library(testit) assert('find_globals() identifies global variables', { # nothing from outside environment (find_globals('x=1') %==% character(0)) # qwer must be created outside somewhere (find_globals('a=1; b=a; d=qwer') %==% 'qwer') (find_globals('a=function(){f=2;g}') %==% 'g') # y was assigned locally in z, but there is another y outside from nowhere (find_globals('z=function(){y=1};y') %==% 'y') # more complicated cases: operators, subscripts, ... (find_globals(c('a=1%*%1%o%2 %in% d', 'b=d%%10+3%/%2-z[1:3]')) %==% c('d', 'z')) }) assert('find_symbols() identifies all symbols', { (find_symbols('x = x + 1; rnorm(1, std = z)') %==% c('x', 'rnorm', 'z')) }) knit_lazy = function(lazy = TRUE) { in_dir(tempdir(), { txt = c(sprintf('```{r test, cache=TRUE, cache.lazy=%s}', lazy), 'x1 = Sys.time()', '```') knit(text = txt, quiet = TRUE) x2 = x1 Sys.sleep(0.1) knit(text = txt, quiet = TRUE) x1 == x2 # x1 should not be updated }) } assert('cache.lazy = TRUE/FALSE works', { (knit_lazy(TRUE)) (knit_lazy(FALSE)) }) knit_code$set(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) assert('dep_prev() sets dependencies on previous chunks', { # dependency is empty now (dep_list$get() %==% list()) # b/c depend on a, c depends on b dep_prev() (dep_list$get() %==% list(a = c('b', 'c'), b = 'c')) }) dep_list$restore() knit_code$restore()