context("Test clustering comparisons of") test_that("two-level clustering works", { # Does this regression make sense? Definitely not! cgm_est <- stats::coef(summary(felm( Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind | Day | 0 | Day + Month, data = airquality ))) # Results from running the above with # cgm_expected <- matrix(c( # Coef Cluster SE t-stat p-value 0.09926081, 0.02835782, 3.500297, 0.024889465, -5.57693782, 1.03966448, -5.364171, 0.005830014 ), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2, dimnames=list( c("Solar.R", "Wind"), # rows c("Estimate", "Cluster s.e.", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)") # columns ) ) expect_equal(cgm_est, cgm_expected, tolerance = 0.0001, scale = 1) reghdfe_stats <- stats::coef(summary(felm( Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind | Day | 0 | Day + Month, data = airquality, cmethod = "reghdfe" ))) # Results from running the above in Stata's reghdfe # To export: # names(airquality) <- gsub('.', '_', names(airquality), fixed=TRUE) # haven::write_dta(data=airquality, path="airquality.dta", version=14) # In stata: # use airquality, clear # reghdfe Ozone Solar_R Wind , absorb(Day) cluster(Month Day) # regsave, tstat pval # list # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | var coef stderr tstat pval N r2 | # |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| # 1. | Solar_R .0992608 .0285888 3.47202 .0255366 109 .6644437 | # 2. | Wind -5.576938 1.053322 -5.29462 .0061094 109 .6644437 | # 3. | _cons 78.6738 10.32352 7.620831 .0015917 109 .6644437 | # +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Results above are with Stata 15.1 and reghdfe 5.6.8 03mar2018 reghdfe_expected <- matrix(c( # Coef Cluster SE t-stat p-value 0.0992608, 0.0285888, 3.47202, 0.0255366, -5.576938, 1.053322, -5.29462, 0.0061094 ), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2, dimnames=list( c("Solar.R", "Wind"), # rows c("Estimate", "Cluster s.e.", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)") # columns ) ) expect_equal(reghdfe_stats, reghdfe_expected,tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1) })