testthat::test_that('sdmWorkflow produces the correct output given different Workflow situations.', { skip_on_cran() ##Create different workflows here: #1. Just GBIF data proj <- '+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' countries <- st_as_sf(geodata::world(path = tempdir())) countries <- countries[countries$NAME_0 %in% c('Norway'),] countries <- st_transform(countries, proj) species <- c('Fraxinus excelsior') workflow <- try(startWorkflow(Species = species, saveOptions = list(projectName = 'testthatexample', projectDirectory = './'), Projection = proj, Countries = 'Norway', Quiet = TRUE, Save = TRUE)) if (inherits(workflow, 'try-error')) { workflow <- startWorkflow(Species = species, saveOptions = list(projectName = 'testthatexample', projectDirectory = './'), Projection = proj, Quiet = TRUE, Save = TRUE) workflow$addArea(Object = countries) } workflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data', limit = 50) #Get less species workflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data2', limit = 50, datasetType = 'PA') expect_error(sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow)) #Test no output given workflow$workflowOutput('Model') expect_error(sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow)) #Test no mesh provided workflow$addMesh(max.edge = 500000) #200000 #Test something about CV-method -- none specified but given as output #Need to test a lot of the copy model; points spatial; points intercept parts workflow$modelOptions(ISDM = list(pointsSpatial = 'shared')) sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow) expect_true(all(c(dir.exists('./testthatexample/Fraxinus_excelsior')))) expect_true(all(c(file.exists('./testthatexample/Fraxinus_excelsior/intModel.rds')))) Fraxinus_excelsior <- readRDS(file = './testthatexample/Fraxinus_excelsior/intModel.rds') expect_setequal(rownames(Fraxinus_excelsior$summary.fixed), c("GBIF_data_intercept", "GBIF_data2_intercept")) expect_equal(as.character(Fraxinus_excelsior$componentsJoint)[2], "-1 + shared_spatial(main = geometry, model = shared_field) + GBIF_data_intercept(1) + GBIF_data2_intercept(1)") rm(Fraxinus_excelsior) biasCopyonCRAN <- FALSE if (biasCopyonCRAN) { biasWorkflow <- startWorkflow(Species = species, saveOptions = list(projectName = 'testthatexample', projectDirectory = './tests'), Projection = proj, Quiet = TRUE, Save = FALSE) biasWorkflow$addArea(Object = countries) biasWorkflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data') #Get less species biasWorkflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data2', limit = 50, datasetType = 'PA') biasWorkflow$workflowOutput('Model') biasWorkflow$addMesh(max.edge = 500000) #200000 biasWorkflow$biasFields('GBIF_data') biasWorkflow$modelOptions(ISDM = list(pointsSpatial = 'shared')) biasMod <- sdmWorkflow(biasWorkflow) expect_setequal(names(biasMod$Fraxinus_excelsior$Model$summary.random), c("shared_spatial", "GBIF_data_biasField")) expect_setequal(class(biasMod$Fraxinus_excelsior$Model), c("modISDM", "bru", "iinla", "inla")) rm(biasWorkflow) } copyWorkflow <- startWorkflow(Species = species, saveOptions = list(projectName = 'testthatexample', projectDirectory = './tests'), Projection = proj, Quiet = TRUE, Save = FALSE) copyWorkflow$addArea(Object = countries) copyWorkflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data') #Get less species copyWorkflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data2', limit = 50, datasetType = 'PA') copyWorkflow$workflowOutput('Model') copyWorkflow$addMesh(max.edge = 500000) #200000 copyWorkflow$modelOptions(ISDM = list(pointsSpatial = 'copy')) copyWorkflow$specifyPriors(copyModel = list(beta = list(fixed = TRUE))) copyMod <- sdmWorkflow(copyWorkflow) expect_setequal(names(copyMod$Fraxinus_excelsior$Model$summary.random), c("GBIF_data_spatial", "GBIF_data2_spatial")) expect_equal(as.character(copyMod$Fraxinus_excelsior$Model$componentsJoint)[2], "-1 + GBIF_data_spatial(main = geometry, model = GBIF_data_field) + GBIF_data2_spatial(main = geometry, copy = \"GBIF_data_spatial\", hyper = list(beta = list(fixed = TRUE))) + GBIF_data_intercept(1) + GBIF_data2_intercept(1)") unlink('./tests/testthatexample', recursive = TRUE) ##Test Richness model proj <- '+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' countries <- st_as_sf(geodata::world(path = tempdir())) countries <- countries[countries$NAME_0 %in% c('Norway'),] countries <- st_transform(countries, proj) species <- c('Fraxinus excelsior') workflow <- try(startWorkflow(Species = species, saveOptions = list(projectName = 'testthatexample', projectDirectory = './'), Projection = proj, Countries = 'Norway', Richness = TRUE, Quiet = TRUE, Save = TRUE)) if (inherits(workflow, 'try-error')) { workflow <- startWorkflow(Species = species, saveOptions = list(projectName = 'testthatexample', projectDirectory = './'), Projection = proj, Quiet = TRUE, Save = TRUE, Richness = TRUE) workflow$addArea(Object = countries) } workflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data', limit = 50) #Get less species workflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'GBIF_data2', limit = 50, datasetType = 'PA') expect_error(sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow)) #Test no output given workflow$workflowOutput(c('Model', 'Predictions')) expect_error(sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow)) #Test no mesh provided workflow$addMesh(max.edge = 500000) #200000 #Test something about CV-method -- none specified but given as output #Need to test a lot of the copy model; points spatial; points intercept parts workflow$modelOptions(ISDM = list(pointsSpatial = 'shared')) expect_error(sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow)) workflow$modelOptions(Richness = list(predictionIntercept = 'GBIF_data')) sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow) expect_true(all(c(file.exists('./testthatexample/richnessModel.rds')))) expect_true(all(c(file.exists('./testthatexample/richnessPredictions.rds')))) RichModel <- readRDS(file = './testthatexample/richnessModel.rds') expect_setequal(rownames(RichModel$summary.fixed), c("GBIF_data_intercept", "GBIF_data2_intercept")) expect_equal(deparse1(RichModel$componentsJoint), "~-1 + shared_spatial(main = geometry, model = shared_field) + speciesShared(main = geometry, model = speciesField, group = speciesSpatialGroup, control.group = list(model = \"iid\", hyper = list(prec = list(prior = \"loggamma\", param = c(1, 5e-05))))) + GBIF_data_intercept(1) + GBIF_data2_intercept(1) + speciesName_intercepts(main = speciesName, model = \"iid\", constr = TRUE, hyper = list(prec = list(prior = \"loggamma\", param = c(1, 5e-05))))") rm(RichModel) unlink('./testthatexample', recursive = TRUE) })