# Sample extracts for use in api unit testing test_usa_extract <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "usa", description = "Test USA extract", samples = samp_spec("us2017b"), variables = list( var_spec( "RACE", case_selections = c("801", "802"), case_selection_type = "detailed", preselected = FALSE ), "YEAR" ), data_format = "fixed_width", case_select_who = "households" ) } test_usa_extract_household_only <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "usa", description = "Test USA household-only extract", samples = samp_spec("us2017b"), variables = "STATEFIP", data_structure = "household_only" ) } test_cps_extract <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "cps", description = "Compare age-sex-race breakdowns 1976", samples = c("cps2018_03s", "cps2019_03s"), variables = list( var_spec( "AGE", attached_characteristics = "head", data_quality_flags = FALSE ), var_spec( "SEX", case_selections = "2", attached_characteristics = c("mother", "father") ), var_spec( "RACE", case_selections = c("810", "811", "812"), case_selection_type = "general" ) ), data_format = "fixed_width", data_structure = "hierarchical", case_select_who = "individuals", data_quality_flags = TRUE ) } test_ipumsi_extract <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "ipumsi", description = "Test IPUMSI extract", samples = c("mx2015a", "cl2017a"), variables = list( var_spec("AGE", case_selections = "010"), var_spec("SEX", attached_characteristics = "father"), "EDATTAIN" ), data_format = "csv" ) } test_atus_extract <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "atus", description = "Test ATUS extract", samples = c("at2020", "at2021"), variables = list( "STATEFIP", var_spec( "AGE", attached_characteristics = c("mother", "father", "spouse"), data_quality_flags = TRUE ), "SEX", "DIFFANY", "RELATER" ), time_use_variables = list( "ACT_PCARE", tu_var_spec("my_time_use_var", owner = "example@example.com") ), sample_members = "include_household_members", data_structure = "hierarchical" ) } # In order to test that we can request user-created time use variables, this # extract request includes a real time use variable created by Derek Burk # (burkx031@umn.edu). Using vcr fixtures, tests that use this extract should # be runnable by anyone, but if the fixtures aren't available, those tests will # fail. test_atus_extract_submittable <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "atus", description = "Test ATUS extract", samples = c("at2020", "at2021"), variables = list( "STATEFIP", var_spec( "AGE", attached_characteristics = c("mother", "father", "spouse"), data_quality_flags = TRUE ), "SEX", "DIFFANY", "RELATER" ), time_use_variables = list( "ACT_PCARE", tu_var_spec("screentime", owner = "robe2037@umn.edu") ), sample_members = c("include_household_members", "include_non_respondents"), data_structure = "hierarchical" ) } test_nhis_extract <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "nhis", description = "Test NHIS extract", samples = c("ih2010", "ih2011"), variables = list( "LIVINGQTR", "AGE", "SEX", var_spec("BMI", attached_characteristics = c("mother", "father")), "IRCAUSE", "IRMONTH" ), rectangular_on = "I" ) } test_meps_extract <- function() { define_extract_micro( collection = "meps", description = "Test MEPS extract", samples = c("mp2005", "mp2006"), variables = list( "REGMEPSRD", "AGERD", "MARSTATRD", "ASTHPINQUICKRD", var_spec("INCCHLD", data_quality_flags = TRUE) ), rectangular_on = "R" ) } test_nhgis_extract <- function() { define_extract_nhgis( description = "Extract for R client testing", datasets = list( ds_spec("2014_2018_ACS5a", c("B01001", "B01002"), "nation"), ds_spec("2015_2019_ACS5a", c("B01001", "B01002"), "blck_grp") ), time_series_tables = tst_spec("CW3", "state", "1990"), geographic_extents = c("110", "100"), tst_layout = "time_by_row_layout", shapefiles = "110_blck_grp_2019_tl2019", data_format = "csv_no_header" ) } test_nhgis_extract_shp <- function() { define_extract_nhgis( shapefiles = "110_blck_grp_2019_tl2019" ) } #' Remove intermediate API