# Check that vcov methods agree # ---------------------------------- evir ------------------------------------# if (requireNamespace("evir", quietly = TRUE)) { library(evir, quietly = TRUE) # An example from the evir::gev documentation data(bmw) out <- evir::gev(bmw, "month") temp <- out class(temp) <- "evir_gev" test_that("evir::gev: vcov.gev vs vcov.evir_gev", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(out), vcov(temp)) }) # An example from the evir::gpd documentation data(danish) out <- evir::gpd(danish, 10) temp <- out class(temp) <- "evir_gpd" test_that("evir::gpd: vcov.gpd vs vcov.evir_gpd", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(out), vcov(temp)) }) # An example from the evir::pot documentation out <- evir::pot(danish, 10) temp <- out class(temp) <- "evir_pot" test_that("evir::pot: vcov.potd vs vcov.evir_pot", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(out), vcov(temp)) }) } # ---------------------------------- evd ------------------------------------# if (requireNamespace("evd", quietly = TRUE)) { library(evd, quietly = TRUE) # An example from the evd::fgev documentation set.seed(3082019) uvdata <- evd::rgev(100, loc = 0.13, scale = 1.1, shape = 0.2) M1 <- evd::fgev(uvdata, nsloc = (-49:50)/100) temp <- M1 class(temp) <- "evd_fgev" test_that("evd::fgev: vcov.gev vs vcov.evd_gev", { # column names differ testthat::expect_equal(vcov(M1), vcov(temp), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) } # -------------------------------- extRemes --------------------------------- # if (requireNamespace("extRemes", quietly = TRUE)) { library(extRemes, quietly = TRUE) fitPORTstdmax <- extRemes::fevd(TMX1, PORTw, scale.fun = ~STDTMAX, use.phi = TRUE) temp <- fitPORTstdmax class(temp) <- "extRemes_gev" test_that("extRemes::fevd: vcov.fevd vs vcov.extRemes_gev", { # column names differ testthat::expect_equal(vcov(fitPORTstdmax), vcov(temp), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) } # -------------------------------- fExtremes --------------------------------- # if (requireNamespace("fExtremes", quietly = TRUE)) { library(fExtremes, quietly = TRUE) # An example from the fExtremes::gevFit documentation set.seed(4082019) x <- fExtremes::gevSim(model = list(xi=0.25, mu=0, beta=1), n = 1000) # Fit GEV distribution by maximum likelihood estimation fit <- fExtremes::gevFit(x) temp <- fit class(temp) <- "fExtremes_gev" test_that("fEextremes::gevFIT: vcov.fGEVFIT vs vcov.fExtremes_gev", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(fit), vcov(temp)) }) # An example from the fExtremes::gpdFit documentation # Simulate GP data x <- fExtremes::gpdSim(model = list(xi = 0.25, mu = 0, beta = 1), n = 1000) # Fit GP distribution by maximum likelihood estimation fit <- fExtremes::gpdFit(x, u = min(x)) temp <- fit class(temp) <- "fExtremes_gpd" test_that("fEextremes::gevFIT: vcov.fGPDFIT vs vcov.fExtremes_gpd", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(fit), vcov(temp)) }) } # ---------------------------------- ismev ---------------------------------- # if (requireNamespace("ismev", quietly = TRUE)) { library(ismev, quietly = TRUE) mod <- ismev::gev.fit(revdbayes::portpirie, show = FALSE) temp <- mod class(temp) <- "ismev_gev" test_that("ismev::gev.fit: vcov.gev.fit vs vcov.ismev_gev", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(mod), vcov(temp)) }) data(rain) mod <- ismev::gpd.fit(rain, 10, show = FALSE) temp <- mod class(temp) <- "ismev_gpd" test_that("ismev::gpd.fit: vcov.gpd.fit vs vcov.ismev_gpd", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(mod), vcov(temp)) }) # Start from the mle to save time init <- c(40.55755732, 8.99195409, 0.05088103) muinit <- init[1] siginit <- init[2] shinit <- init[3] mod <- pp_refit(rain, 10, muinit = muinit, siginit = siginit, shinit = shinit, show = FALSE) temp <- mod class(temp) <- "ismev_pp" test_that("ismev::pp.fit: vcov.pp.fit vs vcov.ismev_pp", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(mod), vcov(temp)) }) } # --------------------------------- POT ---------------------------------- # if (requireNamespace("POT", quietly = TRUE)) { library(POT, quietly = TRUE) # An example from the POT::fitgpd documentation. set.seed(24082019) x <- POT::rgpd(200, 1, 2, 0.25) fit <- POT::fitgpd(x, 1, "mle") temp <- fit class(temp) <- "POT_fitgpd" test_that("POT::fitgpd: vcov.pot vs vcov.POT_fitgpd", { testthat::expect_equal(vcov(fit, complete = TRUE), vcov(temp, complete = TRUE)) }) } # --------------------------------- texmex ---------------------------------- # # 25/2/2024: commented out to avoid ERROR in texmex #if (requireNamespace("texmex", quietly = TRUE)) { # library(texmex, quietly = TRUE) # # mod <- evm(rain, th = 30) # temp <- mod # class(temp) <- "texmex_evmOpt" # test_that("texmex::evm: vcov.evmOpt vs vcov.texmex_evmOpt", { # # column names differ # testthat::expect_equal(vcov(mod), vcov(temp), ignore_attr = TRUE) # }) #}