# targets::tar_test() runs the test code inside a temporary directory # to avoid accidentally writing to the user's file space. targets::tar_test("list_nonempty() removes empty list elements", { expect_equal( list_nonempty(list(a = 1, b = NULL, c = 2)), list(a = 1, c = 2) ) expect_equal( list_nonempty(list(a = 1, c = 2)), list(a = 1, c = 2) ) expect_equal( list_nonempty(list(a = 1)), list(a = 1) ) expect_equal( list_nonempty(list()), list() ) }) targets::tar_test("produce_seed_rep()", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(!("seed" %in% names(formals(targets::tar_option_set)))) on.exit(targets::tar_option_reset()) targets::tar_option_set(seed = 0L) out <- produce_seed_rep("x", 1L, 2L, 3L) expect_true(is.integer(out)) targets::tar_option_set(seed = NA_integer_) out <- produce_seed_rep("x", 1L, 2L, 3L) expect_true(is.integer(out)) })