test_that("estim.sur estimation works with simulated data", { set.seed(340) data <- sim.sur(sigma = 2L, coef = 4L, nObs = 1000, intercept = TRUE) res = estim.sur(data = get.data(cbind(data$y,data$x), endogenous = ncol(data$y), addIntercept = FALSE)) expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(res)), as.numeric(data$coef), tolerance = 1e-1) expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$sigma), as.numeric(data$sigma), tolerance = 1e-1) # test exogenous and endogenous functions: X <- exogenous(res) Y <- endogenous(res) beta <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Y expect_equal(res$estimations$coefs, beta) }) x <-matrix(c(32.446,44.145,17.062,65.818,76.19,40.408,78.131, 26.695,21.992,68.033,98.872,61.154,71.842,66.922, 31.142,58.429,45.123,80.99,26.345,50.096,36.478, 29.377,27.141,65.037,72.621,63.391,68.125,60.369, 76.384,5.449,99.204,6.87,2.514,98.799,95.082, 6.048,59.287,48.889,21.464,54.972,14.997,27.161, 92.522,65.383,51.852,71.011,55.434,89.082,59.556, 29.524,21.193,2.684,35.457,69.849,76.352,49.455, 18.762,8.492,95.032,39.042,32.517,13.667,91.408, 23.432,56.526,33.531,10.67,72.891,11.796,31.202, 96.893,2.552,82.001,87.786,96.292,93.249,11.688, 19.522,37.55,55.967,97.026,14.017,19.869,60.988, 91.525,33.192,50.666,97.465,58.493,17.033,76.138, 3.432,58.561,69.172,56.453,46.325,63.116,84.577, 12.265,77.277,9.141,69.192,65.464,29.827,8.261, 26.696,94.1,64.958,68.924,97.838,91.389,76.779, 56.448,14.524,33.549,39.059,94.886,98.52,80.476, 2.754,93.605,17.733,37.658,97.567,2.705,74.385, 59.03,10.732,82.043,92.891,69.384,86.848,40.02, 62.295,18.609,61.597,22.438,67.702,83.393,96.283, 64.895,34.39,42.212,52.377,24.745,42.534,64.688, 7.392,82.462,22.022,68.858,55.901,98.156,96.029), nrow =22, ncol=7) colnames(x) = paste0("V",seq(1,ncol(x))) test_that("estim.sur estimation works with NO restrictions (OLS)", { res = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:5], endogenous = 2)) #resR = systemfit::systemfit(list(V1~V3+V4+V5,V2~V3+V4+V5), data=as.data.frame(x)) #cofs = as.numeric(resR$coefficients) cofs = c(71.72759801705402083, -0.04375020121948767, 0.02041453289551552, -0.37114616290821228, 50.38631937796724714, -0.01306229557043696, 0.01754567721511469, 0.01380101248468951) #rcov = as.numeric(resR$residCov)*18/22 rcov = c(379.12773062174330, -74.25995265091441, -74.25995265091441, 1004.26919375767909) expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(res)), cofs, tolerance = 1e-8) expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$sigma), rcov, tolerance = 1e-8) # adjusted dof # I couldn't get equal AIC. It seems that the number of parameters in systemfit # is not 8 in this specific example, but 9. # TODO: Why +1 ? see also rank documentation }) test_that("estim.sur peojection works with NO restrictions (OLS)", { newX = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),2,3) colnames(newX) <- c("V3", "V4", "V5") res = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:5], endogenous = 2, newData = newX)) #cont = systemfit::systemfit.control(methodResidCov = 'noDfCor') #resR = systemfit::systemfit(list(V1~V3+V4+V5,V2~V3+V4+V5), data=as.data.frame(x), control = cont, method = "SUR") #pre = predict(resR, newdata = as.data.frame(newX), se.pred = TRUE, # useDfSys = TRUE) mprd = c(69.88936059998029, 69.49487876874811) #as.numeric(pre$eq1.pred) #rcov = as.numeric(resR$residCov) rcov = c(379.12773062174324, -74.25995265091446, -74.25995265091446, 1004.26919375767909) #rc = as.numeric(resR$coefCov)[1:3] rc = c(135.2439004698999270, -1.0229556625096508, -0.4419294580987213) expect_equal(as.numeric(res$projection$means[,1]), mprd, tolerance = 1e-8) expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$sigma), rcov, tolerance = 1e-8) expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$gammaVar)[1:3], rc, tolerance = 1e-8) expect_equal(as.numeric(sqrt(res$estimations$gammaVar[3,3])), as.numeric(res$estimations$stds[3]), tolerance = 1e-8) # well, I think in systemfit the variances are calculated for each equation # See the details in systemfit:::predict.systemfit # this is different from what I implemented # therefore, the following is not valid: #expect_equal(sqrt(as.numeric(res$Projections$Variance[,1])), # as.numeric(pre$eq1.se.pred), tolerance = 1e-8) }) test_that("estim.sur estimation works with restrictions", { R = diag(8) R=R[,c(-2,-7)] res = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:5], endogenous = 2), restriction = R) #resR = systemfit::systemfit(list(V1~V4+V5,V2~V3+V5), data=as.data.frame(x),method="SUR") #cf = as.numeric(resR$coefficients) cf = c(69.83450663570873473 , 0.01888766594180449 ,-0.37231463758924349, 51.22018576974861759, -0.01993726393353337, 0.02184315674580949) #cv = as.numeric(resR$residCov)*19/22 cv = c(380.49525763946917, -74.49900118994815, -74.49900118994815, 1004.63372739176225) expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$gamma), cf, tolerance = 1e-3) # low tolerance ?! it must be because the initialization is different expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$sigma), cv, tolerance = 1e-3) # adjusted dof }) test_that("estim.sur peojection works with NO restrictions (OLS)", { newX = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),2,3) colnames(newX) <- c("V3", "V4", "V5") R = diag(8) R=R[,c(-2,-7)] res = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:5], endogenous = 2, newData = newX), restriction = R) # cont = systemfit::systemfit.control(methodResidCov = 'noDfCor', singleEqSigma = TRUE) # resR = systemfit::systemfit(list(V1~V4+V5,V2~V3+V5), data=as.data.frame(x), control = cont, method = "SUR") # pre = predict(resR, newdata = as.data.frame(newX), se.pred = TRUE, useDfSys = FALSE) prd = c(68.02959644558878, 67.67616947394133) # as.numeric(pre$eq1.pred) rcov = c(380.49525763946917, -74.49900118994805, -74.49900118994805, 1004.63372739176225) # as.numeric(resR$residCov) pr <- predict(res) expect_equal(as.numeric(pr$means[,1]), prd, tolerance = 1e-3) # ?? expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$sigma), rcov, tolerance = 1e-3) # I could not reproduce the exact results of the coefficient variance. # I must be due to the difference between the initializations #expect_equal(as.numeric(res$estimations$gammaVar), as.numeric(resR$coefCov), tolerance = 1e-3) #expect_equal(sqrt(as.numeric(res$Projections$Variance[,1])), # as.numeric(pre$eq1.se.pred), tolerance = 1e-8) }) test_that("estim.sur estimation works with significance search", { for (th in seq(0.01,0.90,0.1)){ res = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:5], endogenous = 2), searchSigMaxIter = 10, searchSigMaxProb = th) for (a in res$estimations$pValues){ if (is.nan(a) == FALSE){ expect_true(a < th) } } } }) test_that("estim.sur projection works with PCA for endogenous", { y = as.data.frame(cbind(as.matrix(x[,1:2]), prcomp(x[,3:5], scale. = TRUE)$x)) # orthogonal pcaOp = get.options.pca() pcaOp$ignoreFirst = 2 pcaOp$exactCount = 1 newX = matrix(c(10,11,12, 13,14,15),3,2) D <- cbind(as.matrix(y[,1:3]), x[,6:7, drop = FALSE]) colnames(D)[4:5] <- c("X1", "X2") colnames(newX) <- c("X1", "X2") res1 = estim.sur(data = get.data(D, endogenous = 3, newData = newX)) colnames(newX) <- c("V6", "V7") res2 = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7], endogenous = 5, newData = newX), pcaOptionsY = pcaOp) expect_equal(res1$estimations$gamma, res2$estimations$gamma, tolerance = 1e-13) expect_equal(as.numeric( res1$estimations$sigma),as.numeric(res2$estimations$sigma), tolerance = 1e-13) # It will project PCA of y, but When there is ignoreFirst, it is not PCA expect_equal(res1$projection$means[,1:3], res2$projection$means[,1:3], tolerance = 1e-13) }) test_that("estim.sur projection works with PCA for exogenous", { p=prcomp(x[,3:4], scale. = TRUE) Z = as.matrix(p$x[,1]) newZ = matrix(c(10,11,12, 