method = lcMethodLMKM(Value ~ time, id = 'id', time = 'time', nClusters = 2) setClass('lcMethodConv', contains = 'lcMethod') lcMethodConv = function( response = 'Value', time = 'time', id = 'id', nClusters = 1, nAttempts = 1, ... ) { mc = mc$Class = 'lcMethodConv', as.list(mc)) } setMethod('preFit', 'lcMethodConv', function(method, data, envir, verbose) { convAttempts <<- 0 callNextMethod() }) setMethod('fit', 'lcMethodConv', function(method, data, envir, verbose) { convAttempts <<- convAttempts + 1 lcModelPartition( data = data, response = method$response, trajectoryAssignments = rep(1, uniqueN(data[[method$id]])), converged = convAttempts >= method$nAttempts ) }) test_that('specify default', { metaMethod = lcFitConverged(method) expect_s4_class(metaMethod, 'lcFitConverged') expect_true(has_lcMethod_args(metaMethod, 'maxRep')) }) test_that('specify with maxRep', { metaMethod = lcFitConverged(method, maxRep = 13) expect_true(has_lcMethod_args(metaMethod, 'maxRep')) expect_equal(metaMethod$maxRep, 13) }) test_that('fit', { metaMethod = lcFitConverged(mRandom) expect_no_warning({ model = latrend(metaMethod, testLongData) }) }) test_that('fit until converged', { metaMethod = lcFitConverged(lcMethodConv(nAttempts = 2), maxRep = 3) # workaround because testthat::expect_message() is failing to capture the output... out = capture.output({ model = latrend(metaMethod, testLongData, verbose = TRUE) }, type = 'message') expect_match(paste0(out, collapse = '\n'), regexp = 'attempt 2') expect_true(converged(model)) }) test_that('fit always fails', { metaMethod = lcFitConverged(lcMethodConv(nAttempts = 3), maxRep = 2) expect_warning({ model = latrend(metaMethod, testLongData) }, regexp = 'Failed to obtain converged') expect_false(converged(model)) }) test_that('fit with seed on first attempt', { metaMethod = lcFitConverged(lcMethodConv(nAttempts = 1, seed = 13)) model = latrend(metaMethod, testLongData) expect_equal(getLcMethod(model)$seed, 13) expect_equal( getCall(model), call( 'latrend', method = getCall(metaMethod), data = quote(testLongData), envir = NULL ) ) }) test_that('fit different seed on second attempt', { metaMethod = lcFitConverged(lcMethodConv(nAttempts = 2, seed = 13)) model = latrend(metaMethod, testLongData) expect_true(getLcMethod(model)$seed != 13) expect_equal( getCall(model), call( 'latrend', method = getCall(metaMethod), data = quote(testLongData), envir = NULL ) ) })