skip_if_not_installed("pscl") data(bioChemists, package = "pscl") m1 <- pscl::zeroinfl(art ~ fem + mar + kid5 + ment | kid5 + phd, data = bioChemists) test_that("model_info", { expect_true(model_info(m1)$is_poisson) expect_true(model_info(m1)$is_zero_inflated) expect_false(model_info(m1)$is_linear) }) test_that("n_parameters", { expect_equal(n_parameters(m1), 8) expect_equal(n_parameters(m1, component = "conditional"), 5) }) test_that("find_predictors", { expect_identical( find_predictors(m1), list( conditional = c("fem", "mar", "kid5", "ment"), zero_inflated = c("kid5", "phd") ) ) expect_identical( find_predictors(m1, flatten = TRUE), c("fem", "mar", "kid5", "ment", "phd") ) expect_null(find_predictors(m1, effects = "random")) }) test_that("find_response", { expect_identical(find_response(m1), "art") }) test_that("link_inverse", { expect_equal(link_inverse(m1)(0.2), exp(0.2), tolerance = 1e-5) }) test_that("get_data", { expect_equal(nrow(get_data(m1)), 915) expect_equal( colnames(get_data(m1)), c("art", "fem", "mar", "kid5", "ment", "phd") ) }) test_that("find_formula", { expect_length(find_formula(m1), 2) expect_equal( find_formula(m1), list( conditional = as.formula("art ~ fem + mar + kid5 + ment"), zero_inflated = as.formula("~kid5 + phd") ), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("find_terms", { expect_equal( find_terms(m1), list( response = "art", conditional = c("fem", "mar", "kid5", "ment"), zero_inflated = c("kid5", "phd") ) ) expect_equal( find_terms(m1, flatten = TRUE), c("art", "fem", "mar", "kid5", "ment", "phd") ) }) test_that("n_obs", { expect_equal(n_obs(m1), 915) }) test_that("linkfun", { expect_false(is.null(link_function(m1))) }) test_that("find_parameters", { expect_equal( find_parameters(m1), list( conditional = c( "count_(Intercept)", "count_femWomen", "count_marMarried", "count_kid5", "count_ment" ), zero_inflated = c("zero_(Intercept)", "zero_kid5", "zero_phd") ) ) expect_equal(nrow(get_parameters(m1)), 8) expect_equal(nrow(get_parameters(m1, component = "zi")), 3) expect_equal( get_parameters(m1)$Parameter, c( "count_(Intercept)", "count_femWomen", "count_marMarried", "count_kid5", "count_ment", "zero_(Intercept)", "zero_kid5", "zero_phd" ) ) }) test_that("find_statistic", { expect_identical(find_statistic(m1), "z-statistic") }) test_that("get_statistic", { expect_equal( get_statistic(m1)$Statistic, c(8.26297, -3.90986, 2.07134, -3.43156, 10.05389, -2.143, 0.21384, -1.84259), tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( get_statistic(m1)$Component, c( "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "zero_inflated", "zero_inflated", "zero_inflated" ), tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("get_varcov", { # needs to be loaded suppressPackageStartupMessages({ suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(sandwich, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE))) }) set.seed(123) vc1 <- get_varcov(m1, component = "all", vcov = "BS", vcov_args = list(R = 50)) set.seed(123) vc2 <- sandwich::vcovBS(m1, R = 50) expect_equal(vc1, vc2, ignore_attr = TRUE) set.seed(123) vc1 <- get_varcov(m1, component = "conditional", vcov = "BS", vcov_args = list(R = 50)) count_col <- grepl("^count_", colnames(vc2)) expect_equal(vc1, vc2[count_col, count_col], ignore_attr = TRUE) set.seed(123) vc1 <- get_varcov(m1, component = "zero_inflated", vcov = "BS", vcov_args = list(R = 50)) zero_col <- grepl("^zero_", colnames(vc2)) expect_equal(vc1, vc2[zero_col, zero_col], ignore_attr = TRUE) }) m2 <- pscl::zeroinfl(formula = art ~ . | 1, data = bioChemists, dist = "negbin") test_that("get_statistic", { expect_equal( get_statistic(m2)$Statistic, c(1.84902, -2.97806, 1.83266, -3.32478, 0.42324, 8.38088, -0.14579), tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal( get_statistic(m2)$Component, c( "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "zero_inflated" ), tolerance = 1e-3 ) })