testthat::skip_on_cran() jlmerclusterperm_setup(restart = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) spec <- make_jlmer_spec( weight ~ 1 + Diet, subset(ChickWeight, Time <= 20), subject = "Chick", time = "Time" ) empirical_ts <- compute_timewise_statistics(spec, statistic = "t") empirical_chisqs <- compute_timewise_statistics(spec, statistic = "chisq") test_that("chisq bound by 0-1", { expect_error(extract_empirical_clusters(empirical_chisqs, threshold = 2)) }) test_that("dims of empirical stats", { expect_equal(dim(empirical_ts), c(3, 11)) expect_equal(dim(empirical_chisqs), c(1, 11)) }) test_that("tidy dims of empirical stats", { expect_equal(dim(tidy(empirical_ts)), c(33, 3)) expect_equal(dim(tidy(empirical_chisqs)), c(11, 3)) }) null_ts <- permute_timewise_statistics(spec, statistic = "t") null_chisqs <- permute_timewise_statistics(spec, statistic = "chisq") test_that("dims of null stats", { expect_equal(dim(null_ts), c(100, rev(dim(empirical_ts)))) expect_equal(dim(null_chisqs), c(100, rev(dim(empirical_chisqs)))) }) test_that("tidy dims of null stats", { expect_equal(dim(tidy(null_ts)), c(nrow(tidy(empirical_ts)) * 100, 4)) expect_equal(dim(tidy(null_chisqs)), c(nrow(tidy(empirical_chisqs)) * 100, 4)) })