context("metrics") skip("metrics") test_succeeds("metrics can be used when compiling models", { define_model() %>% compile( loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer = optimizer_sgd(), metrics=list( metric_binary_accuracy, metric_binary_crossentropy, metric_hinge ) ) %>% fit(x = matrix(0, ncol = 784, nrow = 100), y = matrix(0, ncol = 10, nrow = 100), epochs = 1, verbose = 0) }) test_succeeds("custom metrics can be used when compiling models", { metric_mean_pred <- custom_metric("mean_pred", function(y_true, y_pred) { op_mean(y_pred) }) define_model() %>% compile( loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer = optimizer_sgd(), metrics=list( metric_binary_accuracy, metric_binary_crossentropy, metric_hinge, metric_mean_pred ) ) %>% fit(x = matrix(0, ncol = 784, nrow = 100), y = matrix(0, ncol = 10, nrow = 100), epochs = 1, verbose = 0) }) test_succeeds("metrics be can called directly", { y_true <- op_array(matrix(runif(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)) y_pred <- op_array(matrix(runif(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)) metric_binary_accuracy(y_true, y_pred) metric_binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred) metric_hinge(y_true, y_pred) skip_if_cntk() # top_k doesn't work on CNTK, see # # TODO: export keras$Variable() wrapper? y_pred <- keras$Variable(matrix(c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.7), nrow=2, ncol = 3)) y_true <- keras$Variable(matrix(c(0L, 1L), nrow = 2, ncol = 1)) metric_top_k_categorical_accuracy(y_true, y_pred, k = 3) if (is_keras_available("2.0.5")) metric_sparse_top_k_categorical_accuracy(y_true, y_pred, k = 3) }) test_succeeds("metrics for multiple output models", { input <- layer_input(shape = 1) output1 <- layer_dense(input, units = 1, name = "out1") output2 <- layer_dense(input, units = 1, name = "out2") model <- keras_model(input, list(output1, output2)) model %>% compile( loss = "mse", optimizer = "adam", metrics = list(out1 = "mse", out2 = "mae") ) history <- model %>% fit( x = matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = 100), y = list(rep(0, 100), rep(0, 100)), epochs = 1 ) if (tensorflow::tf_version() < "2.0") { expect_true(all(c("out2_mean_absolute_error", "out1_mean_squared_error") %in% names(history$metrics))) expect_true(all(!c("out1_mean_absolute_error", "out2_mean_squared_error") %in% names(history$metrics))) } else { expect_true(all(c("out2_mae", "out1_mse") %in% names(history$metrics))) expect_true(all(!c("out1_mae", "out2_mse") %in% names(history$metrics))) } }) test_succeeds("get warning when passing using named list of metrics", { input <- layer_input(shape = 1) output1 <- layer_dense(input, units = 1, name = "out1") output2 <- layer_dense(input, units = 1, name = "out2") model <- keras_model(input, list(output1, output2)) expect_warning({ model %>% compile( loss = "mse", optimizer = "adam", metrics = list("metric1" = function(y_true, y_pred) op_mean(y_pred)) ) }) }) test_succeeds("get warning when passing Metric objects", { define_model() %>% compile( loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer = optimizer_sgd(), metrics=list( metric_binary_accuracy(), metric_binary_crossentropy(), metric_hinge() ) ) %>% fit(x = matrix(0, ncol = 784, nrow = 100), y = matrix(0, ncol = 10, nrow = 100), epochs = 1, verbose = 0) }) N <- 100 X = random_array(c(N, 784)) Y = random_array(c(N, 10)) Y_sparse <- matrix(sample(0:9, N, TRUE)) test_metric <- function(metric, ...) { metric_name <- deparse(substitute(metric)) loss <- "categorical_crossentropy" if(grepl("sparse", metric_name)) { Y <- Y_sparse loss <- "sparse_categorical_crossentropy" } test_that(metric_name, { m <- metric(...) expect_s3_class(m, c("keras.metrics.Metric", 'keras.metrics.base_metric.Metric', "keras.metrics.metric.Metric")) define_model() %>% compile(loss = loss, optimizer = optimizer_sgd(), metrics = m) %>% fit(x = X, y = Y, epochs = 1, verbose = 0) }) } test_metric(metric_sparse_categorical_accuracy) test_metric(metric_sparse_categorical_crossentropy) test_metric(metric_sparse_top_k_categorical_accuracy) test_metric(metric_mean_squared_logarithmic_error) test_metric(metric_binary_crossentropy) test_metric(metric_precision_at_recall, recall = .5) test_metric(metric_precision) test_metric(metric_mean_absolute_percentage_error) test_metric(metric_mean_absolute_error) test_metric(metric_top_k_categorical_accuracy) test_metric(metric_false_positives) test_metric(metric_squared_hinge) test_metric(metric_sensitivity_at_specificity, specificity= .5) test_metric(metric_true_negatives) test_metric(metric_recall) test_metric(metric_hinge) test_metric(metric_categorical_accuracy) test_metric(metric_auc) test_metric(metric_categorical_hinge) test_metric(metric_binary_accuracy) test_metric(metric_mean_squared_error) test_metric(metric_specificity_at_sensitivity, sensitivity = .5) test_metric(metric_accuracy) test_metric(metric_false_negatives) test_metric(metric_true_positives) test_metric(metric_poisson) test_metric(metric_logcosh_error) test_metric(metric_root_mean_squared_error) test_metric(metric_cosine_similarity) test_metric(metric_mean_iou, num_classes = 10) test_metric(metric_categorical_crossentropy) test_metric(metric_kullback_leibler_divergence) if(tf_version() >= "2.2") test_metric(metric_recall_at_precision, precision = .5) if(tf_version() >= "2.6") test_metric(metric_mean_wrapper, fn = function(y_true, y_pred) {y_true}) ## TODO: due to their unique signature, these don't work in the standard compile/fit API, ## only in standalone usage. Need to write custom tests for these. # test_metric(metric_mean_tensor) # test_metric(metric_sum) # test_metric(metric_mean) # #' Example standalone usage: #' m <- metric_mean() #' m$update_state(c(1, 3, 5, 7)) #' m$result() #' #' m$reset_state() #' m$update_state(c(1, 3, 5, 7), sample_weight=c(1, 1, 0, 0)) #' m$result() #' as.numeric(m$result()) ## This metric seems to be affected by an upstream bug that prevents it from working in compile ## only works as a standalone metric presently # test_metric(metric_mean_relative_error, normalizer = c(1, 3)) ## deprecated # test_metric(metric_cosine_proximity) # asNamespace("keras") %>% # names() %>% # grep("^metric_", ., value = TRUE) %>% # sprintf("test_metric(%s)", .) %>% # cat(sep = "\n") test_succeeds("custom metric that returns a keras variable in $result()", { Test <- new_metric_class( "Test", initialize = function(name="test", ...) { super$initialize(name=name, ...) self$test <- self$add_variable( shape=shape(), name="ctp", initializer="zeros" ) }, update_state = function(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=NULL) { self$test$assign_add(1) }, result = function() { self$test }, reset_state = function() { self$test$assign(0.0) } ) define_model() %>% compile( loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer = optimizer_sgd(), metrics=list(Test()) ) %>% fit(x = matrix(0, ncol = 784, nrow = 100), y = matrix(0, ncol = 10, nrow = 100), epochs = 1, verbose = 0) })