postscript("") library(lattice) lattice.options(default.args = list(page = function(n) { grid::grid.text(label = paste(deparse(trellis.last.object()$call, width.cutoff = 150L), collapse = "\n"), x = 0.01, y = 0.99, just = c("left", "top")) })) densityplot(~ 5) densityplot(~ 1:5 | letters[1:5]) x <- rnorm(200) y <- rnorm(200) z <- equal.count(rnorm(200)) a <- factor(rep(1:3, len = 200)) df.test <- list(xx = x+1-min(x), yy = y, zz = z, aa = a) xyplot(y ~ x | z * a, strip = function(...) strip.default(..., style = 4), par.strip.text = list(cex = 2, col = "blue", font = 2), ##scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE), y = "sliced")) scales = list(x = list(rot = 0), y = list(rot = 0))) xyplot(a ~ x | z, main = "xyplot call with modified options", lattice.options = list(panel.xyplot = "panel.bwplot", default.args = list(between = list(x = 1, y = 1)))) bwplot(zz ~ xx | aa, df.test) bwplot(aa ~ xx | zz, df.test, scales = list(x = list(log = "e", tck = 5, rot = 90, cex = 2), y = list(col = "red", tck = 3, alternating = TRUE, cex = 5, rot = 0), tick.number = 20), main = list("main", cex = 5), sub = list("sub", cex = 5), xlab = list("xlab", cex = 5), ylab = list("ylab", cex = 5)) bwplot(~zz , df.test) bwplot(~xx , df.test) dotplot(zz ~ xx | aa, df.test) dotplot(aa ~ xx | zz, df.test) dotplot(~zz , df.test) dotplot(~xx , df.test) stripplot(zz ~ xx | aa, df.test) stripplot(aa ~ xx | zz, df.test) stripplot(~zz , df.test) stripplot(~xx , df.test) xa <- 1:8 xb <- rep( c( NA, 10 ), 4 ) xc <- rep( c( 'C2', 'C1' ), 4 ) xyplot( xa ~ xb | xc) xyplot( xa ~ xb | xc, scales = "free") xc <- rep( c( 'C1', 'C2' ), 4 ) xyplot( xa ~ xb | xc) xyplot( xa ~ xb | xc, scales = "free") x = sample(1:3, 100, replace=TRUE) histogram( ~ x, breaks=c(0,1.5,2.5,3.5), type='count') histogram( ~ x, breaks=c(0,1.5,2.5,3.5), type='density') ## splom pscales data(iris) iris2 <- iris[,1:4] splom(iris2, groups = iris$Species, pscales = 10) splom(iris2, groups = iris$Species, pscales = list(list(at = 6, lab = "six"), list(at = 3), list(at = 4), list(at = 1))) splom(iris2, groups = iris$Species, pscales = list(list(at = 6, lab = "six", limits = c(-10, 10)), list(at = 3), list(at = 4), list(limits = c(-5, 5)))) ## factors in formula data(barley) levelplot(yield ~ year * variety | site, barley, panel = function(x, y, ...) { x <- as.numeric(x) y <- as.numeric(y) panel.levelplot(x, y, ...) }) data(volcano) levelplot(volcano, key = list(x = .5, y = .5, points = list(col = 1:3)), legend = list(top = list(fun = grid::textGrob("This \nis \na \nstupid \nlegend")))) ## demo of seekViewport library(grid) splom(~iris[1:3]|Species, data = iris, layout=c(2,2), pscales = 0, varnames = c("Sepal\nLength", "Sepal\nWidth", "Petal\nLength"), page = function(...) { ltext(x = seq(.6, .8, len = 4), y = seq(.9, .6, len = 4), lab = c("Three", "Varieties", "of", "Iris"), cex = 2) }, par.settings = list(clip = list(panel = FALSE))) seekViewport(vpPath(trellis.vpname("panel", 1, 1), "pairs", "subpanel.2.3")) grid.yaxis(main = TRUE) seekViewport(vpPath(trellis.vpname("panel", 2, 1), "pairs", "subpanel.2.1")) grid.yaxis(main = FALSE) seekViewport(vpPath(trellis.vpname("panel", 1, 2), "pairs", "subpanel.2.2")) grid.yaxis(main = FALSE) demo("lattice")