_duplicated_linter" ) })