13,14,15),3,2) colnames(newZ) <- colnames(x)[3:4] newZp = predict(p,newdata = newZ) pcaOp = get.options.pca() pcaOp$ignoreFirst = 0 pcaOp$exactCount = 1 D <- cbind(as.matrix(x[,1:2]), Z) colnames(D) <- c("Y1", "Y2", "pca1") newX = newZp[,1,drop=FALSE] colnames(newX) <- c("pca1") res1 = estim.sur(data = get.data(D, endogenous = 2, newData = newX)) colnames(newZp) <- c("V3", "V4") res2 = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:4], endogenous = 2, newData = newZp), pcaOptionsX = pcaOp) expect_equal(res1$estimations$gamma, res2$estimations$gamma, tolerance = 1e-8) expect_equal(res1$estimations$gammaVar, res2$estimations$gammaVar, tolerance = 1e-8) # without intercept res1 = estim.sur(data = get.data(D, endogenous = 2, newData = newX, addIntercept = FALSE)) res2 = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:4], endogenous = 2, newData = newZp, addIntercept = FALSE), pcaOptionsX = pcaOp) expect_equal(res1$estimations$gamma, res2$estimations$gamma, tolerance = 1e-8) expect_equal(res1$estimations$gammaVar, res2$estimations$gammaVar, tolerance = 1e-8) }) test_that("estim.sur estimation works with PCA for endogenous and exogenous with restrictions", { p=prcomp(x[,3:4], scale. = TRUE) Z = as.matrix(p$x[,1]) pcaOpX = get.options.pca() pcaOpX$ignoreFirst = 0 pcaOpX$exactCount = 1 y = as.data.frame(cbind(as.matrix(x[,1:2]), prcomp(x[,3:5], scale. = TRUE)$x)) # orthogonal pcaOpY = get.options.pca() pcaOpY$ignoreFirst = 2 pcaOpY$exactCount = 1 # note that it is the current code's responsibility to predict the dimensions of R when PCA is used R = diag(6) R=R[,c(-2,-5)] D = cbind(y[,1:3], Z) res1 = estim.sur(data = get.data(D, endogenous = 3), restriction = R) DD = cbind(x[,1:5], x[,3:4]) colnames(DD) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "X1", "X2") res2 = estim.sur(data = get.data(DD, endogenous = 5), pcaOptionsY = pcaOpY, pcaOptionsX = pcaOpX, restriction = R) expect_equal(res1$estimations$gamma, res2$estimations$gamma, tolerance = 1e-8) }) test_that("estim.sur estimation works with PCA for endogenous and exogenous with significance search", { p=prcomp(x[,3:4], scale. = TRUE) Z = as.matrix(p$x[,1]) pcaOpX = get.options.pca() pcaOpX$ignoreFirst = 0 pcaOpX$exactCount = 1 y = as.data.frame(cbind(as.matrix(x[,1:2]), prcomp(x[,3:5], scale. = TRUE)$x)) # orthogonal pcaOpY = get.options.pca() pcaOpY$ignoreFirst = 2 pcaOpY$exactCount = 1 # note that it is the current code's responsibility to predict the dimensions of R when PCA is used D = cbind(y[,1:3], Z) res1 = estim.sur(data = get.data(D, endogenous = 3), searchSigMaxIter = 10, searchSigMaxProb = 0.3) DD = cbind(x[,1:5], x[,3:4]) res2 = estim.sur(data = get.data(DD, endogenous = 5), pcaOptionsY = pcaOpY, pcaOptionsX = pcaOpX, searchSigMaxIter = 10, searchSigMaxProb = 0.3) expect_equal(res1$estimations$gamma, res2$estimations$gamma, tolerance = 1e-8) }) test_that("estim.sur simulation works", { # The primary test was with this endogenous variable x[,c(1,2,1)] # I wanted to test the equality of coefficients of 1st and 3rd equations # but the estimation fails because var(resid) is singular # you might want to change the options so that simulation be possible even when estimation fails. exo <- x[,c(5,6)] exo[[1,1]] <- NA exo[[1,2]] <- NaN D <- cbind(x[,c(1,2,3)], exo) res1 = suppressWarnings(estim.sur(data = get.data(D, endogenous = 3), simFixSize = 10, searchSigMaxIter = 2, searchSigMaxProb = 0.95 )) expect_equal(res1$simulation$validIter, 10) expect_true(all(is.na(res1$simulation$results[,1]) == FALSE)) expect_equal(res1$simulation$results[,1], res1$simulation$results[,1], tolerance = 1e-8) # any better test ?! }) test_that("estim.sur lambda in simulation works", { res1 = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:6], endogenous = 2), simFixSize = 10, simSeed = 340 ) expect_equal(res1$simulation$validIter, 10) #data$lambdas <- c(1,1) res2 = estim.