data(agaricus.train, package = "lightgbm") data(agaricus.test, package = "lightgbm") train <- agaricus.train test <- agaricus.test test_that("Feature penalties work properly", { # Fit a series of models with varying penalty on most important variable var_name <- "odor=none" var_index <- which(train$data@Dimnames[[2L]] == var_name) bst <- lapply(seq(1.0, 0.0, by = -0.1), function(x) { feature_penalties <- rep(1.0, ncol(train$data)) feature_penalties[var_index] <- x lightgbm( data = train$data , label = train$label , params = list( num_leaves = 5L , learning_rate = 0.05 , objective = "binary" , feature_penalty = paste(feature_penalties, collapse = ",") , metric = "binary_error" , num_threads = .LGB_MAX_THREADS ) , nrounds = 5L , verbose = -1L ) }) var_gain <- lapply(bst, function(x) lgb.importance(x)[Feature == var_name, Gain]) var_cover <- lapply(bst, function(x) lgb.importance(x)[Feature == var_name, Cover]) var_freq <- lapply(bst, function(x) lgb.importance(x)[Feature == var_name, Frequency]) # Ensure that feature gain, cover, and frequency decreases with stronger penalties expect_true(all(diff(unlist(var_gain)) <= 0.0)) expect_true(all(diff(unlist(var_cover)) <= 0.0)) expect_true(all(diff(unlist(var_freq)) <= 0.0)) expect_lt(min(diff(unlist(var_gain))), 0.0) expect_lt(min(diff(unlist(var_cover))), 0.0) expect_lt(min(diff(unlist(var_freq))), 0.0) # Ensure that feature is not used when feature_penalty = 0 expect_length(var_gain[[length(var_gain)]], 0L) }) test_that(".PARAMETER_ALIASES() returns a named list of character vectors, where names are unique", { param_aliases <- .PARAMETER_ALIASES() expect_identical(class(param_aliases), "list") expect_true(length(param_aliases) > 100L) expect_true(is.character(names(param_aliases))) expect_true(is.character(param_aliases[["boosting"]])) expect_true(is.character(param_aliases[["early_stopping_round"]])) expect_true(is.character(param_aliases[["num_iterations"]])) expect_true(is.character(param_aliases[["pre_partition"]])) expect_true(length(names(param_aliases)) == length(param_aliases)) expect_true(all(sapply(param_aliases, is.character))) expect_true(length(unique(names(param_aliases))) == length(param_aliases)) expect_equal(sort(param_aliases[["task"]]), c("task", "task_type")) expect_equal(param_aliases[["bagging_fraction"]], c("bagging_fraction", "bagging", "sub_row", "subsample")) }) test_that(".PARAMETER_ALIASES() uses the internal session cache", { cache_key <- "PARAMETER_ALIASES" # clear cache, so this test isn't reliant on the order unit tests are run in if (exists(cache_key, where = .lgb_session_cache_env)) { rm(list = cache_key, envir = .lgb_session_cache_env) } expect_false(exists(cache_key, where = .lgb_session_cache_env)) # check that result looks correct for at least one parameter iter_aliases <- .PARAMETER_ALIASES()[["num_iterations"]] expect_true(is.character(iter_aliases)) expect_true(all(c("num_round", "nrounds") %in% iter_aliases)) # patch the cache to check that .PARAMETER_ALIASES() checks it assign( x = cache_key , value = list(num_iterations = c("test", "other_test")) , envir = .lgb_session_cache_env ) iter_aliases <- .PARAMETER_ALIASES()[["num_iterations"]] expect_equal(iter_aliases, c("test", "other_test")) # re-set cache so this doesn't interfere with other unit tests if (exists(cache_key, where = .lgb_session_cache_env)) { rm(list = cache_key, envir = .lgb_session_cache_env) } expect_false(exists(cache_key, where = .lgb_session_cache_env)) }) test_that("training should warn if you use 'dart' boosting with early stopping", { for (boosting_param in .PARAMETER_ALIASES()[["boosting"]]) { params <- list( num_leaves = 5L , learning_rate = 0.05 , objective = "binary" , metric = "binary_error" , num_threads = .LGB_MAX_THREADS ) params[[boosting_param]] <- "dart" # warning: early stopping requested expect_warning({ result <- lightgbm( data = train$data , label = train$label , params = params , nrounds = 2L , verbose = .LGB_VERBOSITY , early_stopping_rounds = 1L ) }, regexp = "Early stopping is not available in 'dart' mode") # no warning: early stopping not requested expect_silent({ result <- lightgbm( data = train$data , label = train$label , params = params , nrounds = 2L , verbose = .LGB_VERBOSITY , early_stopping_rounds = NULL ) }) } }) test_that(" should warn if you use 'dart' boosting with early stopping", { for (boosting_param in .PARAMETER_ALIASES()[["boosting"]]) { params <- list( num_leaves = 5L , objective = "binary" , metric = "binary_error" , num_threads = .LGB_MAX_THREADS ) params[[boosting_param]] <- "dart" # warning: early stopping requested expect_warning({ result <- data = lgb.Dataset( data = train$data , label = train$label ) , params = params , nrounds = 2L , verbose = .LGB_VERBOSITY , early_stopping_rounds = 1L ) }, regexp = "Early stopping is not available in 'dart' mode") # no warning: early stopping not requested expect_silent({ result <- data = lgb.Dataset( data = train$data , label = train$label ) , params = params , nrounds = 2L , verbose = .LGB_VERBOSITY , early_stopping_rounds = NULL ) }) } })