requests from API unit test fixtures #' #' @description #' Removes all but the final request from an existing API test fixture found in #' tests/fixtures. This is useful for processes that may make multiple #' API requests (e.g. `wait_for_extract()`). Modifying the output fixture #' ensures that we do not "wait" for completion when using the fixture in the #' future, as the request will make it look as if the extract has already #' completed. This greatly speeds up testing time. #' #' If more than the final API request are required for proper testing of certain #' features, you can retain multiple requests with the `n_requests` argument. #' #' @param cassette_file_name Name of the test fixture .yml file to be modified #' @param n_requests Number of requests to retain in the modified file. #' By default, includes only the last API request. However, in some cases #' it may be beneficial to save multiple requests in a single fixture (for #' instance, if testing `wait_for_extract()` functionality). #' #' @noRd modify_ready_extract_cassette_file <- function(cassette_file_name, n_requests = 1) { ready_extract_cassette_file <- file.path( vcr::vcr_test_path("fixtures"), cassette_file_name ) if (file.exists(ready_extract_cassette_file)) { ready_lines <- readLines(ready_extract_cassette_file) request_lines <- which(grepl("^- request:", ready_lines)) if (length(request_lines) > n_requests) { message(paste0("Modifying ", cassette_file_name, "...")) start_line <- request_lines[length(request_lines) - n_requests + 1] writeLines( c( ready_lines[[1]], ready_lines[start_line:length(ready_lines)] ), con = ready_extract_cassette_file ) } } } modify_ready_extract_cassette_files <- function(cassette_file_names, n_requests = 1) { purrr::walk( cassette_file_names, ~ modify_ready_extract_cassette_file(.x, n_requests = n_requests) ) } #' Convert all download file paths in a cassette file to be relative to the #' working directory #' #' @noRd convert_paths_in_cassette_file_to_relative <- function(cassette_path) { lines <- readLines(cassette_path) file_path_lines <- which(fostr_detect(lines, "file: yes")) + 1 orig_paths <- purrr::map_chr( lines[file_path_lines], ~ strsplit(.x, "string: ")[[1]][[2]] ) converted_paths <- purrr::map_chr(orig_paths, convert_to_relative_path) for (i in seq_along(orig_paths)) { lines <- gsub(orig_paths[[i]], converted_paths[[i]], lines, fixed = TRUE) } writeLines(lines, con = cassette_path) } #' Convert an absolute path to be relative to the working directory #' #' This is only used in unit tests at the moment. #TODO: move to utils? #' #' @noRd convert_to_relative_path <- function(path) { path_components <- strsplit(path, "/|\\\\", perl = TRUE)[[1]] wd_components <- strsplit(getwd(), "/|\\\\", perl = TRUE)[[1]] if (identical(path_components, wd_components)) { rlang::abort("Supplied path cannot be the path to the working directory") } path_length <- length(path_components) wd_length <- length(wd_components) min_length <- min(path_length, wd_length) path_components_min_length <- path_components[1:min_length] wd_components_min_length <- wd_components[1:min_length] components_match <- path_components_min_length == wd_components_min_length if (!any(components_match)) { rlang::abort("Supplied path must be an absolute path") } on_same_branch <- all(components_match) if (on_same_branch) { if (path_length > wd_length) { return( do.call(file.path, as.list(utils::tail(path_components, -min_length))) ) } else { return( do.call(file.path, as.list(rep("..", times = wd_length - path_length))) ) } } split_point <- min(which(!components_match)) path_relative_to_split <- path_components[split_point:length(path_components)] wd_relative_to_split <- wd_components[split_point:length(wd_components)] wd_levels_below_split <- length(wd_relative_to_split) do.call( file.path, c( as.list(rep("..", times = wd_levels_below_split)), as.list(path_relative_to_split) ) ) } skip_if_no_api_access <- function(have_api_access) { if (!have_api_access) { return(testthat::skip("no API access and no saved API responses")) } }