# From data.frames -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("Disassembling to d.f and assembling back to igraph gives the same result", { # convert to data frames l <- asDF(exIgraph) # assemble back g <- asIgraph( l$edges, vertices=l$vertexes) expect_true( igraph::identical_graphs(g, exIgraph) ) } ) test_that("Providing non-existing name to 'vnames' throws an error", { ## testing 'vnames' argument # non-existent column in 'vertices' expect_error( asIgraph(l$edges, vertices=l$vertexes, vnames="foo") ) } ) test_that("Vertex names are properly set via 'vnames' argument for directed network", { # existing column in 'vertices' l <- asDF(exIgraph) g <- asIgraph( l$edges, vertices=l$vertexes, vnames="label") expect_equal( l$vertexes$label, igraph::vertex_attr(g, "name")) } ) test_that("Vertex names are properly set via 'vnames' argument for undirected network", { ## above tests but for the undirected network ## convert to data frames and assemble back to igraph object l <- asDF(exIgraph2) g <- asIgraph( l$edges, vertices=l$vertexes, directed=FALSE) expect_true( igraph::identical_graphs(g, exIgraph2) ) } ) # From tibbles ------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("Igraph is created from edgelist as tibble", { edb <- tibble::tibble( from = 1:4, to = 2:5 ) expect_silent( net <- asIgraph(edb) ) expect_equal( igraph::vcount(net), 5) expect_equal( igraph::ecount(net), 4) }) test_that("Network is created from tibbles", { edb <- tibble::tibble( from = 1:4, to = 2:5 ) vdb <- tibble::tibble( id = 1:5, ch = letters[1:5] ) expect_silent( net <- asIgraph(edb, vertices=vdb)) expect_equal( igraph::vcount(net), 5) expect_equal( igraph::ecount(net), 4) }) # From networks ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("Conversion for exNetwork is OK tested with netcompare", { # directed network res <- netcompare( asIgraph(exNetwork), exNetwork, test=TRUE ) expect_true(res) } ) test_that("Conversion for exNetwork2 is OK tested with netcompare", { # undirected network res2 <- netcompare( asIgraph(exNetwork2), exNetwork2, test=TRUE ) expect_true(res2) } ) test_that("Conversion of bipartite networks is not yet supported", { ### bipartite network (not yet supported) m <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=3) m[1,1] <- m[2,1] <- m[1,2] <- m[3,2] <- 1 net <- network::network(t(m), bipartite=TRUE, directed=FALSE) expect_error(asIgraph(net)) } )