test_that("gizmo_histogram can compute histograms in various ways", { values <- mtcars$mpg target <- hist(mtcars$mpg, breaks = 10, plot = FALSE) scale <- scale_colour_gradient(limits = range(values)) scale$train(values) fields <- c("breaks", "counts") guide <- gizmo_histogram(hist = target) expect_equal(guide$params$hist[fields], target[fields]) guide <- gizmo_histogram(hist = values, hist.args = list(breaks = 10)) params <- guide$train(guide$params, scale, "colour") expect_equal(params$decor[fields], target[fields]) p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(drat, wt, colour = mpg)) + geom_point() + guides(colour = gizmo_histogram(hist.args = list(breaks = 10))) b <- ggplot_build(p) result <- b$plot$guides$params[[1]]$decor expect_equal(result$x, rep(target$breaks, each = 2)) expect_equal(result$y, c(0, rep(rescale_max(target$counts, to = c(0, 0.9)), each = 2), 0)) }) test_that("check_histogram throws appropriate errors", { expect_silent( check_histogram(hist(mtcars$mpg, plot = FALSE)) ) expect_error( check_histogram(arg = "x"), "cannot be missing" ) expect_error( check_histogram(list(foo = 1, bar = 2)), "must have named" ) expect_error( check_histogram(list(breaks = 1, counts = 1)), "should be exactly 1 longer" ) expect_error( check_histogram(list(breaks = 1, counts = integer())), "more than or equal to 2" ) }) test_that("hist(plot = TRUE) is suppressed", { skip_if_not_installed("ragg") # Normally hist should shade pixels in ragg's buffer cap <- ragg::agg_capture() hist(mtcars$mpg, plot = TRUE) img <- cap() dev.off() expect_gt(length(unique(as.vector(img))), 1) # But using it in `gizmo_histogram()` should suppress that cap <- ragg::agg_capture() gizmo_histogram(hist = hist(mtcars$mpg, plot = TRUE)) img <- cap() dev.off() expect_equal(unique(as.vector(img)), "white") })