library(testit) render_jekyll('prettify') options(prompt = '> ', continue = '+ ') # see for the bug assert('the source hook pastes source code into one character string', { (knit_hooks$get('source')(c('1+1', '2-2'), opts_chunk$get()) %==% "\n\n
(knit_hooks$get('source')(c('1+1+\n1', '2-2'), opts_chunk$merge(list(prompt = TRUE))) %==%
"\n\n> 1+1+\n+ 1\n> 2-2
img_output = function(path, opts = list()) {
opts = opts_chunk$merge(opts)
sew(knit_print(include_graphics(path, error = FALSE)), opts)
assert('include_graphics() includes custom images correctly', {
(img_output('a.png') %==% '![](a.png)')
(img_output(c('a.png', 'b.png'), list( = 'hold')) %==% '![](a.png)![](b.png)')
(img_output('a.png', list(fig.cap = 'foo bar')) %==% '![foo bar](a.png)')
(img_output('a.png', list(out.width = '50%')) %==% '')
(img_output('a.pdf', list(out.width = '300px')) %==% '')
hook_src = knit_hooks$get("source")
options_ = list(engine = "r", prompt = FALSE, highlight = TRUE)
assert('Length of fences are satisfied', {
(hook_src("", options_) %==% "\n\n```r\n\n```\n\n")
(hook_src("```", options_) %==% "\n\n````r\n```\n````\n\n")
assert('Attributes for source can be specified class.source and attr.source', {
(hook_src("1", c(options_, class.source = "a b")) %==% "\n\n```{.r .a .b}\n1\n```\n\n")
(hook_src("1", c(options_, attr.source = ".a .b")) %==% "\n\n```{.r .a .b}\n1\n```\n\n")
(hook_src("1", c(options_, class.source = "a", attr.source = "b='1'")) %==%
"\n\n```{.r .a b='1'}\n1\n```\n\n")
(hook_src("1", c(options_, attr.source = ".a b='1'")) %==%
"\n\n```{.r .a b='1'}\n1\n```\n\n")
assert('class.source and attr.source works also with collapse = TRUE', {
hook_chunk = hooks_markdown()$chunk
(hook_chunk("```{.r .a b=1}\n1\n```", c(options_, collapse = TRUE)) %==%
"```{.r .a b=1}\n1\n```")
(hook_chunk("```{.r .a b=1}\n1\n```\n```{.r .a b=1}\n1\n```",
c(options_, collapse = TRUE)) %==%
"```{.r .a b=1}\n1\n1\n```")
hook_out = knit_hooks$get("output")
assert('Attributes for source can be specified class.source and attr.source', {
(hook_out("1\n", c(options_, class.output = "a b")) %==%
"\n\n```{.a .b}\n1\n```\n\n")
(hook_out("1\n", c(options_, attr.output = ".a .b")) %==%
"\n\n```{.a .b}\n1\n```\n\n")
(hook_out("1\n", c(options_, class.output = "a", attr.output = "b='1'")) %==%
"\n\n```{.a b='1'}\n1\n```\n\n")
(hook_out("1\n", c(options_, attr.output = ".a b='1'")) %==%
"\n\n```{.a b='1'}\n1\n```\n\n")
hook_chunk = knit_hooks$get("chunk")
assert('Chunks are enclosed by fenced divs when needed.', {
(hook_chunk('', list(class.chunk=NULL)) %==% '')
(hook_chunk('', list(class.chunk="")) %==% '::: \n\n:::')
(hook_chunk('', list(class.chunk="foo")) %==% '::: {.foo}\n\n:::')
(hook_chunk(':::', list(class.chunk="foo")) %==% ':::: {.foo}\n:::\n::::')
x = "1.png"
w = h = 1
ex = "style='margin: 0;'"
cap = "foo"
opt = function(
w = NULL, h = NULL, ex = NULL, cap = NULL, show = 'asis',
fig.align = 'default', ...
) {
out.width = w, out.height = h, out.extra = ex,
fig.cap = cap, = show, fig.align = fig.align, ...
assert("Include a plot by pandoc md", {
(hook_plot_md_pandoc(x, opt()) %==% "![](1.png)")
(hook_plot_md_pandoc(x, opt(w = w)) %==% sprintf("![](1.png){width=%s}", w))
(hook_plot_md_pandoc(x, opt(h = h)) %==% sprintf("![](1.png){height=%s}", h))
(hook_plot_md_pandoc(x, opt(cap = cap)) %==% sprintf("![%s](1.png)", cap))
(hook_plot_md_pandoc(x, opt(ex = ex)) %==% sprintf("![](1.png){%s}", ex))
(hook_plot_md_pandoc(x, opt(w = w, cap = cap, ex = ex)) %==%
sprintf("![%s](1.png){width=%s %s}", cap, w, ex))
assert("fig.alt does not break office document", {
old = opts_knit$get('')
opts_knit$set( = "docx")
(suppressWarnings(hook_plot_md(x, opt())) %==% "![](1.png)")
(suppressWarnings(hook_plot_md(x, opt(fig.alt = "bar"))) %==% "![](1.png)")
opts_knit$set('' = old)