test_that("read_omv works", { nmeInp <- file.path("..", "ToothGrowth.omv") # read the data set (without default arguments) and test its properties: data frame, size, correct column type, attributes (data frame and fourth column), # whether the "missingValues"-attribute is an empty list, and whether the factor levels at columns 4, 6, and 8 have the correct length and content df4Chk <- read_omv(fleInp = nmeInp, useFlt = FALSE, rmMsVl = FALSE, sveAtt = FALSE, getSyn = FALSE, getHTM = FALSE) expect_s3_class(df4Chk, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(60, 17)) expect_equal(vapply(df4Chk, typeof, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), c("logical", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "integer", "integer", "double", "double", "double", "integer", "logical", "logical", "integer")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk)), c("names", "row.names", "class", "fltLst")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[2]])), c("jmv-id", "missingValues")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[4]])), c("levels", "class", "values", "missingValues")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[9]])), c("levels", "class", "values", "missingValues")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[10]])), c("levels", "class", "jmv-desc", "missingValues")) expect_vector(attr(df4Chk[[4]], "missingValues"), list(), 0) expect_vector(attr(df4Chk[[14]], "missingValues"), list(), 2) expect_vector(attr(df4Chk[[4]], "levels"), c(), 2) expect_vector(attr(df4Chk[[6]], "levels"), c(), 2) expect_vector(attr(df4Chk[[8]], "levels"), c(), 3) expect_equal(attr(df4Chk[[4]], "levels"), c("1", "2")) expect_equal(attr(df4Chk[[6]], "levels"), c("OJ", "VC")) expect_equal(attr(df4Chk[[8]], "levels"), c("0.5", "1.0", "2.0")) expect_equal(attr(df4Chk[[14]], "missingValues"), list("== 99", "== 88")) # read the data set (with the useFlt-argument set TRUE) and test its properties: data frame, size, correct column type (NB: two rows and the first column - "Filter 1" are removed) df4Chk <- read_omv(fleInp = nmeInp, useFlt = TRUE, rmMsVl = FALSE, sveAtt = FALSE, getSyn = FALSE, getHTM = FALSE) expect_s3_class(df4Chk, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(58, 16)) expect_equal(vapply(df4Chk, typeof, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), c("integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "integer", "integer", "double", "double", "double", "integer", "logical", "logical", "integer")) # read the data set (with the rmMsVl-argument set TRUE) and test its properties: data frame, size, correct column type df4Chk <- read_omv(fleInp = nmeInp, useFlt = FALSE, rmMsVl = TRUE, sveAtt = FALSE, getSyn = FALSE, getHTM = FALSE) expect_s3_class(df4Chk, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(60, 17)) expect_equal(vapply(df4Chk, typeof, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), c("logical", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "integer", "integer", "double", "double", "double", "integer", "logical", "logical", "integer")) # read the data set (with the sveAtt-argument set TRUE) and test its properties: data frame, size, correct column type, and several attributes of the whole data frame and columns within it df4Chk <- read_omv(fleInp = nmeInp, useFlt = FALSE, rmMsVl = FALSE, sveAtt = TRUE, getSyn = FALSE, getHTM = FALSE) expect_s3_class(df4Chk, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(60, 17)) expect_equal(vapply(df4Chk, typeof, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), c("logical", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "integer", "integer", "double", "double", "double", "integer", "logical", "logical", "integer")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk)), c("names", "row.names", "class", "fltLst", "removedRows", "addedRows", "transforms")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[4]])), c("levels", "class", "values", "name", "id", "columnType", "dataType", "measureType", "formula", "formulaMessage", "parentId", "width", "type", "importName", "description", "transform", "edits", "missingValues", "trimLevels")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[9]])), c("levels", "class", "values", "name", "id", "columnType", "dataType", "measureType", "formula", "formulaMessage", "parentId", "width", "type", "importName", "description", "transform", "edits", "missingValues", "trimLevels")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[11]])), c("jmv-desc", "name", "id", "columnType", "dataType", "measureType", "formula", "formulaMessage", "parentId", "width", "type", "outputAnalysisId", "outputOptionName", "outputName", "outputDesiredColumnName", "outputAssignedColumnName", "importName", "description", "transform", "edits", "missingValues")) # read the data set (with the getSyn-argument set TRUE) and test its properties: correct attributes (should contain "syntax" and "protobuf"), as well as the type, size and content of "syntax" # (should start with "jmv::") df4Chk <- read_omv(fleInp = nmeInp, useFlt = FALSE, rmMsVl = FALSE, sveAtt = FALSE, getSyn = TRUE, getHTM = FALSE) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk)), c("names", "row.names", "class", "fltLst", "syntax", "protobuf")) # the next two command actually work in both cases: when a list with "syntax" is filled with command and if it's empty