context("Layer") create_custom_layer <- function() { Layer( classname = "MultiplyByX", initialize = function(x) { super()$`__init__`() self$x <- tensorflow::tf$constant(x) }, call = function(inputs, ...) { inputs * self$x }, get_config = function() list(x = as.numeric(self$x)) ) } create_model_with_custom_layer <- function() { layer_multiply_by_x <- create_custom_layer() layer_multiply_by_2 <- layer_multiply_by_x(x = 2) input <- layer_input(shape = 1) output <- layer_multiply_by_2(input) model <- keras_model(input, output) model } test_succeeds("Can create and use a custom layer", { skip_if_not_tensorflow_version("2.0") model <- create_model_with_custom_layer() out <- predict(model, c(1,2,3,4,5)) expect_equal(out, matrix(1:5, ncol = 1)*2) expect_equal(model$get_config()$layers[[2]]$class_name, "MultiplyByX") }) test_succeeds("Can use custom layers in sequential models", { skip_if_not_tensorflow_version("2.0") layer_multiply_by_x <- create_custom_layer() model <- keras_model_sequential() %>% layer_multiply_by_x(2) %>% layer_multiply_by_x(2) out <- predict(model, matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5), ncol = 1)) expect_equal(out, matrix(1:5, ncol = 1)*2*2) }) test_succeeds("Input shape is 1-based indexed", { concat_layer <- Layer( classname = "Hello", initialize = function() { super()$`__init__`() }, call = function(x, ...) { tensorflow::tf$concat(list(x,x), axis = 1L) }, compute_output_shape = function(input_shape) { list(input_shape[[1]], input_shape[[2]]*2L) } ) x <- layer_input(shape = 10) out <- concat_layer(x) expect_identical(out$shape[[2]], 20L) }) test_succeeds("Can use self$add_weight", { layer_dense2 <- Layer( "Dense2", initialize = function(units) { super()$`__init__`() self$units <- as.integer(units) }, build = function(input_shape) { self$kernel <- self$add_weight( name = "kernel", shape = list(input_shape[[2]], self$units), initializer = "uniform", trainable = TRUE ) }, call = function(x, ...) { tensorflow::tf$matmul(x, self$kernel) }, compute_output_shape = function(input_shape) { list(input_shape[[1]], self$units) } ) l <- layer_dense2(units = 10) input <- layer_input(shape = 10L) output <- l(input) expect_length(l$weights, 1L) }) test_succeeds("Can inherit from an R custom layer", { layer_base <- Layer( classname = "base", initialize = function(x) { super()$`__init__`() self$x <- x }, build = function(input_shape) { self$k <- 3 }, call = function(x) { x } ) layer2 <- Layer( inherit = layer_base, classname = "b2", initialize = function(x) { super()$`__init__`(x^2) }, call = function(x, ...) { x * self$k * self$x } ) l <- layer2(x = 2) expect_equal(as.numeric(l(keras_array(1))), 12) }) test_succeeds("create_layer_wrapper", { SimpleDense(keras$layers$Layer) %py_class% { initialize <- function(units, activation = NULL) { super$initialize() self$units <- as.integer(units) self$activation <- activation } build <- function(input_shape) { input_dim <- as.integer(input_shape) %>% tail(1) self$W <- self$add_weight(shape = c(input_dim, self$units), initializer = "random_normal") self$b <- self$add_weight(shape = c(self$units), initializer = "zeros") } call <- function(inputs) { y <- tf$matmul(inputs, self$W) + self$b if (!is.null(self$activation)) y <- self$activation(y) y } } layer_simple_dense <- create_layer_wrapper(SimpleDense) expect_identical(formals(layer_simple_dense), formals(function(object, units, activation = NULL) {})) model <- keras_model_sequential() %>% layer_simple_dense(32, activation = "relu") %>% layer_simple_dense(64, activation = "relu") %>% layer_simple_dense(32, activation = "relu") %>% layer_simple_dense(10, activation = "softmax") expect_equal(length(model$layers), 4L) }) test_succeeds("create_layer_wrapper", { layer_sampler <- new_layer_class( classname = "Sampler", call = function(z_mean, z_log_var) { epsilon <- random_normal(shape = shape(z_mean)) z_mean + exp(0.5 * z_log_var) * epsilon } ) sampler <- layer_sampler() z_mean <- keras_array(random_array(c(128, 2))) z_log_var <- keras_array(random_array(c(128, 2))) res <- sampler(z_mean, z_log_var) expect_equal(dim(res), c(128, 2)) }) test_succeeds("custom layers can accept standard layer args like input_shape", { # layer_simple_dense <- new_layer_class( classname = "SimpleDense", initialize = function(units, activation = NULL, ...) { str(list(...)) # browser() super$initialize(...) self$units <- as.integer(units) self$activation <- activation }, build = function(input_shape) { message("build()") input_dim <- input_shape[length(input_shape)] self$W <- self$add_weight(shape = c(input_dim, self$units), initializer = "random_normal") self$b <- self$add_weight(shape = c(self$units), initializer = "zeros") NULL }, call = function(inputs) { y <- tf$matmul(inputs, self$W) + self$b if (!is.null(activation <- self$activation)) y <- activation(y) y } ) model <- keras_model_sequential() %>% # layer_dense(20, input_shape = 30) %>% layer_simple_dense(20) %>% layer_dense(10) { # bug in upstream, model$input errors even w/ simple built-in layers skip("model.input bug upstream") model$compile() model(keras_array(array(1, c(3, 30)))) } expect_identical(dim(model$input), c(NA_integer_, 30L)) expect_true(model$built) res <- model(random_array(1, 30)) expect_tensor(res, shape = c(1L, 10L)) }) # TODO: document change: inputs to the keras api being tensors/arrays now strictly enforced test_that("calling Layer() doesn't initialize Python", { expect_no_error(callr::r(function() { Sys.setenv(CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="") options("topLevelEnvironment" = environment()) # pretend we're in a package layer_multiply_by_x <- keras3::Layer( classname = "MultiplyByX", initialize = function(x) { super$initialize() self$x <- op_convert_to_tensor(x) }, call = function(inputs, ...) { inputs * self$x }, get_config = function() { list(x = as.numeric(self$x)) } ) if (reticulate:::is_python_initialized()) stop("python initialized") library(keras3) layer <- layer_multiply_by_x(x = 2) input <- op_convert_to_tensor(2) output <- layer(input) stopifnot(as.array(output) == as.array(input*2)) input <- layer_input(shape()) output <- input %>% layer_multiply_by_x(2) model <- keras_model(input, output) x <- as.array(2) pred <- model %>% predict(x, verbose = 0) stopifnot(all.equal(pred, as.array(4))) })) })