# Check that logLik(object) and logLik(logLikVec(object)) agree if (requireNamespace("eva", quietly = TRUE)) { library(eva, quietly = TRUE) # eva::gpdFit # An example from the eva::gpdFit documentation set.seed(7) x <- eva::rgpd(2000, loc = 0, scale = 2, shape = 0.2) mle_fit <- eva::gpdFit(x, threshold = 4, method = "mle") temp <- mle_fit adj_mle_fit <- alogLik(mle_fit) class(temp) <- "laxeva_gpd" # logLik.gpdFit() and logLik.laxeva_gpd() disagree on nobs: # logLik.gpdFit() gives the number of raw observations # loglik.laxeva_gpd() gives the number of threshold excesses # Therefore, use equivalent in the first two tests test_that("eva::gpdFit: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(mle_fit), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("eva::gpdFit: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(mle_fit), logLik(adj_mle_fit), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.gev.fit: trivially correct test_that("eva::gpdFit: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # Check that the information argument to eva:gpdFit() makes no difference mle_fit_o <- eva::gpdFit(x, threshold = 4, method = "mle", information = "observed") mle_fit_e <- eva::gpdFit(x, threshold = 4, method = "mle", information = "expected") adj_mle_fit_o <- alogLik(mle_fit_o) adj_mle_fit_e <- alogLik(mle_fit_e) # Check logLik.gev.fit: trivially correct test_that("eva::gpdFit: observed vs expected information", { testthat::expect_equal(summary(adj_mle_fit_o), summary(adj_mle_fit_e)) }) # Another example from the eva::gpdFit documentation # A linear trend in the scale parameter set.seed(7) n <- 300 x2 <- eva::rgpd(n, loc = 0, scale = 1 + 1:n / 200, shape = 0) covs <- as.data.frame(seq(1, n, 1)) names(covs) <- c("Trend1") result1 <- eva::gpdFit(x2, threshold = 0, scalevars = covs, scaleform = ~ Trend1) adj_result1 <- alogLik(result1) temp <- result1 adj_result1 <- alogLik(result1) class(temp) <- "laxeva_gpd" # logLik.gpdFit() and logLik.laxeva_gpd() disagree on nobs: # logLik.gpdFit() gives the number of raw observations # loglik.laxeva_gpd() gives the number of threshold excesses # Therefore, use equivalent in the first two tests test_that("eva::gpdFit inc. covariates: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result1), logLik(logLikVec(temp)), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("eva::gpdFit inc. covariates: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result1), logLik(adj_result1), ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Check logLik.gev.fit: trivially correct test_that("eva::gpdFit inc. covariates: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # eva::gevrFit # An example from the eva::gevr documentation set.seed(7) x1 <- eva::rgevr(500, 1, loc = 0.5, scale = 1, shape = 0.3) result1 <- eva::gevrFit(x1, method = "mle") temp <- result1 adj_result1 <- alogLik(result1) class(temp) <- "laxeva_rlarg" # logLik.gpdFit() and logLik.laxeva_gpd() disagree on nobs: # logLik.gpdFit() gives the number of raw observations # loglik.laxeva_gpd() gives the number of threshold excesses # Therefore, use equivalent in the first two tests test_that("eva::gevrFit: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result1), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("eva::gevrFit: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result1), logLik(adj_result1)) }) # Check logLik.gev.fit: trivially correct test_that("eva::gevrFit: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # Repeat for 2-largest order statistics set.seed(7) x1 <- eva::rgevr(500, 2, loc = 0.5, scale = 1, shape = 0.3) result1 <- eva::gevrFit(x1, method = "mle") temp <- result1 adj_result1 <- alogLik(result1) class(temp) <- "laxeva_rlarg" test_that("eva::gevrFit, r = 2: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result1), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("eva::gevrFit, r = 2: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result1), logLik(adj_result1)) }) # Check logLik.gev.fit: trivially correct test_that("eva::gevrFit, r = 2: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # Check that the information argument to eva:gevrFit() makes no difference result_o <- eva::gevrFit(x1, method = "mle", information = "observed") result_e <- eva::gevrFit(x1, method = "mle", information = "expected") adj_result_o <- alogLik(result_o) adj_result_e <- alogLik(result_e) # Check logLik.gev.fit: trivially correct test_that("eva::gevrFit: observed vs expected information", { testthat::expect_equal(summary(adj_result_o), summary(adj_result_e)) }) # Another example from the eva::gevrFit documentation # A linear trend in the location and scale parameter n <- 100 r <- 10 x2 <- eva::rgevr(n, r, loc = 100 + 1:n / 50, scale = 1 + 1:n / 300, shape = 0) covs <- as.data.frame(seq(1, n, 1)) names(covs) <- c("Trend1") # Create some unrelated covariates covs$Trend2 <- rnorm(n) covs$Trend3 <- 30 * runif(n) result2 <- eva::gevrFit(data = x2, method = "mle", locvars = covs, locform = ~ Trend1 + Trend2*Trend3, scalevars = covs, scaleform = ~ Trend1) temp <- result2 adj_result2 <- alogLik(result2) class(temp) <- "laxeva_rlarg" test_that("eva::gevrFit, inc. covariates: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result2), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) # Check that alogLik also returned the correct maximised log-likelihood test_that("eva::gevrFit, inc. covariates: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(result2), logLik(adj_result2)) }) # Check logLik.gev.fit: trivially correct test_that("eva::gevrFit, inc. covariates: logLik() vs. logLik(logLikVec)", { testthat::expect_equal(logLik(temp), logLik(logLikVec(temp))) }) }