test_that("forked_evaluator works as expected", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(is_windows(), message = "Skipping forked evaluator testing on Windows") skip_if(is_mac(), message = "Skipping forked evaluator testing on macOS") ex <- mock_exercise("Sys.sleep(1)\n1:100", check = I("last_value")) forked_eval_ex <- forked_evaluator_factory(evaluate_exercise(ex, new.env()), 2) # not yet started expect_equal(forked_eval_ex$completed(), NA) expect_null(forked_eval_ex$result()) # start evaluator and check that it's running (not completed) forked_eval_ex$start() # right away, the forked evaluator is *certainly* not complete yet expect_silent(expect_equal(forked_eval_ex$completed(), FALSE)) # poll the forked evaluator until it's ready while (!expect_silent(forked_eval_ex$completed())) { Sys.sleep(0.1) } # when the evaluator is complete, we should be able to call $completed() again expect_silent(expect_equal(forked_eval_ex$completed(), TRUE)) # finally check that $result() gives us our exercise feedback expect_equal(forked_eval_ex$result()$feedback$checker_result, 1:100) }) skip_if_not_installed("curl") library(promises) pool <- curl::new_pool(total_con = 5, host_con = 5) # TODO: consider using testthat::setup/teardown, but we want to conditionally # skip these tests which makes that more complicated. # @param responses - a list indexed by ` ` which maps to an httpuv # response. e.g. list(`GET /` = list(status = 200L, headers = list(), body = "OK")) start_server <- function(responses, quiet = TRUE){ srv <- NULL result <- new.env(parent=emptyenv()) result$reqs <- NULL result$port <- httpuv::randomPort() result$url <- paste0("http://localhost:", result$port) if (!isTRUE(quiet)) { cat("Starting server on port", result$port, "\n") } req_to_id <- function(req){ paste(req$REQUEST_METHOD, req$PATH_INFO) } # An HTTP server that stashes away all of the requests for later analysis srv <- httpuv::startServer( host = "", port = result$port, quiet = quiet, app = list( call = function(req) { body <- req$rook.input$read() result$reqs[[ length(result$reqs) + 1 ]] <<- list(req = req, body=body) # See if this method + path has a defined response id <- req_to_id(req) if (!is.null(responses[[id]])){ res <- responses[[id]] if (is.function(res)){ # Invoke return(res()) } else { return(res) } } # Otherwise, 404 list( status = 404L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'text/html' ), body = paste("Not found:", id) ) } ) ) result$stop <- srv$stop result } test_that("initiate_external_session works", { testthat::skip_on_cran() responses <- list(`POST /learnr/` = list( status = 200L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = '{"id": "abcd1234"}' )) srv <- start_server(responses) withr::defer(srv$stop()) failed <- FALSE sess_ids <- NULL cb <- function(result){ sess_ids <<- c(sess_ids, result$id) } err_cb <- function(res){ print(res) testthat::fail("Unexpected error from initiate_external_session") failed <<- TRUE } # Initiate a handful of sessions all at once initiate_external_session(pool, paste0(srv$url, "/learnr/"), "") %>% then(cb, err_cb) initiate_external_session(pool, paste0(srv$url, "/learnr/"), "") %>% then(cb, err_cb) initiate_external_session(pool, paste0(srv$url, "/learnr/"), "") %>% then(cb, err_cb) while(!failed && length(sess_ids) < 3){ later::run_now() } expect_equal(failed, FALSE) expect_equal(sess_ids, rep("abcd1234", 3)) expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(srv$reqs[[1]]$body)), list(global_setup = "")) }) test_that("initiate_external_session doesn't wait on all requests", { # We previously used curl::multi_run which, it turns out, waits for ALL # requests in the pool to resolve, not just the handle you provide. So this # test ensures that a single slow request in the pool doesn't slow down other # requests. testthat::skip_on_cran() responses <- list(`POST /learnr/` = list( status = 200L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = '{"id": "abcd1234"}' )) srv <- start_server(responses) withr::defer(srv$stop()) result <- NULL cb <- function(result){ result <<- TRUE } err_cb <- function(res){ print(res) testthat::fail("Unexpected error from initiate_external_session") result <<- FALSE } start <- Sys.time() # Trigger a slow (2s) request curl::curl_fetch_multi("http://www.httpbin.org/delay/2", done = function(res){ expect_gt(difftime(Sys.time(), start, units="secs"), 2) }, pool = pool) # Initiate a session initiate_external_session(pool, paste0(srv$url, "/learnr/"), "") %>% then(cb, err_cb) while(is.null(result)){ later::run_now() } expect_equal(result, TRUE) # Should return before the slow request returns expect_lt(difftime(Sys.time(), start, units="secs"), 2) }) test_that("initiate_external_session fails with bad status", { testthat::skip_on_cran() responses <- list(`POST /learnr/` = list( status = 500L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = '{"id": "abcd1234"}' )) srv <- start_server(responses) withr::defer(srv$stop()) done <- FALSE cb <- function(sid, cookiefile){ testthat::fail("Expected failure but got success") done <<- TRUE } err_cb <- function(res){ done <<- TRUE } initiate_external_session(pool, paste0(srv$url, "/learnr/"), "") %>% then(cb, err_cb) while(!done){ later::run_now() } # testthat deems this test empty if we don't have any expectations. expect_equal(1, 1) }) test_that("initiate_external_session fails with invalid JSON", { testthat::skip_on_cran() responses <- list(`POST /learnr/` = list( status = 200L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = 'this is not the JSON you seek' )) srv <- start_server(responses) withr::defer(srv$stop()) done <- FALSE cb <- function(sid, cookiefile){ testthat::fail("Expected failure but got success") done <<- TRUE } err_cb <- function(res){ done <<- TRUE } expect_output({ initiate_external_session(pool, paste0(srv$url, "/learnr/"), "") %>% then(cb, err_cb) while(!done){ later::run_now() } }) }) test_that("initiate_external_session fails with failed curl", { testthat::skip_on_cran() responses <- list(`POST /learnr/` = list( status = 200L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = '{"id": "abcd1234"}' )) # Start and stop the server as a way to obtain a port number that's likely # inactive. srv <- start_server(responses) srv$stop() done <- FALSE cb <- function(sid, cookiefile){ testthat::fail("Expected failure but got success") done <<- TRUE } err_cb <- function(res){ done <<- TRUE } initiate_external_session(pool, paste0(srv$url, "/learnr/"), "") %>% then(cb, err_cb) while(!done){ later::run_now() } # testthat deems this test empty if we don't have any expectations. expect_equal(1, 1) }) test_that("external_evaluator works", { testthat::skip_on_cran() tf <- withr::local_tempfile() mock_initiate <- function(pool, url, global_setup){ promises::promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolve(list(id="abcd1234", cookieFile=tf)) }) } mockResult <- list(html_output = "hi") mockResponse <- list( status = 200L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = exercise_result_to_json(mockResult) ) responses <- list( `POST /learnr/abcd1234` = mockResponse, `POST /learnr/efgh5678` = mockResponse ) srv <- start_server(responses) withr::defer(srv$stop()) re <- internal_external_evaluator(srv$url, 5, mock_initiate) mockSession <- list(onSessionEnded = function(callback){}) # Start a couple of sessions concurrently e <- re(NULL, 30, list(options = list(exercise.timelimit = 5)), mockSession) # Simulate a session that already has an evaluator ID stashed e2 <- re(NULL, 30, list(options = list(exercise.timelimit = 5)), list(onSessionEnded = function(callback){}, userData = list(`.external_evaluator_session_id` = promises::promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolve(list(id="efgh5678", cookieFile=tf)) })))) e$start() e2$start() while(!e$completed() || !e2$completed()) { later::run_now() } res <- e$result() # Check that it applied the HTML class to the html_output property. expect_s3_class(res$html_output, "html") expect_equal(e$result(), e2$result()) if (srv$reqs[[1]]$req$PATH_INFO == "/learnr/abcd1234") { expect_equal(srv$reqs[[2]]$req$PATH_INFO, "/learnr/efgh5678") } else if (srv$reqs[[1]]$req$PATH_INFO == "/learnr/efgh5678") { expect_equal(srv$reqs[[2]]$req$PATH_INFO, "/learnr/abcd1234") } else { print(srv$reqs[[1]]$req$PATH_INFO) testthat::fail("Unrecognized request path") } }) test_that("external_evaluator handles initiate failures", { mock_initiate <- function(pool, url, global_setup){ promises::promise(function(resolve, reject){ reject(list()) }) } re <- internal_external_evaluator("http://doesntmatter", 5, mock_initiate) e <- re(NULL, 30, list(options = list(exercise.timelimit = 5)), list()) expect_output({ e$start() while(!e$completed()) { later::run_now() } }) expect_equal( e$result()$error_message, "Error initiating session for external requests. Please try again later" ) }) test_that("bad statuses or invalid json are handled sanely", { testthat::skip_on_cran() mockResult <- list(html_output = "hi") responses <- list( `POST /learnr/badstatus` = list( status = 500L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = exercise_result_to_json(mockResult) ), `POST /learnr/invalidjson` = list( status = 200L, headers = list( 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' ), body = "I am not JSON!" ) ) srv <- start_server(responses) withr::defer(srv$stop()) ### Test with a bad status tf <- withr::local_tempfile() mockInit <- promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolve(list(id="badstatus", cookieFile=tf)) }) re <- internal_external_evaluator(srv$url, 5, function(pool, url, global_setup){ mockInit }) # Start a session mockSession <- list(onSessionEnded = function(callback){}) e <- re(NULL, 30, list(options = list(exercise.timelimit = 5)), mockSession) expect_output({ e$start() while(!e$completed()) { later::run_now() } }) res <- e$result() expect_match(res$error_message, "^Error submitting external exercise") ### Test with invalid JSON tf <- withr::local_tempfile() re <- internal_external_evaluator(srv$url, 5, function(pool, url, global_setup){ promises::promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolve(list(id="invalidjson", cookieFile=tf)) }) }) # Start a session e <- re(NULL, 30, list(options = list(exercise.timelimit = 5)), mockSession) expect_output({ e$start() while(!e$completed()) { later::run_now() } }) res <- e$result() expect_match(res$error_message, "^Error submitting external exercise") }) test_that("external evaluator result roundtrip", { local_edition(3) # basic exercise ex <- mock_exercise() res <- evaluate_exercise(ex, new.env()) res_json <- exercise_result_to_json(res) expect_equal( exercise_result_from_json(res_json), res, ignore_attr = TRUE ) # exercise without any output ex_no_output <- mock_exercise("x <- 1", exercise.warn_invisible = FALSE) res_no_output <- evaluate_exercise(ex_no_output, new.env()) res_no_output_json <- exercise_result_to_json(res_no_output) expect_equal( exercise_result_from_json(res_no_output_json), res_no_output, ignore_attr = TRUE ) res_fdbck <- res res_fdbck$feedback <- feedback( message = "Great work!", correct = TRUE, type = "auto", location = "append" ) res_fdbck <- do.call(exercise_result, res_fdbck) res_fdbck_json <- exercise_result_to_json(res_fdbck) res_fdbck_rt <- exercise_result_from_json(res_fdbck_json) # Feedback HTML should resolve to the same raw HTML res_fdbck$feedback$html <- htmltools::HTML(format(res_fdbck$feedback$html)) res_fdbck_rt$feedback$html <- format(res_fdbck_rt$feedback$html) expect_equal( res_fdbck_rt, res_fdbck, ignore_attr = TRUE ) })