testthat::skip_on_cran() #' @srrstats {G5.3} Tests for correctness but no explicit test for NA #' @srrstats {G5.4} Tests compare to R `lm()` output. jlmerclusterperm_setup(restart = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) spec_lm <- make_jlmer_spec(weight ~ 1 + Diet, ChickWeight) jlm1 <- to_jlmer(weight ~ 1 + Diet, ChickWeight) jlm2 <- jlmer(spec_lm) #' @srrstats {RE7.3} Tests for `print()`, `tidy()`, and `glance()` test_that("direct and indirect fits identical", { expect_equal(tidy(jlm1), tidy(jlm2)) expect_equal(glance(jlm1), glance(jlm2)) }) test_that("returns julia object", { expect_s3_class(jlm1, "jlmer_mod") expect_s3_class(jlm2, "jlmer_mod") }) spec_lme <- make_jlmer_spec(weight ~ 1 + Diet + (1 | Chick), ChickWeight) jlme1 <- to_jlmer(weight ~ 1 + Diet + (1 | Chick), ChickWeight) jlme2 <- jlmer(spec_lme) test_that("direct and indirect fits identical - mixed", { expect_equal(tidy(jlme1), tidy(jlme2)) expect_equal(glance(jlme1), glance(jlme2)) }) print(jlm1) print(jlme1)