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:6], endogenous = 2, lambdas = c(1,1)), simFixSize = 10, simSeed = 340) expect_equal(res1$simulation, res2$simulation) # There is no λ in the Box-Cox transformation which is f(x)=x # Therefore, the outputs will be different # Of course, I checked by changing the Cpp code }) test_that("search.sur works for insample", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1,2), innerGroups = list(c(1,2), c(1,3),c(2,3)), numTargets = 3), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(typesIn = c("aic", "sic"))) allMetrics = sort(sapply(res$results, function(x){x$value$metric})) sumRes <- summary(res, test = TRUE) expect_equal(sumRes$counts, res$counts) # Just to show that is not an empty test # change Indexes res1 = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,c(2,3,1,5,4,7,6), drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1,2), innerGroups = list(c(1,2), c(1,3),c(2,3)), numTargets = 3), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(typesIn = c("aic", "sic"))) expect_equal(res$counts, res1$counts) allMetrics1 = sort(sapply(res1$results, function(x){x$value$metric})) for (r1 in res$results){ if (r1$typeName == "model") next # we cannot compare 'info' of all models, but best ones (you can check the existence) r2 = res1$results[which(sapply(res1$results, function(r)r$evalName == r1$evalName && r$targetName == r1$targetName && r$typeName == r1$typeName && r$info == r1$info))] expect_true(length(r2) == 1) expect_equal(r1$value$metric, r2[[1]]$value$metric) # indices are different } # note that data must have given column names in the two searches # also, 'innerGroups' must point to same variables in both cases # also, make sure 'numTargets' does not exclude best models expect_equal(allMetrics, allMetrics1) }) test_that("search.sur works with fixed exogenous variables", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2, 3), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2, numFixPartitions = 3), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(typesIn = c("aic", "sic"))) for (m in res$results){ expect_equal(c('(Intercept)', 'V4', 'V5'),m$value$exogenous[1:3]) # first 3 exogenous variables are fixed } }) test_that("search.sur works for out-of-sample", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1,2), innerGroups = list(c(1,2), c(1,3),c(2,3)), numTargets = 3), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(c("aic"),c("rmse", "crps", "sign"), simFixSize = 4, trainRatio = 0.75, seed = -340)) # negative seed for equal seed in the searchers sumRes <- summary(res, test = TRUE) allMetrics = sort(sapply(res$results, function(x){x$value$metric})) expect_equal(sumRes$counts, res$counts) # Just to show that is not an empty test # change Indexes res1 = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,c(3,1,2,6,4,5,7), drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1,2), innerGroups = list(c(1,2), c(1,3),c(2,3)), numTargets = 3), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(c("aic"),c("rmse", "crps", "sign"), simFixSize = 4, trainRatio = 0.75, seed = -340)) allMetrics1 = sort(sapply(res1$results, function(x){x$value$metric})) expect_equal(res$counts, res1$counts) for (r1 in res$results){ if (r1$typeName == "model") next # we cannot compare 'info' of all models, but best ones (you can check the existence) r2 = res1$results[which(sapply(res1$results, function(r)r$evalName == r1$evalName && r$targetName == r1$targetName && r$typeName == r1$typeName && r$info == r1$info))] expect_true(length(r2) == 1) expect_equal(r1$value$metric, r2[[1]]$value$metric) # indices are different } # note that data must have given column names in the two searches # also, 'innerGroups' must point to same variables in both cases # also, make sure 'numTargets' does not exclude best models expect_equal(allMetrics, allMetrics1) }) test_that("search.sur works when parallel", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2, 3), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2, numFixPartitions = 3), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(character(0),c("rmse", "crps", "sign"),simFixSize = 4, trainRatio = 0.75, seed = -340), options = get.search.options(parallel = FALSE)) sumRes <- summary(res, test=TRUE) allWeights = sort(sapply(res$results, function(x){x$value$metric})) res1 = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2, 3), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2, numFixPartitions = 3), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(character(0),c("rmse", "crps", "sign"), simFixSize = 4, trainRatio = 0.75, seed = -340), options = get.search.options(parallel = TRUE)) allWeights1 = sort(sapply(res1$results, function(x){x$value$metric})) expect_equal(as.numeric(allWeights), as.numeric(allWeights1), tolerance = 1e-10) }) test_that("search.sur works with restricted aic", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2), modelChecks = get.search.modelchecks(maxAic = 230), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 0), metrics = get.search.metrics(character(0),c("rmse", "crps", "sign"),simFixSize = 4, trainRatio = 0.75, trainFixSize = 12, seed = -340)) # negative seed for equal distribution sumRes <- summary(res, test = TRUE) for (m in sumRes$results){ aic <- as.numeric(m$value$metrics[rownames(m$value$metrics) == "aic",1]) #print(aic) expect_true(aic <= 230) } }) test_that("search.sur works with inclusion weights", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 0, inclusion = TRUE), metrics = get.search.metrics(c("sic"),c("rmse", "crps", "sign"),simFixSize = 4, trainRatio = 0.75, trainFixSize = 12, seed = -340)) inclusion = matrix(0,8,2, dimnames = list(colnames(res$info$data$data), NULL)) for (m in res$results[which(sapply(res$results, function(r) r$evalName == "sic" && r$typeName == "model" && r$targetName == "V1"))]){ for (d in (m$value$endogenous)){ inclusion[d,1] = inclusion[d,1] + m$value$weight inclusion[d,2] = inclusion[d,2] + 1 } for (d in (m$value$exogenous)){ inclusion[d,1] = inclusion[d,1] + m$value$weight inclusion[d,2] = inclusion[d,2] + 1 } } inclusion[,1] = inclusion[,1]/inclusion[,2] searchInclusion = res$results[which(sapply(res$results, function(r) r$evalName == "sic" && r$targetName == "V1" && r$typeName == "inclusion"))] expect_equal(as.numeric(searchInclusion[[1]]$value), as.numeric(inclusion), tolerance = 1e-10) }) test_that("search.sur works with coefficients (bests)", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:5, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 2, type1 = TRUE), metrics = get.search.metrics(c("sic"),c("rmse", "crps", "sign") , seed = -340)) sumRes <- summary(res, test = TRUE) expect_equal(sumRes$counts, res$counts) # Just to show that is not an empty test }) test_that("search.sur works with coefficients (cdfs)", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 0, type1 = TRUE, cdfs = c(0,1,0)), metrics = get.search.metrics(c("sic"),c("rmse", "crps", "sign") , seed = -340)) sumRes <- summary(res, test = TRUE) sum = 0 c = 0 cc=0 i = 0 for (m in sumRes$results){ i = i + 1 if (m$evalName != "rmse" || m$typeName != "model" || m$targetName != "V1") next() ind = which(rownames(m$value$estimations$coefs) == "V4") if (length(ind) == 1){ coef = m$value$estimations$gamma[ind] sd = sqrt(m$value$estimations$gammaVar[ind,ind]) w = res$results[[i]]$value$weight sum = sum + w * pnorm(0,coef,sd) # note the NORMAL dist. If t, d.o.f : nrow(y)-length(gamma) c=c+w cc=cc+1 } } cdfs = res$results[which(sapply(res$results, function(r) r$evalName == "rmse" && r$targetName == "V1" && r$typeName == "cdf"))] expect_equal(cdfs[[1]]$value[2,1], sum/c, tolerance = 1e-10) expect_equal(cdfs[[1]]$value[2,2], cc, tolerance = 1e-10) }) test_that("search.sur works with coefficients (extreme bounds)", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 0, type1 = TRUE, extremeMultiplier = 2), metrics = get.search.metrics(c("sic"),c("rmse", "crps", "sign") , seed = -340)) sumRes <- summary(res, test = TRUE) mn = Inf mx = -Inf for (m in sumRes$results){ if (m$evalName != "rmse" || m$typeName != "model" || m$targetName != "V1") next() ind = which(rownames(m$value$estimations$coefs) == "V4") if (length(ind) == 1){ coef = m$value$estimations$gamma[ind] sd = sqrt(m$value$estimations$gammaVar[ind,ind]) mn = min(mn,coef-2*sd) mx = max(mx,coef+2*sd) } } extremeB = res$results[which(sapply(res$results, function(r) r$evalName == "rmse" && r$targetName == "V1" && r$typeName == "extreme bound"))] expect_equal(extremeB[[1]]$value[2,1], mn, tolerance = 1e-10) expect_equal(extremeB[[1]]$value[2,2], mx, tolerance = 1e-10) }) test_that("search.sur works with coefficients (mixture)", { skip_on_cran() res = search.sur(data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3), combinations = get.combinations(sizes = c(1, 2), innerGroups = list(c(2),c(1,3),c(1,2,3)), numTargets = 2), items = get.search.items(all = TRUE, bestK = 0, type1 = TRUE, mixture4 = TRUE), metrics = get.search.metrics(c("sic"),c("rmse", "crps", "sign") , seed = -340)) sumRes <- summary(res, test = TRUE) coefs = c() vars = c() weights = c() i = 0 for (m in sumRes$results){ i = i + 1 if (m$evalName != "rmse" || m$typeName != "model" || m$targetName != "V1") next() ind = which(rownames(m$value$estimations$coefs) == "V4") if (length(ind) == 1){ coefs = append(coefs,m$value$estimations$gamma[ind]) vars = append(vars, m$value$estimations$gammaVar[ind,ind]) w = res$results[[i]]$value$weight weights = append(weights, w) } } mixture = res$results[which(sapply(res$results, function(r) r$evalName == "rmse" && r$targetName == "V1" && r$typeName == "mixture"))] # note that we need weighted mean, variance, etc. assuming normal distribution len = length(coefs) expect_equal(mixture[[1]]$value[2,5], len) me = weighted.mean(coefs, weights) expect_equal(mixture[[1]]$value[2,1], me, tolerance = 1e-14) # TODO : compare weighted variance, skewness, kurtosis assuming normality # of course, its better to .Call the running statistics, test it, and use it here }) test_that("SUR SplitSearch works (no subsetting)", { skip_on_cran() # don't test with out-of-sample metrics. It seems we have different model with equal weights (the result change by repeating the call ?!) data = get.data(x[,1:7, drop = FALSE], endogenous = 3) combinations = get.combinations(numTargets = 3, innerGroups = list(c(1), c(1,2), c(1,3))) items = get.search.items(inclusion = TRUE #, all = TRUE , bestK = 4 , type1 = TRUE , cdfs = c(0,0.3) , mixture4 = TRUE , extremeMultiplier = 2 ) metrics = get.search.metrics(c("sic", "aic")) # don't test with out-of-sample metrics. It seems we have different model with equal weights (the result change by repeating the call ?!) options = get.search.options(FALSE, #reportInterval = 1 ) combinations$sizes <- c(1, 2, 3) whole = search.sur(data = data, combinations = combinations, items = items, metrics = metrics, options = options) combinations$sizes <- list(c(1, 2), c(3)) combinations$stepsNumVariables <- c(NA, NA) split = search.sur(data = data, combinations = combinations, items = items, metrics = metrics, options = options) expect_equal(whole$counts, split$counts) expect_equal(length(whole$results), length(split$results)) pastedList_w <- unlist(lapply(whole$results, function(x) paste(x[1:4], collapse = ""))) pastedList_s <- unlist(lapply(split$results, function(x) paste(x[1:4], collapse = ""))) sortedList_w <- whole$results[order(pastedList_w)] sortedList_s <- split$results[order(pastedList_s)] for (i in 1:length(sortedList_w)){ if (sortedList_s[[i]]$typeName == "mixture"){ expect_equal(sortedList_s[[i]]$value[,c(1:3,5,6)], sortedList_w[[i]]$value[,c(1:3,5,6)]) expect_equal(sortedList_s[[i]]$value[,c(4)], sortedList_w[[i]]$value[,c(4)], tolerance = 0.1) } else expect_equal(sortedList_s[[i]]$value, sortedList_w[[i]]$value) } })