# Helpers for lintr tests single_quote <- function(x) paste0("'", x, "'") double_quote <- function(x) paste0('"', x, '"') #' Trim some leading whitespace #' #' Trim `num` characters from the start of every line in `x`, or auto-detect to remove the maximum number whitespace #' from all lines while preserving relative indentation #' #' @param x a string containing newlines #' @param num number of characters to strip from the start of each line. #' `NULL` will auto-detect this based on the minimum number of leading spaces greater than one. #' #' @return A modified version of `x` with `num` characters removed from the start of every line and with a possible #' leading and trailing blank line removed. #' #' @examples #' my_var <- local({ #' out <- trim_some(" #' This will be the content #' of the file where #' only the following line #' is indented by two spaces. #' ") #' }) #' #' stopifnot(identical( #' my_var, #' "This will be the content\nof the file where\nonly the following line\n is indented by two spaces." #' )) trim_some <- function(x, num = NULL) { x <- rex::re_substitutes( x, rex::rex(list(start, any_blanks, newline) %or% list(newline, any_blanks, end)), replacement = "", global = TRUE ) if (is.null(num)) { ms <- rex::re_matches(x, "^\\s+", locations = TRUE, global = TRUE, options = "multi-line")[[1L]] num <- min(ms$end - ms$start) + 1L } rex::re_substitutes(x, rex::rex(start, n_times(any, num)), "", global = TRUE, options = "multi-line") } local_config <- function(config_dir, contents, filename = ".lintr", .local_envir = parent.frame()) { config_path <- file.path(config_dir, filename) writeLines(contents, config_path) withr::defer(unlink(config_path), envir = .local_envir) config_path } skip_if_not_r_version <- function(min_version) { if (getRversion() < min_version) { testthat::skip(paste("R version at least", min_version, "is required")) } } skip_if_not_utf8_locale <- function() { testthat::skip_if_not(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]], "Not a UTF-8 locale") } safe_load_help_db <- function() { help_db <- tryCatch(tools::Rd_db("lintr"), error = function(e) NULL) # e.g. in dev under pkgload::load_all() if (length(help_db) == 0L) { help_db <- tryCatch(tools::Rd_db(dir = testthat::test_path("..", "..")), error = function(e) NULL) testthat::skip_if_not(length(help_db) > 0L, message = "Package help corrupted or not installed") } help_db } pipes <- function(exclude = NULL) { if (getRversion() < "4.1.0") exclude <- unique(c(exclude, "|>")) all_pipes <- c( standard = "%>%", greedy = "%!>%", tee = "%T>%", assignment = "%<>%", extraction = "%$%", native = "|>" ) all_pipes[!all_pipes %in% exclude] }