context("Manipulation Tests") base_path <- "c:\\packages\\libr\\tests\\testthat\\data" base_path <- "./data" test_that("libm01: lib_load() and lib_unload() functions works as expected.", { libname(dat, base_path, engine = "csv") # Should not get an error here suppressWarnings(lib_unload(dat)) lib_load(dat) expect_equal(nrow(dat.demo_studya), 10) expect_equal(nrow(dat.demo_studyb), 2) lib_unload(dat) expect_equal("dat.demo_studya" %in% ls(), FALSE) expect_equal("dat.demo_studyb" %in% ls(), FALSE) }) test_that("libm02: lib_size() works as expected.", { libname(dat, base_path, "csv") expect_equal(lib_size(dat) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(lib_size(dat) < 900, TRUE) }) test_that("libm03: lib_info() works as expected.", { libname(dat, base_path, "csv") info <- lib_info(dat) expect_equal(nrow(info) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(info[1, "Size"] != "" , TRUE) }) test_that("libm04: lib_path() works as expected.", { libname(dat, base_path, "csv") pth <- lib_path(dat) expect_equal(pth, base_path) }) test_that("libm05: lib_sync() function works as expected.", { libname(dat, base_path, engine = "csv") ld <- is.loaded.lib("dat") expect_equal(ld, FALSE) lib_load(dat) ld <- is.loaded.lib("dat") expect_equal(ld, TRUE) acount <- nrow(dat.demo_studya) bcount <- nrow(dat.demo_studyb) tmp <- dat.demo_studya dat.demo_studya <- dat.demo_studyb dat.demo_studyb <- tmp dat <- lib_sync(dat) expect_equal(nrow(dat$demo_studya), bcount) expect_equal(nrow(dat$demo_studyb), acount) lib_unload(dat) ld <- is.loaded.lib("dat") expect_equal(ld, FALSE) }) test_that("libm06: lib_sync() function can add a new item from workspace.", { libname(dat, base_path, engine = "csv") lib_load(dat) dat.demo_studyc <- mtcars lib_sync(dat) expect_equal(length(dat), 3) }) test_that("libm07: lib_unload() function can add a new item from workspace.", { libname(dat, base_path, engine = "csv") lib_load(dat) dat.demo_studyc <- mtcars lib_unload(dat) expect_equal(length(dat), 3) }) test_that("libm08: lib_add() function works as expected unloaded.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path) lib_add(dat, mtcars, iris) inf <- lib_info(dat) expect_equal(length(dat), 2) expect_equal(nrow(inf), 2) lib_add(dat, mtcars, iris, name = c("fork", "bork")) expect_equal(length(dat), 4) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm09: lib_add() function works as expected loaded.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path) lib_load(dat) lib_add(dat, mtcars, iris) inf <- lib_info(dat) expect_equal(length(dat), 2) expect_equal(nrow(inf), 2) lib_add(dat, mtcars, iris, name = c("fork", "bork")) expect_equal(length(dat), 4) lib_unload(dat) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm10: lib_remove() work as expected with multiple names.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path) lib_add(dat, mtcars, iris) expect_equal(length(dat), 2) lib_remove(dat, c("mtcars", "iris")) expect_equal(length(dat), 0) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm11: lib_add(), lib_remove() functions work as expected unloaded.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path) lib_add(dat, mtcars, iris) expect_equal(length(dat), 2) lib_remove(dat, "mtcars") expect_equal(length(dat), 1) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm12: lib_add(), lib_remove() functions work as expected loaded.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path) lib_load(dat) lib_add(dat, mtcars, iris) expect_equal(length(dat), 2) lib_remove(dat, "mtcars") expect_equal(length(dat), 1) lib_remove(dat, "iris") expect_equal(length(dat), 0) lib_unload(dat) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm13: lib_write() function can add a new item and save as rds.