library(testit) res = mapply( auto_out_name, c('abc.Rnw', 'abc.rnw', 'abc.rtex', 'abc.Rmd', 'abc.rhtm', 'abc.Rhtml', ''), USE.NAMES = FALSE ) assert('auto_out_name() converts .Rfoo to .foo', { (res %==% c('abc.tex', 'abc.tex', 'abc.tex', '', 'abc.htm', 'abc.html', '')) }) res = mapply( auto_out_name, c('abc.tex', '_knit_abc.tex', '', 'foo_knit_.html'), USE.NAMES = FALSE ) assert('auto_out_name() converts .tex/.unknown to .txt, and removes _knit_', { (res %==% c('abc.txt', 'abc.tex', '', 'foo.html')) (auto_out_name('') %==% 'foo.txt') }) assert('chunks with include=FALSE should stop on error', { (suppressMessages( has_error(knit(text = c('<>=', '1+"a"', '@'), quiet = TRUE)) )) }) assert('tidy=FALSE + eval=numeric should work', { ('[1] 1\n[1] 2\n' %==% knit( text = c('<>=', '1', '1+', '1', '1', '@'), quiet = TRUE )) }) assert('opts_template options are used', { ("\n[1] 2\n" %==% knit( text = c( "<>=","opts_template$set(quiet = list(echo=FALSE))", "@", "<>=", "1+1", "@" ), quiet = TRUE )) }) assert('local chunk options override opts_template', { ("\n\\begin{kframe}\n\\begin{alltt}\n\\hlnum{1}\\hlopt{+}\\hlnum{1}\n\\end{alltt}\n\\end{kframe}[1] 2\n" %==% knit( text = c( "<>=","opts_template$set(quiet = list(echo=FALSE))", "@", "<>=", "1+1", "@" ), quiet = TRUE )) }) # a shortcut k = function(text) { on.exit(opts_chunk$restore()) knit(text = c('```{r}', text, '```'), quiet = TRUE, envir = parent.frame()) } k(c( 'knit_child(text = "```{r}\nopts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE)\n```", options=list())', 'x1 = opts_chunk$get("echo")' )) k(c( 'knit_child(text = "```{r}\nopts_chunk$set(dpi=200)\n```", options=list(dpi=100))', 'x2 = opts_chunk$get("dpi")' )) assert('using knit_child() does not reset global chunk options set in child documents', { (x1 %==% FALSE) (x2 %==% 200) }) txt = '%\\documentclass{article} \\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} \\Sexpr{pi} \\end{document}' res = strsplit(knit(text = txt, quiet = TRUE), '\n')[[1]] assert('insert_header_latex() finds the correct \\documentclass{}', { (res[1] %==% '%\\documentclass{article}') }) txt = '\\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} \\begin{verbatim} \\documentclass{article} \\end{verbatim} \\Sexpr{pi} \\end{document}' res = strsplit(knit(text = txt, quiet = TRUE), '\n')[[1]] assert('insert_header_latex() finds the correct \\documentclass{}', { (res[length(res) - 3] %==% '\\documentclass{article}') }) assert('knit_meta_add() adds meta objects with the correct number of labels', { knit_meta(clean = TRUE) knit_meta_add(list(1, 2)) m = attr(knit_meta_add(list(3, 4), label = c('a', 'b')), 'knit_meta_id') knit_meta(clean = TRUE) (m %==% c('', '', 'a', 'b')) }) local({ out = NULL hnd = function(cnd) out <<- cnd on.exit(file.remove('')) knit('knit-handlers.Rmd', quiet = TRUE) assert('knit() passes calling handlers to evaluate()', { (inherits(out, 'error')) }) })