regexes <- list( assign = rex::rex("Use <-, not =, for assignment."), local_var = rex::rex("local variable"), quotes = rex::rex("Only use double-quotes."), trailing = rex::rex("Trailing blank lines are superfluous."), trailws = rex::rex("Trailing whitespace is superfluous."), indent = rex::rex("Indentation should be") ) test_that("it handles dir", { file_pattern <- rex::rex(".R", one_of("html", "md", "nw", "rst", "tex", "txt")) lints <- lint_dir(path = "knitr_formats", pattern = file_pattern, parse_settings = FALSE) # For every file there should be at least 1 lint expect_identical( sort(unique(names(lints))), sort(list.files(test_path("knitr_formats"), pattern = file_pattern)) ) }) test_that("it handles markdown", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_formats", "test.Rmd"), checks = list( list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 9L), list(regexes[["local_var"]], line_number = 22L), list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 22L), list(regexes[["trailing"]], line_number = 24L) ), linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) }) test_that("it handles quarto", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_formats", "test.qmd"), checks = list( list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 9L), list(regexes[["local_var"]], line_number = 22L), list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 22L), list(regexes[["trailing"]], line_number = 24L) ), linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) }) test_that("it handles Sweave", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_formats", "test.Rnw"), checks = list( list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 12L), list(regexes[["local_var"]], line_number = 24L), list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 24L), list(regexes[["trailing"]], line_number = 26L) ), linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) }) test_that("it handles reStructuredText", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_formats", "test.Rrst"), checks = list( list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 10L), list(regexes[["local_var"]], line_number = 23L), list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 23L), list(regexes[["trailing"]], line_number = 25L) ), linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) }) test_that("it handles HTML", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_formats", "test.Rhtml"), checks = list( list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 15L), list(regexes[["local_var"]], line_number = 27L), list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 27L), list(regexes[["trailing"]], line_number = 29L) ), linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) }) test_that("it handles tex", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_formats", "test.Rtex"), checks = list( list(regexes[["indent"]], line_number = 11L), # TODO(AshesITR): # masking the Rtex escape char by whitespace causes false-positive indentation lints list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 11L), list(regexes[["indent"]], line_number = 22L), list(regexes[["local_var"]], line_number = 23L), list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 23L), list(regexes[["trailing"]], line_number = 25L), list(regexes[["trailws"]], line_number = 25L) # TODO(AshesITR): #1043 # file_lines contains a whitespace on the final line for Rtex, because that is used to mark the Rtex escape char # "%" as well. # cf. get_source_expressions("tests/testthat/knitr_formats/test.Rtex")$lines[[25]] ), linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) }) test_that("it handles asciidoc", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_formats", "test.Rtxt"), checks = list( list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 9L), list(regexes[["local_var"]], line_number = 22L), list(regexes[["assign"]], line_number = 22L), list(regexes[["trailing"]], line_number = 24L) ), linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) }) test_that("it does _not_ handle brew", { expect_lint("'<% a %>'\n", checks = list( regexes[["quotes"]], regexes[["trailing"]] ), default_linters ) }) test_that("it does _not_ error with inline \\Sexpr", { expect_lint( "#' text \\Sexpr{1 + 1} more text", NULL, default_linters ) }) test_that("it does lint .Rmd or .qmd file with malformed input", { expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_malformed", "incomplete_r_block.Rmd"), checks = "Missing chunk end", linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) expect_lint( file = test_path("knitr_malformed", "incomplete_r_block.qmd"), checks = "Missing chunk end", linters = default_linters, parse_settings = FALSE ) contents <- c( trim_some(" ```{r chunk} lm(x ~ y) # some text ``` bash ``` "), trim_some(" ```{r chunk-1} code <- 42 # A heading Some text ```{r chunk-2} some_more_code <- 42 ``` "), trim_some(" ```{r chunk-1} code <- 42 ``` # A heading Some text ```{r chunk-2} some_more_code <- 42 ") ) expected <- list( NULL, # This test case would require parsing all chunk fences, not just r chunks. "maybe starting at line 1", "maybe starting at line 8" ) for (i in seq_along(contents)) { expect_lint(contents[[i]], expected[[i]], linters = list()) } })