withr::with_output_sink("test-target-runner-dummy.Rout", { skip_on_cran() get_executable <- function(filename) { filename <- paste0(filename, if (system_os_is_windows()) ".exe" else "") p <- if (.Platform$r_arch == "") file.path( "bin", filename) else file.path("bin", .Platform$r_arch, filename) system.file(p, package="irace", mustWork = FALSE) } runexe <- function(exe, args) { err <- NULL output <- withCallingHandlers( tryCatch(system2(exe, args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE), error = function(e) { err <<- c(err, paste(conditionMessage(e), collapse="\n")) NULL }), warning = function(w) { err <<- c(err, paste(conditionMessage(w), collapse="\n")) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") }) if (!is.null(err)) { err <- paste(err, collapse = "\n") if (!is.null(attr(output, "errmsg"))) err <- paste(sep = "\n", err, attr(output, "errmsg")) stop(err) } if (is.null(output)) output <- "" return(output) } test_that("irace exe works", { iraceexe <- get_executable("irace") skip_if_not(nzchar(iraceexe), "Not run because 'irace' is not installed") expect_true(file.exists(iraceexe)) # FIXME: For some reason, this does not generate any output on Windows output <- expect_silent(runexe(iraceexe, "--help")) ## cat("irace --help\n") ## print(output) expected_output <- if (system_os_is_windows()) "^$" else "irace: An implementation in R.*called with: --help" expect_match(paste(collapse="", output), expected_output) }) test_that("ablation exe works", { ablationexe <- get_executable("ablation") skip_if_not(nzchar(ablationexe), "Not run because 'ablation' is not installed") expect_true(file.exists(ablationexe)) # FIXME: For some reason, this does not generate any output on Windows output <- expect_silent(runexe(ablationexe, "--help")) ## cat("ablation --help\n") ## print(output) expected_output <- if (system_os_is_windows()) "^$" else "ablation: An implementation in R of Ablation Analysis.*called with: --help" expect_match(paste(collapse="", output), expected_output) }) run_cmdline <- function(parameters, args) { parameters_file <- tempfile("dummy-parameters", fileext = ".txt") withr::local_file(parameters_file) cat(parameters, file=parameters_file) train_instances_file <- tempfile("dummy-train-instances", fileext = ".txt") withr::local_file(train_instances_file) cat("1\n", file=train_instances_file) irace_cmdline(paste0(args, ' --debug-level 3 --parameter-file=', parameters_file, ' --train-instances-dir= --train-instances-file=', train_instances_file, ' --target-runner=', target_runner_dummy)) } target_runner_dummy <- get_executable("target-runner-dummy") skip_if_not(nzchar(target_runner_dummy), "Not run because 'target-runner-dummy' is not installed") expect_true(file.exists(target_runner_dummy)) test_that("--check", { expect_warning( run_cmdline(paste0('p_int "--p_int " i (1, 10)\n', 'p_real "--p_real " r (1, 10)\n'), '--check --max-experiments 500'), "No scenario file given") }) test_that("--max-time", { expect_warning( run_cmdline(paste0('p_int "--p_int " c (1)\n', 'p_real "--p_real " r (0, 1)\n', 'dummy1 "--dummy1 " r (0, 1)\n', 'time "--time " c (1)\n'), '--max-time 2500'), "No scenario file given") }) test_that("boundMax is too large", { expect_warning( expect_warning( run_cmdline(paste0('p_int "--p_int " i (1, 10)\n', 'p_real "--p_real " r (0, 1)\n', 'time "--time " c (1)\n', 'capping "--opt-time " c (1)\n'), '--max-time 1000 --bound-max 100 --capping 1'), "is too large"), "No scenario file given") }) test_that("--capping", { expect_warning( expect_warning( run_cmdline(paste0('p_int "--p_int " i (1, 10)\n', 'p_real "--p_real " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy1 "--dummy1 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy2 "--dummy2 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy3 "--dummy3 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy4 "--dummy4 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy5 "--dummy5 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy6 "--dummy6 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy7 "--dummy7 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy8 "--dummy8 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy9 "--dummy9 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy11 "--dummy11 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy12 "--dummy12 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy13 "--dummy13 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy14 "--dummy14 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy15 "--dummy15 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy16 "--dummy16 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy17 "--dummy17 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy18 "--dummy18 " r (1, 10)\n', 'dummy19 "--dummy19 " r (1, 10)\n', 'time "--time " c (1)\n', 'capping "--opt-time " c (1)\n'), '--max-time 500 --bound-max 1 --capping 1 '), "With the current settings and estimated time per run"), "No scenario file given") }) test_that("Error cost time", { expect_error( expect_warning( run_cmdline(paste0('p_int "--p_int " i (1, 10)\n', 'p_real "--p_real " r (1, 10)\n'), '--max-time 100 '), "No scenario file given"), "The output of targetRunner must be two numbers 'cost time'", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("low --max-experiments", { expect_warning( expect_error( run_cmdline(paste0('p_int "--p_int " i (1, 10)\n', 'p_real "--p_real " r (1, 10)\n', 'time "--time " c (1)\n'), '--max-experiments 50'), "With the current settings"), "No scenario file given") }) test_that("--min-experiments", { expect_no_warning( expect_warning( run_cmdline(paste0('p_int "--p_int " i (1, 10)\n', 'p_real "--p_real " r (1, 10)\n', 'time "--time " c (1)\n'), '--min-experiments 50'), "No scenario file given")) }) }) # withr::with_output_sink()