context("jqr dsl") ac <- as.character x <- '[{"message": "hello", "name": "jenn"}, {"message": "world", "name": "beth"}]' test_that("index", { expect_is(index(x), "jqr") expect_named(index(x), c("data", "args")) expect_is(index(x) %>% jq, "jqson") expect_is(jq(index(x)), "jqson") expect_equal(ac(x %>% index() %>% jq)[1], '{"message":"hello","name":"jenn"}') }) test_that("dot", { expect_is(dot(x), "jqr") expect_named(dot(x), c("data", "args")) expect_equal(ac(x %>% dot() %>% jq), '[{"message":"hello","name":"jenn"},{"message":"world","name":"beth"}]') }) test_that("keys", { # get keys str1 <- '{"foo": 5, "bar": 7}' expect_is(keys(str1), "jqr") expect_named(keys(str1), c("data", "args")) expect_equal(ac(str1 %>% keys() %>% jq), '[\"bar\",\"foo\"]') # delete by key name expect_is(del(str1, bar), "jqr") expect_named(del(str1, bar), c("data", "args")) expect_equal(ac(str1 %>% del(bar) %>% jq), '{\"foo\":5}') # check for key existence str2 <- '[[0,1], ["a","b","c"]]' #str2 %>% haskey(1,2) %>% jq expect_is(haskey(str2, 2), "jqr") expect_named(haskey(str2, 2), c("data", "args")) expect_equal(ac(str2 %>% haskey(2) %>% jq), '[false,true]') }) test_that("join", { str <- '["a","b,c,d","e"]' expect_is(str %>% join %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% join %>% jq), '\"a, b,c,d, e\"') expect_named(join(str), c("data", "args")) expect_equal(ac(str %>% join(`;`) %>% jq), '\"a; b,c,d; e\"') expect_equal(ac(str %>% join(`yep`) %>% jq), '\"ayep b,c,dyep e\"') }) test_that("split", { str <- "a, b,c,d, e" ### TODO - split is failing right now, perhaps a memory leak? }) test_that("ltrimstr", { str <- '["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "afoo"]' expect_is(str %>% index() %>% ltrimstr(foo) %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% index() %>% ltrimstr(foo) %>% jq), c('\"fo\"', '\"\"', '\"barfoo\"', '\"bar\"', '\"afoo\"')) expect_named(ltrimstr(str %>% index(), foo), c("data", "args")) }) test_that("rtrimstr", { str <- '["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "foob"]' expect_is(str %>% index() %>% rtrimstr(foo) %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% index() %>% rtrimstr(foo) %>% jq), c('\"fo\"', '\"\"', '\"bar\"', '\"foobar\"', '\"foob\"')) expect_named(rtrimstr(str %>% index(), foo), c("data", "args")) }) test_that("startswith", { str <- '["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "barfoob"]' expect_is(str %>% index %>% startswith(foo) %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% index %>% startswith(foo) %>% jq), c("false","true","false","true","false")) }) test_that("endswith", { str <- '["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "barfoob"]' expect_is(str %>% index %>% endswith(foo) %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% index %>% endswith(foo) %>% jq), c("false","true","true","false","false")) expect_equal(ac(str %>% index %>% endswith(bar) %>% jq), c("false","false","false","true","false")) }) test_that("tojson, fromjson, tostring, tonumber", { str <- '[1, "foo", ["foo"]]' expect_is(str %>% index %>% tostring %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% index %>% tostring %>% jq)[1], '\"1\"') expect_is('[1, "1"]' %>% index %>% tonumber %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac('[1, "1"]' %>% index %>% tonumber %>% jq)[1], '1') expect_is(str %>% index %>% tojson %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% index %>% tojson %>% jq)[2], '\"\\\"foo\\\"\"') expect_is(str %>% index %>% tojson %>% fromjson %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str %>% index %>% tojson %>% fromjson %>% jq)[3], '[\"foo\"]') }) test_that("contains", { str1 <- '["foobar", "foobaz", "blarp"]' str2 <- '{"foo": 12, "bar":[1,2,{"barp":12, "blip":13}]}' expect_is('"foobar"' %>% contains("bar") %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac(str1 %>% contains(`["baz", "bar"]`) %>% jq), "true") expect_equal(ac(str1 %>% contains(`["bazzzzz", "bar"]`) %>% jq), "false") expect_equal(ac(str2 %>% contains(`{foo: 12, bar: [{barp: 12}]}`) %>% jq), "true") expect_equal(ac(str2 %>% contains(`{foo: 12, bar: [{barp: 15}]}`) %>% jq), "false") }) test_that("unique", { str <- '[{"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"foo": 1, "bar": 3}, {"foo": 4, "bar": 5}]' str2 <- '["chunky", "bacon", "kitten", "cicada", "asparagus"]' expect_is('[1,2,5,3,5,3,1,3]' %>% uniquej %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac('[1,2,5,3,5,3,1,3]' %>% uniquej %>% jq), '[1,2,3,5]') expect_is(str %>% uniquej(foo) %>% jq, 'jqson') expect_is(ac(str %>% uniquej(foo) %>% jq), 'character') expect_equal(ac(str %>% uniquej(foo) %>% jq), '[{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2},{\"foo\":4,\"bar\":5}]') expect_is(str2 %>% uniquej(length) %>% jq, 'jqson') expect_equal(ac(str2 %>% uniquej(length) %>% jq), '[\"bacon\",\"chunky\",\"asparagus\"]') }) test_that("maths", { # do math expect_equal(jqr('{"a": 7}', '.a + 1', 0), "8") expect_equal(jqr('{"a": 7}', '.a += 1', 0), '{\"a\":8}') expect_is('{"a": 7}' %>% do(.a + 1), "jqson") expect_is('{"a": 7}' %>% do(.a + 1) %>% jq, "jqson") expect_equal(ac('{"a": 7}' %>% do(.a + 1) %>% jq), "8") # add two elements together expect_equal(ac('{"a": [1,2], "b": [3,4]}' %>% do(.a + .b) %>% jq), "[1,2,3,4]") expect_equal(ac('{"a": [1,2], "b": [3,4]}' %>% do(.a - .b) %>% jq), "[1,2]") # comparisons expect_equal(ac('[5,4,2,7]' %>% index() %>% do(. < 4) %>% jq), c("false","false","true","false")) # length expect_equal(ac('[[1,2], "string", {"a":2}, null]' %>% index %>% lengthj %>% jq), c("2","6","1","0")) # sqrt expect_equal(ac('9' %>% sqrtj %>% jq), "3") # floor expect_equal(ac('3.14159' %>% floorj %>% jq), "3") # find minimum expect_equal(ac('[5,4,2,7]' %>% minj %>% jq), "2") # find maximum expect_equal(ac('[5,4,2,7]' %>% maxj %>% jq), "7") # increment values expect_equal(ac('{"foo": 1}' %>% do(.foo %+=% 1) %>% jq), '{\"foo\":2}') }) test_that("construct objects", { expect_equal(ac('{"foo": 5, "bar": 7}' %>% build_object(a = .foo) %>% jq), '{"a":5}') # using json dataset, just first element x <- commits %>% index(0) expect_equal(ac(x %>% build_object(message = .commit.message, name = %>% jq), '{\"message\":[\"Add wrapping and clamping to jv_array_slice\\n\\nFix #716. Fix #717.\"],\"name\":[\"Nicolas Williams\"]}') expect_equal(ac(x %>% build_object(sha = .commit.tree.sha, author = .author.login) %>% jq), '{\"sha\":[\"a52a4b412c3ba4bd2e237f37a5f11fd565e74bae\"],\"author\":[\"tgockel\"]}') # using json dataset, all elements x <- index(commits) zz <- x %>% build_object(message = .commit.message, name = expect_is(zz, "jqson") expect_equal(base::length(zz), 5) }) test_that("paths", { str1 <- '[1,[[],{"a":2}]]' str2 <- '[{"name":"JqSON", "good":true}, {"name":"XML", "good":false}]' expect_is(str1 %>% paths %>% jq, 'jqson') expect_equal(ac(str1 %>% paths %>% jq), c("[0]", "[1]", "[1,0]", "[1,1]", "[1,1,\"a\"]")) expect_is(str1 %>% paths, 'jqson') expect_is(str2 %>% paths %>% jq, 'jqson') expect_is(str2 %>% paths, 'jqson') expect_equal(ac(str2 %>% paths %>% jq), c("[0]", "[0,\"name\"]", "[0,\"good\"]", "[1]", "[1,\"name\"]", "[1,\"good\"]")) expect_is(str2 %>% paths, 'jqson') }) test_that("recurse", { x <- '{"foo":[{"foo": []}, {"foo":[{"foo":[]}]}]}' expect_is(x %>% recurse(.foo[]) %>% jq, 'jqson') expect_equal(ac(x %>% recurse(.foo[]) %>% jq), c("{\"foo\":[{\"foo\":[]},{\"foo\":[{\"foo\":[]}]}]}", "{\"foo\":[]}", "{\"foo\":[{\"foo\":[]}]}", "{\"foo\":[]}")) expect_is(x %>% recurse(.foo[]), 'jqson') expect_is(x %>% recurse(.foo[]) %>% jq, 'jqson') expect_is(recurse('{"a":0, "b":[1]}'), "jqr") #expect_is('{"a":0, "b":[1]}' %>% recurse, "jqson") expect_equal(recurse('{"a":0, "b":[1]}') %>% string, '{"a":0, "b":[1]}') expect_equal(x %>% recurse(.foo[]), x %>% recurse_(".foo[]")) })