# Check that a user-supplied class would work # Base this on gev_refit large <- gev_refit(ow$temp, ow, mul = 4, sigl = 4, shl = 4, show = FALSE, method = "BFGS") # Adjust using the in-built methods, including alogLik.gev.fit() adj_large <- alogLik(large, cluster = ow$year, cadjust = FALSE) res <- summary(adj_large) # Set the class to "ismev_gev" so that all methods apart from alogLik work: # logLikvec.ismev_gev(), nobs.ismev_gev(), vcov.ismev_gev(), coef.ismev_gev() temp <- large class(temp) <- "ismev_gev" # Now use alogLik.default adj_test <- alogLik(temp, cluster = ow$year, cadjust = FALSE) res_test <- summary(adj_test) test_that("alogLik.defualt works", { testthat::expect_equal(res, res_test) })