library(testit) # getting and setting themes formats = c("markdown", "latex") for (frm in formats) { opts_knit$set(out.format = frm) thm = knit_theme$get('acid') knit_theme$set(thm) assert('knit_theme$get returns theme(s)', { (identical(length(knit_theme$get()), length(dir(system.file("themes", package = "knitr"))))) (!is.null(thm)) }) assert('knit_theme$set updates highlight and background', { (thm$highlight %==% as.character(opts_knit$get('header')[1])) (thm$background %==% opts_chunk$get('background')) }) opts_knit$restore() opts_chunk$restore() } # style -> theme tl = theme2list('') assert('theme2list parsing from .style to CSS', { (tl$Description %==% "Acid") (tl$Canvas$Colour %==% "#eeeeee") (isTRUE(tl$Number$Bold)) (is.null(tl$Keywords)) }) # theme -> css css = list2css(tl) assert('css is generated for a theme', { (grepl(tl$Canvas$Colour, css[1])) (grepl("font-weight: bold;", css[2])) (grepl(tl$String$Colour, css[3])) }) fdir = file.path(tempdir(), "themes") dir.create(fdir) res = lapply(1:2, function(i) { fn = paste0(fdir, "/acid", i, '.theme', collapse = "") writeLines(readLines(''), con = fn) return() }) cssdir = file.path(tempdir(), "css") dir.create(cssdir) suppressMessages(themes2css(fdir, cssdir)) assert('themes2css creates two css files from test data', { (length(dir(cssdir)) == 2) (dir(cssdir) %==% c("acid1.css", "acid2.css")) })