library(lfe) options(lfe.threads=2,digits=5,warn=1,lfe.eps=1e-5) set.seed(42) x <- rnorm(400) x2 <- rnorm(length(x)) id <- factor(sample(10,length(x),replace=TRUE)) firm <- factor(sample(3,length(x),replace=TRUE,prob=c(2,1,1))) id.eff <- rnorm(nlevels(id)) firm.eff <- rnorm(nlevels(firm)) ## left hand side u <- rnorm(length(x)) x3 <- 0.2*x + 0.3*x2 + rnorm(length(x)) x4 <- 0.1*x - 0.2*x2 + rnorm(length(x)) Q <- 0.3*x3 + 0.4*x4 + x + 0.2*x2 + id.eff[id] + 0.15*u + rnorm(length(x),sd=0.2) R <- 0.3*x3 + 0.33*x4 + 0.2*x + 0.5*x2 + 0.7*id.eff[id] - 0.11*u + rnorm(length(x),sd=0.2) y <- x + 0.5*x2 + id.eff[id] + firm.eff[firm] + Q + R + u ## estimate and print result est <- felm(y ~ x+x2 | id+firm |(Q|R~x3+x4)) summary(est,robust=TRUE) summary(felm(y ~ x+x2 | id+firm |(Q|R~x3+x4), kclass='liml')) update(est, . ~ x) # try it from within a function fr <- data.frame(y,x,id,firm,Q,R,x3,x4) fun <- function() { Y <- y S <- Q clu <- factor(sample(10,length(x), replace=TRUE)) felm(Y ~ x+x2 | id + firm |(Q|R ~ x3+x4), cluster=clu) fr <- data.frame(y,x,x2,id,firm,Q,R,x3,x4,clu) # test whether it finds names in the wrong place. `S(fit)` <-'a') R <-'b') felm(y ~ x+x2 | id + firm |(S|R ~ x3+x4)|clu, data=fr) } est <- fun() rm(x2) summary(est, robust=TRUE) for(lh in est$stage1$lhs) print(summary(est$stage1, lhs=lh)) print(condfstat(est,NULL,quantiles=c(0.1,0.5,0.9)))