test_that("format_table with ci-level", { d <- data.frame(CI = 0.97, CI_low = 1, CI_high = 3) ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, "97% CI") d$CI <- 0.788 ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, "78.8% CI") d$CI <- NULL attr(d, "ci") <- 0.9 ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, "90% CI") }) test_that("format_table with multiple ci-levels", { d <- data.frame( CI_low_0.97 = 1, CI_high_0.97 = 3, CI_low_0.2 = 1, CI_high_0.2 = 3 ) ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, c("97% CI", "20% CI")) }) test_that("format_table with si-level", { d <- data.frame(CI = 0.97, CI_low = 1, CI_high = 3) attr(d, "ci_method") <- "SI" ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, "BF = 0.97 SI") d$CI <- 0.788 ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, "BF = 0.788 SI") d$CI <- NULL attr(d, "ci") <- 0.9 ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, "BF = 0.9 SI") }) test_that("format_table with multiple si-levels", { d <- data.frame( CI_low_3 = 1, CI_high_3 = 3, CI_low_0.2 = 1, CI_high_0.2 = 3 ) attr(d, "ci_method") <- "SI" ft <- insight::format_table(d) expect_named(ft, c("BF = 3 SI", "BF = 0.2 SI")) }) skip_if_not_installed("bayestestR") set.seed(1234) test_that("format_table with multiple si-levels", { d <- bayestestR::distribution_normal(1000) x <- bayestestR::hdi(d, ci = c(0.80, 0.90)) expect_snapshot(x) })