# Check that logLik(object) and logLik(logLikVec(object)) agree # We need the extRemes and distillery packages got_extRemes <- requireNamespace("extRemes", quietly = TRUE) got_distillery <- requireNamespace("distillery", quietly = TRUE) # Examples from the extRemes::fevd documentation if (got_extRemes & got_distillery) { library(extRemes, quietly = TRUE) library(distillery, quietly = TRUE) data(PORTw) ##### extRemes::fevd, GEV # An example from the extRemes::fgev documentation fit0 <- fevd(TMX1, PORTw, units = "deg C", use.phi = TRUE) temp <- fit0 adj_fit0 <- alogLik(fit0) class(temp) <- "extRemes_gev" test_that("extRemes::fevd, GEV: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit0), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, GEV: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit0), logLik(adj_fit0), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gev, GEV: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, GEV: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # extRemes::fevd, GEV regression in location fit1 <- fevd(TMX1, PORTw, location.fun = ~STDTMAX, use.phi = TRUE) temp <- fit1 adj_fit1 <- alogLik(fit1) class(temp) <- "extRemes_gev" test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg, loc: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg, loc: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(adj_fit1), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gev, GEV: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg, loc: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # extRemes::fevd, GEV regression in log(scale) fit1 <- fevd(TMX1, PORTw, scale.fun = ~STDTMAX, use.phi = TRUE) temp <- fit1 adj_fit1 <- alogLik(fit1) class(temp) <- "extRemes_gev" test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg, phi: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg, phi: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(adj_fit1), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gev, GEV: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg, phi: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # Repeat for use.phi = FALSE, regression in scale fit1 <- fevd(TMX1, PORTw, scale.fun = ~STDTMAX, use.phi = FALSE) temp <- fit1 adj_fit1 <- alogLik(fit1) class(temp) <- "extRemes_gev" test_that("extRemes::fgev, reg, sigma: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fgev, reg, sigma: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(adj_fit1), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gev, reg: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg, sigma: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) ##### extRemes::fevd, GP # An example from the extRemes::fevd documentation data(damage) fit1 <- fevd(Dam, damage, threshold = 6, type = "GP", time.units = "2.05/year") temp <- fit1 adj_fit1 <- alogLik(fit1) class(temp) <- "extRemes_gp" test_that("extRemes::fevd, GP: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, GP: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit1), logLik(adj_fit1), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gp, GEV: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, GP: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # extRemes::fevd, GP regression, non-constant threshold data(Fort) fit <- fevd(Prec, Fort, threshold=0.475, threshold.fun=~I(-0.15 * cos(2 * pi * month / 12)), type = "GP") temp <- fit adj_fit <- alogLik(fit) class(temp) <- "extRemes_gp" test_that("extRemes::fevd, GP reg: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, GP reg: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit), logLik(adj_fit), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gp, GP reg: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, reg: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # extRemes::fevd, PP model fit <- fevd(Prec, Fort, threshold = 0.475, type = "PP", units = "inches") adj_fit <- alogLik(fit) temp <- fit class(temp) <- "extRemes_pp" test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit), logLik(adj_fit), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gp, PP: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # extRemes::fevd, PP model, non-constant threshold fit <- fevd(Prec, Fort, threshold = 0.475, threshold.fun=~I(-0.15 * cos(2 * pi * month / 12)), type = "PP") adj_fit <- alogLik(fit) temp <- fit class(temp) <- "extRemes_pp" test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP, var u: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP, var u: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fit), logLik(adj_fit), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_pp, PP: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP, var u: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # extRemes::fevd, PP regression # Use example from the ismev package (from chapter 7 of Coles (2001)) # Code from demo ismev::wooster.temps if (requireNamespace("ismev", quietly = TRUE)) { library(ismev, quietly = TRUE) data(wooster) x <- seq(along = wooster) usin <- function(x, a, b, d) { a + b * sin(((x - d) * 2 * pi) / 365.25) } wu <- usin(x, -30, 25, -75) ydat <- cbind(sin(2 * pi * x / 365.25), cos(2 * pi *x / 365.25)) df_wooster <- data.frame(y = -wooster, sin = ydat[, 1], cos = ydat[, 2]) fitPP <- fevd(y, df_wooster, threshold = wu, location.fun = ~ sin + cos, scale.fun = ~ sin + cos, type = "PP", use.phi = TRUE) adj_fit <- alogLik(fitPP) temp <- fitPP class(temp) <- "extRemes_pp" test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP reg: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fitPP), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP reg: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(fitPP), logLik(adj_fit), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.extRemes_gp, PP: trivially correct test_that("extRemes::fevd, PP reg: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) } }