skip_if_offline() skip_on_os(c("mac", "linux", "solaris")) skip_if_not_installed("bayestestR") skip_if_not_installed("rstanarm") # test for bayesian models ----------------- m1 <- insight::download_model("stanreg_glm_1") skip_if(is.null(m1)) test_that("format_table with stars bayes", { set.seed(123) x <- suppressWarnings(, test = c("pd", "bf")))) out <- format_table(x) expect_identical(colnames(out), c("Parameter", "Median", "95% CI", "pd", "BF", "Rhat", "ESS")) expect_identical(out$BF[2], "114.21") expect_identical(out$pd, c("99.98%", "100%")) out <- format_table(x, stars = TRUE) expect_identical(colnames(out), c("Parameter", "Median", "95% CI", "pd", "BF", "Rhat", "ESS")) expect_identical(out$BF[2], "114.21***") expect_identical(out$pd, c("99.98%***", "100%***")) out <- format_table(x, stars = c("pd", "BF")) expect_identical(colnames(out), c("Parameter", "Median", "95% CI", "pd", "BF", "Rhat", "ESS")) expect_identical(out$BF[2], "114.21***") expect_identical(out$pd, c("99.98%***", "100%***")) out <- format_table(x, stars = "pd") expect_identical(colnames(out), c("Parameter", "Median", "95% CI", "pd", "BF", "Rhat", "ESS")) expect_identical(out$BF[2], "114.21") expect_identical(out$pd, c("99.98%***", "100%***")) out <- format_table(x, stars = "BF") expect_identical(colnames(out), c("Parameter", "Median", "95% CI", "pd", "BF", "Rhat", "ESS")) expect_identical(out$BF[2], "114.21***") expect_identical(out$pd, c("99.98%", "100%")) }) test_that("format_table with column order", { set.seed(123) x <- suppressWarnings(, test = c("pd", "bf", "rope")))) out <- format_table(x) expect_named( out, c( "Parameter", "Median", "95% CI", "pd", "ROPE", "% in ROPE", "BF", "Rhat", "ESS" ) ) expect_named( standardize_column_order(x), c( "Parameter", "Median", "CI", "CI_low", "CI_high", "pd", "ROPE_CI", "ROPE_low", "ROPE_high", "ROPE_Percentage", "log_BF", "Rhat", "ESS" ) ) }) # test for freq models ----------------- test_that("format_table with stars freq", { skip_if_not_installed("parameters") x <- ~ Species + Sepal.Width, data = iris))) out <- format_table(x) expect_identical(colnames(out), c("Parameter", "Coefficient", "SE", "95% CI", "t(146)", "p")) expect_identical(out$p, c("< .001", "< .001", "< .001", "< .001")) out <- format_table(x, stars = TRUE) expect_identical(out$p, c("< .001***", "< .001***", "< .001***", "< .001***")) out <- format_table(x, stars = c("pd", "BF")) expect_identical(out$p, c("< .001", "< .001", "< .001", "< .001")) out <- format_table(x, stars = "pd") expect_identical(out$p, c("< .001", "< .001", "< .001", "< .001")) out <- format_table(x, stars = c("BF", "p")) expect_identical(out$p, c("< .001***", "< .001***", "< .001***", "< .001***")) }) # test for freq models ----------------- test_that("formatting ROPE CI", { skip_if_not_installed("parameters") data(iris) d <- iris d$Sepal.Length10 <- 10 * d$Sepal.Length m10 <- lm(Sepal.Length10 ~ Sepal.Width + Species, data = d) expect_snapshot(print(parameters::equivalence_test(m10))) }) test_that("reorder columns BF", { # brms_bf <- suppressWarnings(download_model("brms_bf_1")) out <- data.frame( Parameter = c("b_Intercept", "b_wt", "sigma"), Component = c("conditional", "conditional", "sigma"), Median = c(32.22175, -3.755645, 3.461165), CI = c(0.95, 0.95, 0.95), CI_low = c(27.2244525, -4.9688055, 2.6517275), CI_high = c(35.75887, -2.21074025, 4.69652725), pd = c(1, 1, 1), ROPE_Percentage = c(0, 0, 0), log_BF = c(14.4924732349718, 5.79962753110103, 8.89383915455679), Rhat = c(1.00438747198895, 1.00100407213689, 0.992006699276081), ESS = c(88.3152312142069, 91.7932788446396, 167.822262320689), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_snapshot(format_table(out), variant = "windows") })