test_that("it excludes properly", { withr::local_options( lintr.exclude = "#TeSt_NoLiNt", lintr.exclude_start = "#TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT", lintr.exclude_end = "#TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD" ) lintr:::read_settings(NULL) t1 <- lint("exclusions-test", parse_settings = FALSE) expect_length(t1, 8L) t2 <- lint("exclusions-test", exclusions = list("exclusions-test" = 4L), parse_settings = FALSE) expect_length(t2, 7L) t3 <- lint("exclusions-test", exclusions = list("exclusions-test"), parse_settings = FALSE) expect_length(t3, 0L) cache_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "lintr_cache") clear_cache("exclusions-test", cache_path) for (info in sprintf("caching: pass %s", 1L:4L)) { t4 <- lint("exclusions-test", cache = cache_path, parse_settings = FALSE) expect_identical(length(t4), 8L, info = info) } }) test_that("it doesn't fail when encountering misspecified encodings", { withr::local_options( lintr.exclude = "#TeSt_NoLiNt", lintr.exclude_start = "#TeSt_NoLiNt_StArT", lintr.exclude_end = "#TeSt_NoLiNt_EnD" ) lintr:::read_settings(NULL) expect_length(lintr:::parse_exclusions("dummy_projects/project/cp1252.R"), 0L) }) test_that("it gives the expected error message when there is only one start but no end", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) expect_error( lintr:::parse_exclusions("dummy_projects/project/one_start_no_end.R"), "has 1 range start (line 3) and 0 range ends", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("it gives the expected error message when there is mismatch between multiple starts and ends", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) expect_error( lintr:::parse_exclusions("dummy_projects/project/mismatched_starts_ends.R"), "has 3 range starts (lines 3, 7, 11) and 2 range ends (lines 1, 9)", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("partial matching works for exclusions but warns if no linter found", { lintr:::read_settings(NULL) expect_warning( expect_warning( expect_warning( expect_lint( file = "dummy_projects/project/partially_matched_exclusions.R", checks = rex::rex("semicolons"), parse_settings = FALSE ), rex::rex("Could not find linter named ", anything, "s") ), rex::rex("Could not find linter named ", anything, "bogus_linter") ), rex::rex("Could not find linters named ", anything, "hocus_pocus", anything, "bogus") ) }) test_that("#1413: lint_dir properly excludes files", { withr::local_options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config") tmp <- withr::local_tempdir() writeLines( trim_some(" linters: linters_with_defaults( line_length_linter(10) ) exclusions: list( 'bad.R' = list( 1, # global exclusions are unnamed line_length_linter = 4:6 ) ) "), file.path(tmp, "lintr_test_config") ) writeLines( trim_some(" tmp = 'value' # comment # long comment # long comment # long comment # comment "), file.path(tmp, "bad.R") ) expect_length(lint(file.path(tmp, "bad.R")), 0L) expect_length(lint_dir(tmp), 0L) }) test_that("#1442: is_excluded_files works if no global exclusions are specified", { withr::local_options(lintr.linter_file = "lintr_test_config") tmp <- withr::local_tempdir() writeLines( trim_some(" linters: linters_with_defaults( line_length_linter(10) ) exclusions: list( 'bad.R' = list( line_length_linter = 4:6 ) ) "), file.path(tmp, "lintr_test_config") ) writeLines( trim_some(" tmp = 'value' # comment # long comment # long comment # long comment # comment "), file.path(tmp, "bad.R") ) # 3 lints: assignment_linter(), quotes_linter() and line_length_linter() expect_lint( file = file.path(tmp, "bad.R"), checks = list( list(linter = "assignment_linter", line_number = 1L), list(linter = "quotes_linter", line_number = 1L), list(linter = "line_length_linter", line_number = 1L) ) ) expect_length(lint_dir(tmp), 3L) }) test_that("next-line exclusion works", { withr::local_options( lintr.exclude = "# NL", lintr.exclude_next = "# NLN", lintr.exclude_linter = default_settings$exclude_linter ) linter <- assignment_linter() # blanket exclusion works expect_lint( trim_some(" # NLN x = 1 "), NULL, linter ) # specific exclusion works expect_lint( trim_some(" # NLN: assignment_linter. x = 1 "), NULL, linter ) expect_lint( trim_some(" # NLN: assignment. x = 1 "), NULL, linter ) expect_lint( trim_some(" # NLN: line_length_linter. x = 1 "), rex::rex("Use one of <-, <<- for assignment, not =."), list(linter, line_length_linter()) ) # interaction with plain nolint expect_lint( trim_some(" x = 1 # NLN: assignment_linter. x = 2 "), list(rex::rex("Use one of <-, <<- for assignment, not =."), line_number = 1L), linter ) })