expect_vector(attr(df4Chk, "syntax"), c(), 2) expect_true(all(grepl("^jmv::", attr(df4Chk, "syntax")))) expect_equal(attr(df4Chk, "syntax"), c(paste("jmv::ANOVA(formula = len ~ supp + dose2 + supp:dose2, data = data, effectSize = \"partEta\", modelTest = TRUE, qq = TRUE,", "contrasts = list(list(var=\"supp\", type=\"none\"), list(var=\"dose2\", type=\"polynomial\")), postHoc = ~ supp + dose2, emMeans = ~ dose2:supp)"), "jmv::ancova(formula = len ~ supp + dose, data = data, effectSize = \"partEta\", modelTest = TRUE)")) # read the data set (with the getSyn-argument set TRUE) and test its properties: correct attributes (should contain "syntax" and "protobuf"), as well as the type, size and content of "syntax" df4Chk <- read_omv(fleInp = nmeInp, useFlt = FALSE, rmMsVl = FALSE, sveAtt = FALSE, getSyn = FALSE, getHTM = TRUE) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk)), c("names", "row.names", "class", "fltLst", "HTML")) expect_vector(attr(df4Chk, "HTML"), character(), 266) expect_equal(attr(df4Chk, "HTML")[1], "") expect_equal(attr(df4Chk, "HTML")[2], "") expect_equal(attr(df4Chk, "HTML")[266], "") expect_equal(length(grep("<.*?>", attr(df4Chk, "HTML"))), 75) # test cases for code coverage ============================================================================================================================ # fleInp is not given or empty expect_error(read_omv(), regexp = "^File name to the input data file needs to be given as parameter \\(fleInp = \\.\\.\\.\\)\\.") expect_error(read_omv(""), regexp = "^File name to the input data file needs to be given as parameter \\(fleInp = \\.\\.\\.\\)\\.") # fleInp is not a jamovi-file (.omv) expect_error(read_omv("Trial.rds"), regexp = "^read_omv only reads jamovi files \\(\\.omv\\), use convert_to_omv first, if you want to read other files types\\.") # the manifest must have a file name as second parameter and # the file has to be a valid manifest file (which is not the # case for "index.html" [exists, but isn't a manifest]) expect_error(chkMnf(nmeInp, c()), regexp = "^File \".*?\" has not the correct file format \\(is missing the jamovi-file-manifest\\)\\.") expect_error(chkMnf(nmeInp, "index.html"), regexp = "^The file you are trying to read \\(ToothGrowth\\.omv\\) has an improper manifest file \\(meta\\) and is likely corrupted\\.") # .omv-file isn't a ZIP nmeTmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".omv") writeBin("", con = nmeTmp) expect_error(chkFle(nmeTmp, isZIP = TRUE), regexp = "^chkFle: File \".*\" has not the correct file format \\(is not a ZIP archive\\)\\.") unlink(nmeTmp) # invalid manifest (wrong version number) nmeTmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".omv") add2ZIP(nmeTmp, crrFle = c("meta", "wb"), txtOut = gsub("jamovi-Archive-Version: 11.0", "jamovi-Archive-Version: 99.0", mnfTxt())) suppressMessages(expect_warning(expect_error(read_omv(nmeTmp), regexp = "^'con' is not a connection"), regexp = "^The file that you are trying to read \\(.*\\) was written with a version of jamovi that currently is not implemented")) suppressMessages(expect_null(getHdl(fleOMV = nmeTmp, crrFle = "MANIFEST.MF"))) unlink(nmeTmp) # unimplemented columnType when assigning value labels expect_error(valLbl(mtaCol = list(name = "Trial", columnType = "Trial", dataType = "Trial"), xtdDta = list(Trial = NULL)), regexp = "Error when reading value label - likely the column type is not implemented \\(yet\\): Trial - Trial - Trial") }) test_that("read_all works", { # read_all should work as read_omv (with the sveAtt-argument set TRUE) and have the same properties: data frame, size, correct column type, and several attributes of the data frame and columns nmeInp <- file.path("..", "ToothGrowth.omv") df4Chk <- read_all(nmeInp) expect_s3_class(df4Chk, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(60, 17)) expect_equal(vapply(df4Chk, typeof, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), c("logical", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "integer", "integer", "integer", "double", "double", "double", "integer", "logical", "logical", "integer")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk)), c("names", "row.names", "class", "fltLst", "removedRows", "addedRows", "transforms")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[4]])), c("levels", "class", "values", "name", "id", "columnType", "dataType", "measureType", "formula", "formulaMessage", "parentId", "width", "type", "importName", "description", "transform", "edits", "missingValues", "trimLevels")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[9]])), c("levels", "class", "values", "name", "id", "columnType", "dataType", "measureType", "formula", "formulaMessage", "parentId", "width", "type", "importName", "description", "transform", "edits", "missingValues", "trimLevels")) # read_all for ToothGrowth as Rdata-set has fewer columns and attributes, check data frame, size, correct column type, and several attributes of the data frame and columns nmeTmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds") saveRDS(jmvReadWrite::ToothGrowth, nmeTmp) df4Chk <- read_all(nmeTmp) expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(60, 7)) expect_equal(vapply(df4Chk, typeof, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), c("character", "integer", "integer", "double", "integer", "double", "double")) expect_equal(vapply(df4Chk, function(x) class(x)[1], character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), c("character", "factor", "factor", "numeric", "ordered", "numeric", "numeric")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk)), c("names", "row.names", "class")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[3]])), c("levels", "class", "description")) expect_equal(names(attributes(df4Chk[[5]])), c("levels", "class")) unlink(nmeTmp) # test cases for code coverage ============================================================================================================================ # empty file name expect_error(read_all(), regexp = "^File name to the input data file needs to be given as parameter \\(fleInp = \\.