skip_if_not_installed("afex") data(obk.long, package = "afex") obk.long$treatment <- as.character(obk.long$treatment) obk.long$phase <- as.character(obk.long$phase) Mc <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( afex::aov_car( value ~ treatment * gender + age + Error(id / (phase * hour)), factorize = FALSE, data = obk.long, include_aov = FALSE ) )) Mc2 <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( afex::aov_car( value ~ treatment * gender + exp(age) + Error(id / (phase * hour)), factorize = FALSE, data = obk.long, include_aov = FALSE ) )) M <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( afex::aov_car( value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id / (phase * hour)), data = obk.long, include_aov = FALSE ) )) B <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( afex::aov_car( value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id), data = obk.long, include_aov = FALSE ) )) W <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( afex::aov_car( value ~ Error(id / (phase * hour)), data = obk.long, include_aov = FALSE ) )) mods <- list(Mc, Mc2, M, B, W) test_that("afex_aov: afex", { # see skip_if( "as.character.formula" %in% methods(as.character), "Some package uses `` which breaks `find_formula()`." ) expect_identical(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, model_name))), "afex_aov") expect_identical(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, find_algorithm))), "OLS") expect_identical(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, find_statistic))), "F-statistic") expect_null(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, find_offset)))) expect_null(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, find_random_slopes)))) expect_null(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, find_smooth)))) expect_null(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, find_weights)))) expect_null(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, get_call)))) expect_null(unique(unlist(sapply(mods, get_weights)))) expect_null(unique(unlist(suppressWarnings(sapply(mods, get_variance))))) expect_true(unique(sapply(mods, all_models_equal))) expect_true(unique(sapply(mods, has_intercept))) expect_true(unique(sapply(mods, is_model))) expect_true(unique(sapply(mods, is_model_supported))) expect_false(unique(sapply(mods, is_gam_model))) expect_false(unique(sapply(mods, is_nullmodel))) expect_equal(link_function(Mc2), gaussian()$linkfun, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(link_inverse(Mc2), gaussian()$linkinv, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("afex_aov: model values", { expect_equal( suppressWarnings(sapply(mods, get_auxiliary)), c(1.75262, 1.77497, 1.77038, 1.29973, 2.08001), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal( suppressWarnings(sapply(mods, get_df)), c(134, 134, 149, 9, 224), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal( sapply(mods, get_loglikelihood), c(-405.34037, -408.37849, -420.51277, -22.29462, -508.05184), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal( suppressWarnings(sapply(mods, get_sigma)), c(1.75262, 1.77497, 1.77038, 1.29973, 2.08001), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal( sapply(mods, n_obs), c(240, 240, 240, 16, 240), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal( sapply(mods, n_parameters), c(105, 105, 90, 6, 15), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal( sapply(mods, is_mixed_model), c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal( sapply(mods, get_deviance), c(411.603, 422.17, 467, 15.204, 969.125), tolerance = 0.01 ) }) test_that("afex_aov: formula and parameters", { # see skip_if( "as.character.formula" %in% methods(as.character), "Some package uses `` which breaks `find_formula()`." ) # find_formula expect_identical( find_terms(Mc2), list( response = "value", conditional = c("phase", "hour", "treatment", "gender", "exp(age)"), error = "Error(id/(phase * hour))" ) ) expect_length(find_interactions(Mc2)$conditional, 14) expect_identical( find_variables(Mc2), list( response = "value", fixed = c("treatment", "gender", "age", "phase", "hour"), random = "id" ) ) expect_identical( find_predictors(Mc2, effects = "all"), list( fixed = c("treatment", "gender", "age", "phase", "hour"), random = "id" ) ) expect_identical( find_random(Mc2), list(random = "id") ) expect_identical(find_response(Mc2), "value") }) test_that("afex_aov: formula and parameters", { expect_identical(dim(get_data(Mc2)), c(240L, 7L)) expect_identical(dim(get_statistic(Mc2)), c(19L, 2L)) expect_identical(dim(get_modelmatrix(Mc2)), c(16L, 7L)) expect_length(find_parameters(Mc2), 15) expect_length(get_intercept(Mc2), 15) expect_identical(dim(get_parameters(Mc2)), as.integer(c(15 * 7, 3))) expect_identical(dim(get_varcov(Mc2)), as.integer(c(15 * 7, 15 * 7))) expect_length(get_predicted(Mc2), n_obs(Mc2)) expect_length(get_residuals(Mc2), n_obs(Mc2)) })