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path) lib_add(dat, mtcars) lib_write(dat) res <- file.exists(file.path(alt_path, "mtcars.rds")) expect_equal(res, TRUE) lib_remove(dat, "mtcars") lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm14: lib_add() function can add a new item and save as csv", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path, engine = "csv") lib_add(dat, mtcars) res <- file.exists(file.path(alt_path, "mtcars.csv")) expect_equal(res, TRUE) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm15: lib_add() function can add a new item and save as xslx", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path, engine = "xlsx") lib_add(dat, mtcars) res <- file.exists(file.path(alt_path, "mtcars.xlsx")) expect_equal(res, TRUE) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm16: lib_add() function can add a new item and save as rds", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path, engine = "rds") lib_add(dat, mtcars) res <- file.exists(file.path(alt_path, "mtcars.rds")) expect_equal(res, TRUE) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm17: lib_add() function can add a new item and save as sas7bdat", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path, engine = "sas7bdat") lib_add(dat, mtcars) res <- file.exists(file.path(alt_path, "mtcars.sas7bdat")) #expect_equal(res, TRUE) expect_equal(res, FALSE) # FALSE for now lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm18: lib_write() function can add a new item to sas7bdat libname from workspace.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path, engine = "sas7bdat") lib_load(dat) dat.demo_studyc <- mtcars lib_write(dat) pth <- file.path(lib_path(dat), "demo_studyc.sas7bdat") res <- file.exists(pth) # expect_equal(res, TRUE) expect_equal(res, FALSE) # For now this is false. Hope to make it true in the future. lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm19: lib_write() function can add a new item from workspace.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, alt_path, engine = "csv") lib_load(dat) dat.demo_studyc <- mtcars lib_write(dat) pth <- file.path(lib_path(dat), "demo_studyc.csv") res <- file.exists(pth) expect_equal(res, TRUE) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm20: lib_copy() works as expected.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, base_path, "csv") lib_copy(dat, dat2, alt_path) expect_equal(file.exists(file.path(alt_path, "demo_studyb.csv")), TRUE) lib_delete(dat2) }) test_that("libm21: read-only flag works as expected.", { libname(dat, base_path, "csv", read_only = TRUE) expect_error(lib_add(dat, mtcars)) expect_error(lib_remove(dat, "demo_studya")) expect_error(lib_delete(dat)) expect_error(lib_write(dat)) expect_error(lib_replace(dat, mtcars, "demo_studya")) }) test_that("libm22: lib_write non-changed csv data works as expected.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, base_path, "csv") lib_copy(dat, dat2, alt_path) info1 <- lib_info(dat2) Sys.sleep(2) lib_replace(dat2, mtcars, name = "demo_studya") info2 <- lib_info(dat2) d1 <- subset(info1, Name == "demo_studya") d2 <- subset(info2, Name == "demo_studya") d3 <- subset(info1, Name == "demo_studyb") d4 <- subset(info2, Name == "demo_studyb") expect_equal(d1[1, 6] == d2[1, 6], FALSE) expect_equal(d3[1, 6] == d4[1, 6], TRUE) lib_delete(dat2) }) test_that("libm23: lib_write non-changed rds data works as expected.