\\.\\.\\)\\.") expect_error(read_all(""), regexp = "^File name to the input data file needs to be given as parameter \\(fleInp = \\.\\.\\.\\)\\.") # replace strings in attributes, etc. # actual replacement expect_equal(rplStr(strMod = "", crrAtt = "Trial"), "ÄÖÜßäöü") expect_error(rplStr(strMod = "<28>", crrAtt = "Trial"), regexp = "^The current data set still contains an invalid character \\(\".*\"\\) in attribute: \".*\"\\.") # finding attributes that may contain such strings tmpDF <- read_omv(nmeInp) attr(tmpDF, "fltLst") <- "Filter " attr(tmpDF[["weights"]], "description") <- "" df4Chk <- rplAtt(dtaFrm = tmpDF) expect_equal(attr(df4Chk, "fltLst"), "Filter ÄÖÜßäöü") expect_equal(attr(df4Chk[["weights"]], "description"), "ÄÖÜßäöü") # more than one object when using Rdata D1 <- data.frame(A = runif(n = 100)) D2 <- data.frame(B = runif(n = 100)) nmeInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".rda") save(list = ls()[grepl("D[1-2]", ls())], file = nmeInp) # throw error when selSet is not sepcified suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(nmeInp), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) # check whether reading works correct with using selSet df4Chk <- read_all(nmeInp, selSet = "D1") expect_s3_class(df4Chk, class = "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(100, 1)) unlink(nmeInp) # test cases for CSV / TSV nmeInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".tsv") write.table(D1, file = nmeInp, sep = "\t") df4Chk <- read_all(nmeInp) expect_s3_class(df4Chk, class = "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(100, 1)) unlink(nmeInp) nmeInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") write.table(D1, file = nmeInp, sep = ",") df4Chk <- read_all(nmeInp) expect_s3_class(df4Chk, class = "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(100, 1)) unlink(nmeInp) nmeInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") write.table(D1, file = nmeInp, sep = ";") # if the separator is not given, the input column can't be converted into a number expect_type(read_all(nmeInp)$A, "character") df4Chk <- read_all(nmeInp, sep = ";") expect_s3_class(df4Chk, class = "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(df4Chk), c(100, 1)) expect_type(df4Chk$A, "double") unlink(nmeInp) nmeInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") writeBin("X1,X2\n1.2,2.2\n7.1,3.2", nmeInp) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(nmeInp), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) unlink(nmeInp) fleInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".sav") writeBin("$FL2@(#) IBM SPSS STATISTICS 64-bit Linux \002", con = fleInp) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "haven"), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "foreign"), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) unlink(fleInp) fleInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".dta") writeBin("
117LSF\x8f", con = fleInp) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "haven"), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) writeBin("", con = fleInp) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "foreign"), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) unlink(fleInp) fleInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".sas7bdat") writeBin("", con = fleInp) suppressMessages(expect_error(capture_output(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "haven")), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "foreign"), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) unlink(fleInp) fleInp <- tempfile(fileext = ".xpt") writeBin("HEADER RECORD*******LIBRARY HEADER RECORD!!!!!!!", con = fleInp) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "haven"), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) suppressMessages(expect_error(read_all(fleInp, usePkg = "foreign"), regexp = "^Input data are either not a data frame or have incorrect \\(only one or more than two\\) dimensions\\.")) unlink(fleInp) dtaTmp <- jmvReadWrite::ToothGrowth expect_null(attributes(hvnAdj(dtaTmp, c("jmv-id", "jmv-desc"))[[1]])) expect_null(attributes(hvnAdj(dtaTmp, c("jmv-id", "jmv-desc"))[[7]])) attr(dtaTmp[[6]], "label") <- "Trial for label conversion" expect_equal(attributes(hvnAdj(dtaTmp, jmvLbl = TRUE)[[6]]), list(`jmv-desc` = "Trial for label conversion")) dtaTmp <- jmvReadWrite::AlbumSales[-1] attr(dtaTmp, "variable.labels") <- c(Adverts = "Advertsing budget (thousands)", Airplay = "No. of plays on radio", Image = "Band image rating (0-10)", Sales = "Album sales (thousands)") expect_identical(vapply(fgnLbl(dtaTmp), attr, character(1), "jmv-desc"), attr(dtaTmp, "variable.labels")) })