library(lattice) ## Background: ## For a long time, lattice has used the following construct to add a ## $call component to the final "trellis" object produced: ## obj$call <-; obj$call[[1]] <- quote(xyplot) ## But this doesn't work in all contexts, especially when using ## with(). From lattice_0.21, this has been changed to use, ## but it is important to have this done in EVERY method. ## The following code tests this by checking the call component in ## every high-level method defined in lattice. g <- data.frame(x = runif(10), y = runif(10), g10 = gl(10, 1), g2 = gl(2, 5)) test.objects <- with(g, list(barchart.formula = barchart(g10 ~ x | g2, subset = g10 != "1"), barchart.array = barchart(unclass(Titanic)), barchart.default = barchart(g2), barchart.matrix = barchart(VADeaths), barchart.numeric = barchart(x), barchart.table = barchart(UCBAdmissions), bwplot.formula = bwplot(g2 ~ x + y, outer = TRUE), bwplot.numeric = bwplot(y, notch = TRUE), densityplot.formula = densityplot(~ x, groups = g2), densityplot.numeric = densityplot(y, plot.points = "jitter"), dotplot.formula = dotplot(g10 ~ x | g2), dotplot.array = dotplot(unclass(Titanic)), dotplot.default = dotplot(g2), dotplot.matrix = dotplot(VADeaths), dotplot.numeric = dotplot(x), dotplot.table = dotplot(UCBAdmissions), histogram.formula = histogram(~ c(x, y)), histogram.factor = histogram(g2), histogram.numeric = histogram(c(x, y)), qqmath.formula = qqmath(~ x + y), qqmath.numeric = qqmath(x), stripplot.formula = stripplot(g2 ~ x + y, outer = TRUE), stripplot.numeric = stripplot(y, jitter = TRUE), qq.formula = qq(g2 ~ x), xyplot.formula = xyplot(y ~ x), xyplot.ts = xyplot(ts(x)), levelplot.formula = levelplot(y ~ g2 + g10), levelplot.table = levelplot(UCBAdmissions), levelplot.array = levelplot(unclass(Titanic)), levelplot.matrix = levelplot(VADeaths), contourplot.formula = contourplot(y ~ g2 + g10), contourplot.table = contourplot(UCBAdmissions), contourplot.array = contourplot(unclass(Titanic)), contourplot.matrix = contourplot(VADeaths), cloud.formula = cloud(g10 ~ x + y), cloud.matrix = cloud(VADeaths), cloud.table = cloud(UCBAdmissions), wireframe.formula = wireframe(y ~ g2 + g10), wireframe.matrix = wireframe(VADeaths), splom.formula = splom(~cbind(x = x, y = y, g = as.numeric(g2))), splom.matrix = splom(cbind(x = x, y = y, g = as.numeric(g2))), = splom(data.frame(x, y, g2)), parallelplot.formula = parallelplot(~iris), parallelplot.matrix = parallelplot(data.matrix(iris[1:4])), = parallelplot(iris), rfs = rfs(oneway(y ~ g2)), tmd.formula = tmd(sort(y) ~ sort(x)), tmd.trellis = tmd(xyplot(sort(y) ~ sort(x))), update.trellis = update(xyplot(y ~ x), pch = 16, cex = 1.5))) ## sanity check (some examples without with()) test.objects$xyplot <- xyplot(y ~ x | g2, data = g, cex = c(1, 2)) test.objects$densityplot <- densityplot(g$x, plot.points = FALSE) test.objects$shingle <- plot(equal.count(rnorm(1000))) for (m in names(test.objects)) cat(sprintf("%25s : %s\n", m, paste(deparse(test.objects[[m]]$call), collapse = ""))) pdf("test-call.pdf") for (m in names(test.objects)) { lab <- paste(deparse(test.objects[[m]]$call), collapse = "") print(update(test.objects[[m]], page = function(n) panel.text(0.5, 1, labels = lab, pos = 1))) }