library(lgpr) source("helpers/SW.R") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- context("Creating GaussianPrediction objects") N_ITER <- 35 N_CHAINS <- 2 SW({ fit <- example_fit(iter = N_ITER, chains = N_CHAINS) }) test_that("pred works with defaults", { a <- pred(fit = fit, verbose = FALSE) expect_s4_class(a, "GaussianPrediction") expect_output(show(a)) }) test_that("pred works with reduce = NULL", { a <- pred(fit = fit, reduce = NULL, verbose = FALSE) expect_s4_class(a, "GaussianPrediction") expect_output(show(a)) }) test_that("pred works with defaults and given x", { x_pred <- new_x(fit, x_values = seq(0, 100, by = 2.5)) a <- pred(fit = fit, x = x_pred, verbose = FALSE) expect_s4_class(a, "GaussianPrediction") expect_output(show(a)) }) test_that("pred works with defaults and given x, and reduce = NULL", { x_pred <- new_x(fit, x_values = seq(0, 100, by = 2.5)) a <- pred( fit = fit, x = x_pred, reduce = NULL, draws = c(2, 5), verbose = FALSE ) expect_s4_class(a, "GaussianPrediction") expect_output(show(a)) # Check that default is verbose (should print also progbars) expect_output({ pp <- pred(fit = fit, x = x_pred, reduce = NULL) }) }) test_that("cant accidentally start very large computations", { x_pred <- new_x(fit, x_values = seq(0, 100, by = 0.05)) expect_error( pred(fit = fit, x = x_pred, verbose = FALSE, reduce = NULL), "set force = TRUE if you are sure you want to do this" ) }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- context("Creating Prediction objects") SW({ fit <- example_fit(iter = N_ITER, chains = N_CHAINS, likelihood = "nb") }) test_that("pred works with defaults", { a <- pred(fit = fit, verbose = FALSE) expect_s4_class(a, "Prediction") expect_output(show(a)) }) test_that("pred works with reduce = NULL", { a <- pred(fit = fit, reduce = NULL, verbose = FALSE) expect_s4_class(a, "Prediction") expect_output(show(a)) }) test_that("pred works with defaults and given x (extrapolation)", { x_pred <- new_x(fit, x_values = seq(0, 100, by = 2.5)) a <- pred(fit = fit, x = x_pred, verbose = FALSE) expect_s4_class(a, "Prediction") expect_output(show(a)) }) test_that("pred works with defaults and given x, and reduce = NULL", { x_pred <- new_x(fit, x_values = seq(0, 100, by = 2.5)) a <- pred( fit = fit, x = x_pred, reduce = NULL, draws = c(2, 5), verbose = FALSE ) expect_s4_class(a, "Prediction") expect_output(show(a)) # Check that default is verbose (should print also progbars) # should also print "c_hat_pred not given, using constant c_hat_pred =" expect_output({ pred(fit = fit, x = x_pred, reduce = NULL) }) })