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, base_path, "rds") lib_copy(dat, dat2, alt_path) info1 <- lib_info(dat2) Sys.sleep(2) lib_replace(dat2, mtcars, name = "demo_studya") info2 <- lib_info(dat2) d1 <- subset(info1, Name == "demo_studya") d2 <- subset(info2, Name == "demo_studya") d3 <- subset(info1, Name == "demo_studyb") d4 <- subset(info2, Name == "demo_studyb") expect_equal(d1[1, 6] == d2[1, 6], FALSE) expect_equal(d3[1, 6] == d4[1, 6], TRUE) lib_delete(dat2) }) # Copy won't work for sas7bdat # test_that("lib_write non-changed sas7bdat data works as expected.", { # # alt_path <- tempdir() # # libname(dat, base_path, "sas7bdat") # # lib_copy(dat, dat2, alt_path) # # info1 <- lib_info(dat2) # # Sys.sleep(2) # # lib_replace(dat2, mtcars, name = "demo_studya") # # # info2 <- lib_info(dat2) # # # d1 <- subset(info1, Name == "demo_studya") # d2 <- subset(info2, Name == "demo_studya") # # d3 <- subset(info1, Name == "demo_studyb") # d4 <- subset(info2, Name == "demo_studyb") # # expect_equal(d1[1, 5] == d2[1, 5], FALSE) # expect_equal(d3[1, 5] == d4[1, 5], TRUE) # # lib_delete(dat2) # # }) test_that("libm24: lib_write non-changed xlsx data works as expected.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, base_path, "xlsx") lib_copy(dat, dat2, alt_path) info1 <- lib_info(dat2) Sys.sleep(2) lib_replace(dat2, mtcars, name = "demo_studya") lib_write(dat2) info2 <- lib_info(dat2) expect_equal(info1[2, 6] == info2[2, 6], TRUE) expect_equal(info1[1, 6] == info2[1, 6], FALSE) lib_delete(dat2) }) test_that("libm25: force option works as expected.", { tmp <- tempdir() libname(dat, tmp) lib_add(dat, mtcars) res <- lib_info(dat) Sys.sleep(2) lib_write(dat, force = TRUE) res2 <- lib_info(dat) expect_equal(res[1, 6] == res2[1, 6], FALSE) lib_delete(dat) }) test_that("libm26: xpt engine works as expected.", { tmp <- tempdir() libname(dat, tmp, "xpt") lib_add(dat, mtcars) expect_equal(file.exists(file.path(tmp, "mtcars.xpt")), TRUE) libname(dat2, tmp, "xpt") expect_equal(nrow(dat2$mtcars), 32) lib_delete(dat) lib_delete(dat2) }) test_that("libm27: Read existing xpt files.", { tmp <- tempdir() libname(dat, base_path, "xpt", filter = "ad*") expect_equal(length(dat), 2) expect_equal(nrow(dat$adae), 1191) expect_equal(nrow(dat$adsl), 254) }) test_that("libm28: dbf engine works as expected.", { tmp <- tempdir() libname(dat, tmp, "dbf") lib_add(dat, mtcars) expect_equal(file.exists(file.path(tmp, "mtcars.dbf")), TRUE) libname(dat2, tmp, "dbf") expect_equal(nrow(dat2$mtcars), 32) lib_delete(dat) lib_delete(dat2) }) test_that("libm29: dbf engine works as expected with tibble.", { tmp <- tempdir() libname(dat, tmp, "dbf") lib_add(dat, as_tibble(mtcars), name = "mtcars") expect_equal(file.exists(file.path(tmp, "mtcars.dbf")), TRUE) libname(dat2, tmp, "dbf") expect_equal(nrow(dat2$mtcars), 32) lib_delete(dat) lib_delete(dat2) }) test_that("libm30: lib_load() function works as expected with filter", { libname(dat, file.path( base_path, "SDTM"), engine = "sas7bdat") lib_load(dat, c("ae", "dm", "lb", "vs")) d <- ls() expect_equal(all(c("", "", "", "dat.vs") %in% d), TRUE) expect_equal(any(c("dat.da", "dat.ds", "dat.ex", "") %in% d), FALSE) lib_unload(dat) lib_load(dat, filter = c("*e")) d <- ls() expect_equal(all(c("", "", "") %in% d), TRUE) expect_equal(any(c("dat.da", "dat.ds", "dat.ex", "") %in% d), FALSE) lib_unload(dat) lib_load(dat, filter = c("d*", "ex", "qs")) d <- ls() expect_equal(all(c("dat.da", "", "dat.ds", "dat.ex") %in% d), TRUE) expect_equal(any(c("", "", "", "") %in% d), FALSE) lib_unload(dat) }) test_that("libm31: lib_write() changed csv data works as expected.", { alt_path <- tempdir() libname(dat, base_path, "csv") lib_copy(dat, dat2, alt_path) l1 <- lib_info(dat2) l1 expect_equal(nrow(l1), 2) d1 <- dat2$demo_studyb d1$visit[1] <- 1 dat2$demo_studyb <- d1 dat2$demo_studyc <- mtcars Sys.sleep(2) lib_write(dat2) l2 <- lib_info(dat2) l2 expect_equal(nrow(l2), 3) expect_equal(l1[[1, "LastModified"]] == l2[[1, "LastModified"]], TRUE) expect_equal(l1[[2, "LastModified"]] == l2[[2, "LastModified"]], FALSE) lib_delete(dat2) }) test_that("libm32: parquet engine works as expected.", { tmp <- tempdir() libname(dat, tmp, "parquet") lib_add(dat, mtcars) expect_equal(file.exists(file.path(tmp, "mtcars.parquet")), TRUE) libname(dat2, tmp, "parquet") expect_equal(nrow(dat2$mtcars), 32) lib_delete(dat) lib_delete(dat2) })