data <- data.frame(Names = c("Pippin", "Merry"), Affiliation = c("A", "B"), CommType = c("oral communication", "poster"), Title = c("Title 1", "Title 2"), Date = c("02/06/2016", "2016-04-03") ) path <- tempdir() test_that("PDF certificates are created", { skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() ## Spanish create_participation_certificate(data = data, path = path, language = "Spanish", name.column = "Names", affiliation.column = "Affiliation", comm.type.column = "CommType", title.column = "Title", date.column = "Date", type = "Adventure", event = "Going to Mordor", signer = "Gandalf", signer.role = "Head" ) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "Participacion_Pippin.pdf"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "Participacion_Merry.pdf"))) ## English create_participation_certificate(data = data, path = path, language = "English", name.column = "Names", affiliation.column = "Affiliation", comm.type.column = "CommType", title.column = "Title", date.column = "Date", type = "Adventure", event = "Going to Mordor", signer = "Gandalf", signer.role = "Head" ) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "Participation_Pippin.pdf"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "Participation_Merry.pdf"))) }) test_that("Rmd file is present when keep.files = TRUE", { skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() create_participation_certificate(data = data, path = path, language = "English", name.column = "Names", affiliation.column = "Affiliation", comm.type.column = "CommType", title.column = "Title", date.column = "Date", type = "Adventure", event = "Going to Mordor", signer = "Gandalf", signer.role = "Head", keep.files = TRUE ) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "participation.Rmd"))) })