library(testit) kable2 = function(...) as.character(kable(...)) assert('kable() works on data frames/matrices of one row', { (kable2(data.frame(x = 1, y = 1), format = 'pipe') %==% c('| x| y|', '|--:|--:|', '| 1| 1|')) }) m = matrix(1:2, nrow = 1, dimnames = list('a', c('x', 'y'))) assert('kable() does not discard row names when there is only one row', { (kable2(m) %==% c('| | x| y|', '|:--|--:|--:|', '|a | 1| 2|')) }) assert('kable() can assign a column name for row names', { (kable2(m, col.names = c('z', colnames(m))) %==% c('|z | x| y|', '|:--|--:|--:|', '|a | 1| 2|')) }) assert('kable() recycles the align argument correctly', { (kable2(m, align = 'c') %==% c('| | x | y |', '|:--|:-:|:-:|', '|a | 1 | 2 |')) }) assert('kable() align with strings correctly', { (kable2(m, align = c('c', 'r')) %==% kable2(m, align = 'cr')) }) assert('kable() works on character data frames', { (kable2(data.frame(x = 'a')) %==% c('|x |', '|:--|', '|a |')) }) assert("kable() works on NA's", { (kable2(data.frame(x = c(NA, FALSE))) %==% c('|x |', '|:-----|', '|NA |', '|FALSE |')) }) assert('kable() works with the jira format', { (kable2(m, 'jira') %==% c('|| || x|| y||', '|a | 1| 2|')) }) assert('kable() works with the org format', { (kable2(m, 'org') %==% c('| | x| y|', '|:--+--:+--:|', '|a | 1| 2|')) }) assert('kable() does not add extra spaces to character columns', { (kable2(data.frame(x = c(1.2, 4.87), y = c('fooooo', 'bar')), 'latex') %==% ' \\begin{tabular}{r|l} \\hline x & y\\\\ \\hline 1.20 & fooooo\\\\ \\hline 4.87 & bar\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}') }) assert('kable() escapes LaTeX special characters by default', { (kable2(data.frame(x = c('10%', '5%'), col_name = c('3_8', '40_6')), 'latex') %==% ' \\begin{tabular}{l|l} \\hline x & col\\_name\\\\ \\hline 10\\% & 3\\_8\\\\ \\hline 5\\% & 40\\_6\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}') }) assert("kable() doesn't escape LaTeX special characters when escape = FALSE", { (kable2(data.frame(x = c('10%', '5%'), col_name = c('3_8', '40_6')), 'latex', escape = FALSE) %==% ' \\begin{tabular}{l|l} \\hline x & col_name\\\\ \\hline 10% & 3_8\\\\ \\hline 5% & 40_6\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}' ) }) assert('kable() adds {} before [] when booktabs = TRUE', { (kable2(data.frame(x = c('[0, 1]', '(1, 2]'), y = c(35, 62)), 'latex', booktabs = TRUE) %==% ' \\begin{tabular}{lr} \\toprule x & y\\\\ \\midrule {}[0, 1] & 35\\\\ (1, 2] & 62\\\\ \\bottomrule \\end{tabular}' ) }) assert('kable(format = "latex", linesep = ...) works', { (kable2(data.frame(x = 1:4), 'latex', linesep = c('', '', '\\midrule')) %==% ' \\begin{tabular}{r} \\hline x\\\\ \\hline 1\\\\ 2\\\\ 3\\\\ \\midrule 4\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}') }) assert('kable() does not trim escaped spaces at the end', { (kable2(data.frame(x = '\\ '), 'latex', escape =FALSE ) %==% ' \\begin{tabular}{l} \\hline x\\\\ \\hline \\ \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}') }) assert('kable() escapes HTML special characters by default', { (kable2(data.frame(x = c('10<>', '5&2'), y = c('3>8', '"40"')), 'html') %==% '\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n
x y
10<> 3>8
5&2 "40"
') }) assert('kable() doesn\'t escape HTML special characters when escape = FALSE', { (kable2(data.frame(x = c('10<>', '5&2'), y = c('3>8', '"40"')), 'html', escape = FALSE) %==% '\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n
x y
10<> 3>8
5&2 "40"
') }) assert('kable(digits = vector) works on numeric matrices', { (kable2(matrix(c(1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4), 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c('a', 'b'))), digits = c(0, 1)) %==% c('| a| b|', '|--:|---:|', '| 1| 2.3|', '| 1| 2.4|')) }) assert('kable() works on matrices with duplicate row names', { (kable2(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c('A', 'A'), c('B', 'B')))) %==% c('| | B| B|', '|:--|--:|--:|', '|A | 1| 1|', '|A | 1| 1|')) }) assert('kable() works on matrices with NA colname', { (kable2(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c('A', NA), c('B', NA)))) %==% c('| | B| NA|', '|:--|--:|--:|', '|A | 1| 1|', '|NA | 1| 1|')) }) # edge cases (should not error) x1 = matrix(NA, 0, 0) x2 = matrix(NA, 0, 1) x3 = matrix(NA, 1, 0) for (f in c('simple', 'html', 'latex', 'rst', 'jira', 'org')) { kable(x1, f) kable(x2, f) kable(x3, f) } colnames(x2) = 'a' assert('kable(, "pipe") works for a 0 row 1 column matrix', { (kable2(x2, 'pipe') %==% c('|a |', '|:--|')) }) assert('kable(, "pipe") works for a 1-column matrix without column names', { (kable2(matrix(1), 'pipe') %==% c('| |', '|--:|', '| 1|')) }) assert('kable(, "simple") generates a pipe table for a 0 row data.frame', { (kable2(data.frame(x = character(0), y = integer(0)), 'simple') %==% c('|x | y|', '|:--|--:|')) }) assert('kable(, "simple") generates a simple table for a 1-column object', { # if the object has column names, indent the table by one space (kable2(data.frame(x = 1), 'simple') %==% c(' x', ' ---', ' 1')) # if it doesn't have column names, generate the usual table (without indent) (kable2(matrix(1), 'simple') %==% c('---', ' 1', '---')) }) assert('kable(, "simple", caption = "Table Caption") works for a 1-column matrix', { x4 = matrix(1:2, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, 'a')) (kable2(x4, 'simple', caption = 'Table Caption') %==% c('Table: Table Caption', '', ' a', ' ---', ' 1', ' 2')) }) assert('kable() works on an irregular matrix', { (kable2(matrix(list('a', 2, 3, 4), nrow = 2), col.names = c('a', 'b')) %==% c('|a |b |', '|:--|:--|', '|a |3 |', '|2 |4 |')) }) assert('has_rownames() works', { (!has_rownames(matrix(1:4, 2))) (!has_rownames(iris)) (has_rownames(mtcars)) (!has_rownames( = 0, ncol = 3)))) }) op = options(knitr.kable.NA = '') assert('kable() can display NA as empty strings', { (kable2(matrix(c(1, NA, 3, 4), nrow = 2), col.names = c('a', 'b')) %==% c('| a| b|', '|--:|--:|', '| 1| 3|', '| | 4|')) }) options(op) assert('kable() can apply formatting to custom objects', { d = tibble::tibble(x = structure( 'print_me', .to_upper = TRUE, class = 'make_upper' )) format.make_upper = function(x, ...) { xout = unclass(x) if (isTRUE(attr(x, '.to_upper'))) { xout = toupper(xout) } as.character(xout) } registerS3method('format', 'make_upper', format.make_upper, environment(format)) (kable2(d) %==% c('|x |', '|:--------|', '|PRINT_ME |')) })