# This file is loaded automatically by testthat. generate_set_seed <- function() { seed <- sample.int(min(2147483647L, .Machine$integer.max), size = 1L, replace = TRUE) cat("Seed: ", seed, "\n") set.seed(seed) } test_irace_detectCores <- function() { if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) return(1L) # FIXME: covr takes a very long time on github actions otherwise. if (identical(Sys.getenv("COVR_COVERAGE"), "true")) return(1L) x <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "") if (nzchar(x) && x == "TRUE") return(2L) parallel::detectCores() } skip_on_coverage <- function() { if (identical(Sys.getenv("COVR_COVERAGE"), "true")) skip("Not run during coverage.") else invisible() } system_os_is_windows <- function() .Platform$OS.type == "windows" expect_valid_configurations <- function(configurations, parameters) { configurations <- irace:::removeConfigurationsMetaData(as.data.frame(configurations)) output <- capture.output(print(configurations, width=5000L, row.names = FALSE)) output <- paste0(output, "\n", collapse="") confs2 <- readConfigurationsFile(text=output, parameters=parameters) expect_equal(configurations, confs2) } ## Functions ########################################################## f_ackley <- function (x,y, nsize = 0.01) { # Transformation of parameter values # from [0,1] to [vmin,vmax] vmin <- -5 vmax <- 5 x <- (x*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin y <- (y*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin a <- -20 * exp (-0.2 * sqrt(0.5 * (x^2 + y^2))) b <- exp(0.5 * (cos(2*pi*x) + cos(2*pi*y))) f <- a - b + exp(1) + 20 # Simulating stochasticity noise <- runif(1, min = (1-nsize), max = (1+nsize)) f <- f*noise # Transform result from [fmin,fmax] # to [0,100] fmin <- 0 fmax <- 15*(1+nsize) ((f - fmin) / (fmax-fmin)) * (100-0) + 0 } f_goldestein_price <- function (x,y, nsize = 0.01) { # Transformation of parameter values # from [0,1] to [vmin,vmax] vmin <- -2 vmax <- 2 x <- (x*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin y <- (y*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin a <- 1 + ((x + y + 1)^2) * (19 - 14*x + 3*x^2 - 14*y + 6*x*y + 3*y^2) b <- 30 + ((2*x - 3*y)^2) * (18 - 32*x + 12*x^2 + 48*y - 36*x*y + 27*y^2) f <- a*b # Simulating stochasticity noise <- runif(1, min = (1-nsize), max = (1+nsize)) f <- f*noise # Transform result from [fmin,fmax] # to [0,100] fmin <- 0 fmax <- 1000000*(1+nsize) ((f - fmin) / (fmax-fmin)) * (100-0) + 0 } f_matyas <- function (x,y, nsize = 0.01) { # Trasfomation of parameter values # from [0,1] to [vmin,vmax] vmin <- -10 vmax <- 10 x <- (x*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin y <- (y*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin f <- 0.26 * (x^2 + y^2) - (0.48*x*y) # Simulating stochasticity noise <- runif(1, min = (1-nsize), max = (1+nsize)) f <- f*noise # Transform result from [fmin,fmax] # to [0,100] fmin <- 0 fmax <- 100*(1+nsize) ((f - fmin) / (fmax-fmin)) * (100-0) + 0 } f_himmelblau <- function (x,y, nsize = 0.01) { # Trasfomation of parameter values # from [0,1] to [vmin,vmax] vmin <- -5 vmax <- 5 x <- (x*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin y <- (y*(vmax-vmin)) + vmin f <- (x^2 + y - 11)^2 + (x + y^2 - 7)^2 # Simulating stochasticity noise <- runif(1, min = (1-nsize), max = (1+nsize)) f <- f*noise # Transform result from [fmin,fmax] # to [0,100] fmin <- 0 fmax <- 2000*(1+nsize) ((f - fmin) / (fmax-fmin)) * (100-0) + 0 } target_runner_capping_xy <- function(experiment, scenario) { configuration <- experiment$configuration instance <- experiment$instance bound <- experiment$bound x <- configuration[["x"]] y <- configuration[["y"]] value <- switch(instance, ackley = f_ackley(x, y), goldestein = f_goldestein_price(x, y), matyas = f_matyas(x, y), himmelblau = f_himmelblau(x, y)) # Simulate execution bound list(cost = value, time=min(value + 0.1, bound)) } irace_capping_xy <- function(..., targetRunner = force(target_runner_capping_xy), parallel = test_irace_detectCores()) { # Silence Error in `save(iraceResults, file = logfile, version = 3L)`: (converted from warning) 'package:irace' may not be available when loading # See https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/2044 if (!is.null(attr(environment(targetRunner), "name", exact=TRUE))) { environment(targetRunner) <- globalenv() } args <- list(...) parameters_table <- ' x "" r (0, 1.00) y "" r (0, 1.00) reject "" c (0,1)' parameters <- readParameters(text = parameters_table) logFile <- withr::local_tempfile(fileext=".Rdata") scenario <- list(instances = c("ackley", "goldestein", "matyas", "himmelblau"), targetRunner = targetRunner, capping = TRUE, boundMax = 80, testType = "t-test", logFile = logFile, parallel = parallel, parameters = parameters) scenario <- modifyList(scenario, args) scenario <- checkScenario (scenario) expect_true(irace:::checkTargetFiles(scenario = scenario)) confs <- irace(scenario = scenario) best_conf <- getFinalElites(scenario$logFile, n = 1L, drop.metadata = TRUE) expect_identical(removeConfigurationsMetaData(confs[1L, , drop = FALSE]), best_conf) } # Useful for testing recovery. wrap_target_runner_error <- function(target_runner, limit) { counter <- force(limit) target_runner <- force(target_runner) fun <- function(experiment, scenario) { counter <<- counter - 1L if (counter <= 0L) return(list(cost=NA)) target_runner(experiment, scenario) } parent.env(environment(fun)) <- globalenv() fun } wrap_target_runner_counter <- function(target_runner) { counter <- 0L target_runner <- force(target_runner) fun <- function(experiment, scenario) { counter <<- counter + 1L target_runner(experiment, scenario) } parent.env(environment(fun)) <- globalenv() fun }