library(joineRML) context("Bootstrap") test_that("bootstrap MV models", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("mac") # load data + fit model data(heart.valve) hvd <- heart.valve[!$log.grad) & !$log.lvmi), ] set.seed(12345) fit <- mjoint( formLongFixed = list("grad" = log.grad ~ time + sex + hs, "lvmi" = log.lvmi ~ time + sex), formLongRandom = list("grad" = ~ 1 | num, "lvmi" = ~ time | num), formSurv = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ age, data = list(hvd, hvd), inits = list("gamma" = c(0.11, 1.51, 0.80)), timeVar = "time", control = list(convCrit = "abs", tol0 = 0.1, tol.em = 1e-02, burnin = 40, mcmaxIter = 200), verbose = FALSE) set.seed(1) fit.boot1 <- bootSE(fit, nboot = 1, verbose = TRUE) set.seed(1) fit.boot2 <- bootSE(fit, nboot = 1, ncores = 1) # tests expect_is(fit.boot1, "bootSE") expect_is(fit.boot2, "bootSE") expect_output(str(fit.boot1), "List of 11") expect_output(print(fit.boot1)) expect_is(summary(fit, bootSE = fit.boot1), "summary.mjoint") expect_output(print(summary(fit.boot1, bootSE = fit.boot))) expect_output(str(summary(fit, bootSE = fit.boot1)), "List of 22") expect_equal(summary(fit, bootSE = fit.boot1)$se.type, "boot") expect_equal(dim(confint(fit, bootSE = fit.boot1)), c(10, 2)) expect_equal(dim(confint(fit, parm = "Longitudinal", bootSE = fit.boot1)), c(7, 2)) expect_equal(dim(confint(fit, parm = "Event", bootSE = fit.boot1)), c(3, 2)) }) test_that("non-convergence", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("mac") # load data + fit model data(pbc2) pbc2$log.b <- log(pbc2$serBilir) fit <- mjoint( formLongFixed = list("log.bil" = log.b ~ year), formLongRandom = list("log.bil" = ~ year | id), formSurv = Surv(years, status2) ~ age, data = pbc2, timeVar = "year", control = list(convCrit = "abs", tol0 = 1e-3, burnin = 5, mcmaxIter = 10), verbose = FALSE) set.seed(1) # tests expect_error(bootSE(fit, nboot = 1, progress = FALSE), "Cannot estimate SEs: fewer than 10% of bootstrap models converged.") }) test_that("univariate intercept only + non-MLE inits", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_appveyor() skip_on_os("mac") # load data + fit model data(pbc2) pbc2$log.b <- log(pbc2$serBilir) fit <- mjoint( formLongFixed = list("log.bil" = log.b ~ year), formLongRandom = list("log.bil" = ~ 1 | id), formSurv = Surv(years, status2) ~ age, data = pbc2, timeVar = "year", control = list(convCrit = "abs", tol0 = 0.05, burnin = 100), verbose = FALSE) set.seed(12345) fit.boot <- bootSE(fit, nboot = 1, progress = FALSE, use.mle = FALSE, control = list(convCrit = "abs", tol0 = 0.05, gammaOpt = "GN")) # tests expect_is(fit.boot, "bootSE") expect_warning(bootSE(fit, control = list("fake" = TRUE), nboot = 1), "Unknown arguments passed to 'control': fake") })