# patch level metrics_patch <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = 'patch', verbose = FALSE) metrics_plot_patch <- show_correlation(metrics_patch) # class level metrics_class <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = 'class', verbose = FALSE) metrics_plot_class <- show_correlation(metrics_class) # patch and class level metrics_mult <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = c("patch", "class"), verbose = FALSE) metrics_plot_mult <- show_correlation(metrics_mult) # landscape level metrics_land <- calculate_lsm(landscape_stack, level = "landscape", type = "area and edge metric", verbose = FALSE) metrics_plot_land <- show_correlation(metrics_land) # correlation tibble correlations <- calculate_correlation(metrics_mult) metrics_plot_class_corr <- show_correlation(correlations) test_that("show_correlation returns a plot on patch level", { expect_true(inherits(x = metrics_plot_patch, what = c("gg","ggplot"))) }) test_that("show_correlation returns a plot on class level", { expect_true(inherits(x = metrics_plot_class, what = c("gg","ggplot"))) }) test_that("show_correlation returns a plot for patch and class level", { expect_true(inherits(x = metrics_plot_mult, what = c("gg","ggplot"))) }) test_that("show_correlation returns a plot for landscape level", { expect_true(inherits(x = metrics_plot_land, what = c("gg","ggplot"))) }) test_that("show_correlation returns a plot for correlation list", { expect_true(inherits(x = metrics_plot_class_corr, what = c("gg","ggplot"))) })