context("kpb") run_pb <- function(){ n_iter <- 5 pb <- progress_estimated(n_iter) tmp <- purrr::map(seq(1, n_iter), function(x){ pb$tick() pb$print() Sys.sleep(0.1) }) } test_that("regular progress works", { with_mock( is_interactive = function() TRUE, is_in_knitr = function() FALSE, { pb <- progress_estimated(5) withr::with_output_sink("test_pb.txt", run_pb()) expect_match(scan("test_pb.txt", what = character(), quiet = TRUE), "|========================================================================================================|100% ~0 s remaining") file.remove("test_pb.txt") } ) }) test_that("length warnings and errors work", { expect_error(progress_estimated(1), "n must be > 1!") expect_warning(progress_estimated(letters), "n is not a number, trying to take the length of n ...") })