library(testit) op = options(device = function(file = NULL, ...) { pdf(file, ...) dev.control('enable') # important! otherwise plots get discarded }) evaluate = evaluate::evaluate classes = function(x) vapply(x, function(x) class(x)[1], character(1)) # remove the blank plot assert('blank plots are removed', { res = evaluate('layout(t(1:2))') (identical(classes(res), 'source')) }) assert('plots generated by par(), palette() or layout() are removed', { res = evaluate('par(mfrow = c(1, 2))\npie(islands)\nbarplot(islands)') (identical(classes(res), rep(c('source', 'recordedplot'), c(3, 1)))) res = evaluate('layout(t(1:2))\npie(islands)\nbarplot(islands)') (identical(classes(res), rep(c('source', 'recordedplot'), c(3, 1)))) res = evaluate('pie(islands)\nbarplot(islands)\npar(mfrow = c(1, 2))') res = merge_low_plot(res) (identical(classes(res), rep(c('source', 'recordedplot'), length = 5))) res = evaluate('pie(islands)\npar(cex.main=1.2)\nbarplot(islands)') res = merge_low_plot(res) (identical(classes(res), c('source', 'recordedplot')[c(1, 2, 1, 1, 2)])) res = evaluate('par(cex.main=1.2)\npalette(c("red","black"))\nbarplot(islands)') (identical(classes(res), rep(c('source', 'recordedplot'), c(3, 1)))) }) assert('merge low-level changes', { res = evaluate('plot(1)\npoints(1.1, 1.1)') (classes(res) %==% rep(c('source', 'recordedplot'), 2)) (classes(merge_low_plot(res)) %==% rep(c('source', 'recordedplot'), c(2, 1))) }) assert('captures grid graphics', { res = evaluate('library(grid) grid.newpage() grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="grey")) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill="red"))') (classes(res) %==% c('source', 'recordedplot')[c(1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2)]) res = merge_low_plot(res) (identical(classes(res), rep(c('source', 'recordedplot'), c(4, 1)))) }) options(op) # rmarkdown sets dev.args = list(pdf = list(useDingbats = FALSE)) when dev = 'pdf' if (!has_error({png();})) { assert('chunk_device() correctly opens the png device with dev.args', { chunk_device(opts_chunk$merge(list( dev = 'png', dev.args = list(pdf = list(useDingbats = FALSE)) ))) plot(1:10) TRUE }) } if (requireNamespace("ragg", quietly = TRUE) && !has_error({ragg::agg_png();})) { assert( 'chunk_device() correctly opens the ragg::agg_png device with dev.args', { chunk_device(opts_chunk$merge(list( dev = 'ragg_png', dev.args = list(pdf = list(useDingbats = FALSE)) ))) plot(1:10) TRUE } ) assert( 'ragg_png_dev correctly handles bg dev.arg into background arg', { chunk_device(opts_chunk$merge(list( dev = 'ragg_png', dev.args = list(bg = "grey") ))) plot(1:10) TRUE } ) } # should not error (find `pdf` correctly in grDevices, instead of the one # defined below) pdf = function() {}, list(7, 7)) gen_source = function(x) structure(x, class = 'source') gen_plotrc = function(x) structure(factor(x), class = c('factor', 'recordedplot')) assert('fig_before_code() moves plots before code blocks', { res = list( gen_source(1), gen_plotrc('a'), gen_plotrc('b'), gen_source(2), gen_source(3), gen_plotrc('c'), gen_source(4), gen_plotrc('d') ) (fig_before_code(res) %==% res[c(2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 8, 7)]) }) assert('plots are rearrange based on fig.keep & options', { res = list(gen_source(1), gen_source(2)) (rearrange_figs(res, 'high', NULL, 'asis') %==% res) # only one plot to keep res = c(evaluate('plot(1)'), list(gen_source(1))) (rearrange_figs(res, 'high', NULL, 'asis') %==% res) (rearrange_figs(res, 'all', NULL, 'asis') %==% res) (rearrange_figs(res, 'last', NULL, 'asis') %==% res) (rearrange_figs(res, 'first', NULL, 'asis') %==% res) (rearrange_figs(res, 'index', 2, 'asis') %==% res) # several plots res = c(list(gen_source(1)), evaluate('plot(1)\npoints(1.1, 1.1)'), list(gen_plotrc('b'), gen_source(2))) (rearrange_figs(res, 'high', NULL, 'asis') %==% res[-3]) (rearrange_figs(res, 'all', NULL, 'asis') %==% res) (rearrange_figs(res, 'all', NULL, 'hold') %==% res[c(1:2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 6)]) (rearrange_figs(res, 'last', NULL, 'asis') %==% res[c(-3, -5)]) (rearrange_figs(res, 'first', NULL, 'asis') %==% res[c(-5, -6)]) (rearrange_figs(res, 'none', NULL, 'asis') %==% res[c(-3, -5, -6)]) # correspond to options$fig.keep with numeric vector (rearrange_figs(res, 'index', 1, 'asis') %==% res[c(-5, -6)]) (rearrange_figs(res, 'index', c(2, 3), 'asis') %==% res[c(-3)]) (rearrange_figs(res, 'index', c(2, 3), 'hold') %==% res[c(1:2, 4, 7, 5, 6)]) (rearrange_figs(res, 'index', c(1, 2, 3), 'asis') %==% res) }) # should not error when a plot label contains special characters and sanitize=TRUE if (xfun::loadable('tikzDevice') && Sys.which('pdflatex') != '' && (!'CI', NA)) || Sys.getenv('USER') == 'yihui' || !xfun::is_macos())) { knit('knit-tikzDevice.Rnw', quiet = TRUE) unlink(c('*-tikzDictionary', 'figure', 'knit-tikzDevice.tex'), recursive = TRUE) } # knit(text = "\\Sexpr{include_graphics('myfigure.pdf', error = FALSE)}", quiet = TRUE) assert('include_graphics() expands ~', { path1 = "~/test.png" (!has_warning(include_graphics("img/test.png", error = FALSE))) (unclass(suppressWarnings(include_graphics(path1, error = FALSE))) %==% path.expand(path1)) }) with_par = function(expr, ...) { # set par op = graphics::par(...) # reset on exit on.exit(graphics::par(op)) # save changed state = par(no.readonly = TRUE) # reset par graphics::par(op) # simulate what happens when global.par = TRUE by restoring pars par2( # evaluate in this state force(expr) } assert("par2 correctly handles specific pars", { (par2(NULL) %==% NULL) # correctly changed (with_par(par("col") %==% "red", col = "red")) (with_par(par("cex") %==% 2, cex = 2)) # unchanged old = par("fig") (with_par(par("fig") %==% old, fig = old / 2)) old = par("fin") (with_par(par("fin") %==% old, fin = old / 2)) old = par("pin") (with_par(par("pin") %==% old, pin = old / 2)) old = par("usr") (with_par(par("usr") %==% old, usr = old / 2)) old = par("ask") (with_par(par("ask") %==% old, ask = !old)) # Does not work - something else is changing plt when setting everything # old = par("plt") # (with_par(par("plt") %==% old, plt = old / 2)) })