library(joineRML) context("Inputs") test_that("too many datasets throws error", { # load data + fit model data(pbc2) pbc2$log.b <- log(pbc2$serBilir) f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("log.bil" = log.b ~ year), formLongRandom = list("log.bil" = ~ 1 | id), formSurv = Surv(years, status2) ~ age, data = list(pbc2, pbc2), timeVar = "year", control = list(convCrit = "sas", rav = 0.01), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_error(f(), "The number of datasets expected is K = 1") }) test_that("too few datasets throws error", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = list(hvd), inits = list("gamma" = c(0.11, 1.51, 0.80)), timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "sas", rav = 0.01), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_error(f(), "The number of datasets expected is K = 2") }) test_that("timeVar length mismatch throws error", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = hvd, timeVar = c("time", "time", "time"), control = list(convCrit = "sas", rav = 0.01), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_error(f(), "The length of timeVar must equal 2") }) test_that("misspelled timeVar mismatch throws error", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = hvd, timeVar = "Time", control = list(convCrit = "sas", rav = 0.01), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_error(f(), "undefined columns selected") }) test_that("unmatched control prarameter throws warning", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = hvd, timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "abs", tol0 = 0.1, burnin = 3, mcmaxIter = 4, fake_param = 5), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_warning(f(), "Unknown arguments passed to 'control': fake_param") }) test_that("unmatched inits throws warning", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, inits = list("fake_param" = 5), data = hvd, timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "abs", tol0 = 0.1, burnin = 3, mcmaxIter = 4, fake_param = 5), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_warning(f(), "Unknown initial parameters passed to 'inits': fake_param") }) test_that("measurement time after event time throws error", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] hvd[hvd$num == "6", "fuyrs"] <- 0.1 f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = hvd, timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "sas", rav = 0.01, burnin = 5, mcmaxIter = 10), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_error(f(), "Longitudinal measurements should not be recorded after the event time") }) test_that("measurement time after event time throws error", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] D <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3) f <- function() { mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, inits = list("D" = D), data = hvd, timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "sas", rav = 0.01, burnin = 4, mcmaxIter = 5), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_warning(f(), "Initial parameter matrix D is non positive definite: falling back to automated value") }) test_that("unbalanced data throws warning for survival inits", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) # make unbalanced dataset for patients in common id <- unique(heart.valve$num[!$log.grad)]) hvd1 <- subset(heart.valve[!$log.grad), ], num %in% id) hvd2 <- subset(heart.valve[!$log.lvmi), ], num %in% id) f <- function() {mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = list(hvd1, hvd2), timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "sas", burnin = 5, mcmaxIter = 10), verbose = FALSE) } # test expect_message(f(), "Data are unbalanced... using sub-optimal initial parameters for gamma") }) test_that("argument not correct object class", { expect_error(vcov.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(summary.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(ranef.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(plotConvergence(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(plot.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(confint.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(bootSE(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(fixef.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(formula.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(getVarCov.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(sigma.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(logLik.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(print.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(baseHaz(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(sampleData(1), "Use only with 'mjoint' model objects.") expect_error(print.dynSurv(1), "Use only with 'dynSurv' objects.") expect_error(print.dynLong(1), "Use only with 'dynLong' objects.") expect_error(plot.dynSurv(1), "Use only with 'dynSurv' objects.") expect_error(plot.dynLong(1), "Use only with 'dynLong' objects.") expect_error(print.summary.mjoint(1), "Use only with 'summary.mjoint' objects.") }) test_that("argument not a summary.mjoint object", { }) test_that("formula with unspecified longitudinal measure throws error", { # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] fit <- mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = hvd, timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "abs", rav = 0.05, burnin = 5, mcmaxIter = 7), verbose = FALSE) # tests expect_error(formula(fit, process = "Longitudinal", k = NA), "Must specify a longitudinal outcome.") expect_error(formula(fit, process = "Longitudinal", k = 3), "Incompatible with dimensions of the joint model.") }) test_that("simulation errors", { # tests expect_error(simData(10, model = "fake"), "Unknown model: fake") expect_error(simData(10, sigma2 = 1, gamma.y = 1, D = 1, beta = matrix(rep(1, 4), nrow = 1)), "Error: this function on simulates multivariate data") expect_error(simData(10, D = matrix(rep(1, 16), 4, 4)), "Covariance matrix must be positive semi-definite") D <- diag(4) D[1, 2] <- 0.1 expect_error(simData(10, D = D), "Covariance matrix is not symmetric") }) test_that("mismatched dimensions of inits", { # load data data(pbc2) pbc2$log.b <- log(pbc2$serBilir) # tests expect_error(mjoint( formLongFixed = list("log.bil" = log.b ~ year), formLongRandom = list("log.bil" = ~ year | id), formSurv = Surv(years, status2) ~ age, data = pbc2, timeVar = "year", inits = list("sigma2" = c(1, 2))), "Dimension of sigma2 inits does not match model.") expect_error(mjoint( formLongFixed = list("log.bil" = log.b ~ year), formLongRandom = list("log.bil" = ~ year | id), formSurv = Surv(years, status2) ~ age, data = pbc2, timeVar = "year", inits = list("gamma" = c(1, 2, 3))), "Dimension of gamma inits does not match model.") expect_error(mjoint( formLongFixed = list("log.bil" = log.b ~ year), formLongRandom = list("log.bil" = ~ year | id), formSurv = Surv(years, status2) ~ age, data = pbc2, timeVar = "year", inits = list("D" = diag(1, ncol = 1))), "Dimension of D inits does not match model.") expect_error(mjoint( formLongFixed = list("log.bil" = log.b ~ year), formLongRandom = list("log.bil" = ~ year | id), formSurv = Surv(years, status2) ~ age, data = pbc2, timeVar = "year", inits = list("beta" = 1)), "Dimension of beta inits does not match model.") }) test_that("same patients measured on all markers", { # load data + function to fit model data(heart.valve) hvd1 <- heart.valve[!$log.grad), ] hvd2 <- heart.valve[!$log.lvmi), ] fit <- function() { mjoint(formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = list(hvd1, hvd2), inits = list("gamma" = c(0.11, 1.51, 0.80)), timeVar = "time", verbose = TRUE) } # tests expect_error(fit(), "Every subject must have at least one measurement per each outcome") })