test_that("GitHub Actions functionality works", { withr::local_envvar(list(GITHUB_ACTIONS = "true", IN_PKGDOWN = "false")) withr::local_options(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = FALSE) tmp <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = "x <- 1:nrow(y)") l <- lint(tmp) expect_output(print(l), "::warning file", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("GitHub Actions functionality works in a subdirectory", { pkg_path <- test_path("dummy_packages", "assignmentLinter") withr::local_envvar(list(GITHUB_ACTIONS = "true")) withr::local_options(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = FALSE, lintr.github_annotation_project_dir = pkg_path) l <- lint_package( pkg_path, linters = list(assignment_linter()), parse_settings = FALSE ) expect_output( print(l), paste0("::warning file=", file.path(pkg_path, "R(/|\\\\)abc\\.R")) ) }) patrick::with_parameters_test_that( "GitHub Actions - error on lint works", { withr::local_envvar(list(GITHUB_ACTIONS = "true", IN_PKGDOWN = "", LINTR_ERROR_ON_LINT = env_var_value)) withr::local_options(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = FALSE) tmp <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = "x <- 1:nrow(y)") l <- lint(tmp) local_mocked_bindings(quit = function(...) cat("Tried to quit.\n")) expect_output(print(l), "::warning file", fixed = TRUE) }, env_var_value = list("T", "true") ) patrick::with_parameters_test_that( "GitHub Actions - env var for error on lint is converted to logical", { withr::local_envvar(list(GITHUB_ACTIONS = "true", LINTR_ERROR_ON_LINT = env_var_value)) withr::local_options(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = FALSE) tmp <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = "x <- 1:nrow(y)") l <- lint(tmp) expect_output(print(l), "::warning file", fixed = TRUE) }, env_var_value = list("", "F", NA, NULL) ) test_that("GitHub Actions log is skipped in pkgdown websites", { withr::local_envvar(list(GITHUB_ACTIONS = "true", IN_PKGDOWN = "true")) withr::local_options(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = FALSE) tmp <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = "x <- 1:nrow(y)") l <- lint(tmp, linters = seq_linter()) expect_output(print(l), "warning: [seq_linter]", fixed = TRUE) })