skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() skip_if_not_installed("lme4") skip_if_not_installed("BayesFactor") skip_if_not_installed("rstanarm") suppressPackageStartupMessages({ suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(rstanarm, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE))) }) data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4") # defining models --------------------- m1 <- insight::download_model("stanreg_merMod_5") m2 <- insight::download_model("stanreg_glm_6") m3 <- insight::download_model("stanreg_glm_1") skip_if(is.null(m1)) skip_if(is.null(m2)) skip_if(is.null(m3)) data("puzzles", package = "BayesFactor") m4 <- suppressWarnings( stan_glm( RT ~ color * shape, data = puzzles, prior = cauchy(0, c(3, 1, 2)), iter = 500, chains = 2, refresh = 0 ) ) m5 <- suppressWarnings( stan_glm( RT ~ color * shape, data = puzzles, prior = cauchy(0, c(1, 2, 3)), iter = 500, chains = 2, refresh = 0 ) ) m6 <- insight::download_model("stanreg_gamm4_1") skip_if(is.null(m6)) m7 <- suppressWarnings( stan_lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars, prior = R2(0.75), chains = 1, iter = 300, refresh = 0 ) ) m8 <- stan_lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), data = sleepstudy, refresh = 0) m9 <- stan_aov(yield ~ block + N * P * K, data = npk, prior = R2(0.5), refresh = 0) N <- 200 x <- rnorm(N, 2, 1) z <- rnorm(N, 2, 1) mu <- binomial(link = "logit")$linkinv(1 + 0.2 * x) phi <- exp(1.5 + 0.4 * z) y <- rbeta(N, mu * phi, (1 - mu) * phi) hist(y, col = "dark grey", border = FALSE, xlim = c(0, 1)) fake_dat <- data.frame(y, x, z) m10 <- stan_betareg( y ~ x | z, data = fake_dat, link = "logit", link.phi = "log", refresh = 0, algorithm = "optimizing" # just for speed of example ) ols <- lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars, # all row are complete so ... na.action = na.exclude ) # not necessary in this case b <- coef(ols)[-1] R <- qr.R(ols$qr)[-1, -1] SSR <- crossprod(ols$residuals)[1] not_NA <- ! N <- sum(not_NA) xbar <- colMeans(mtcars[not_NA, c("wt", "qsec", "am")]) y <- mtcars$mpg[not_NA] ybar <- mean(y) s_y <- sd(y) m11 <- suppressWarnings(, R, SSR, N, xbar, ybar, s_y, prior = R2(0.75), # the next line is only to make the example go fast refresh = 0, chains = 1, iter = 500, seed = 12345 ) ) dat <- infert[order(infert$stratum), ] # order by strata m12 <- suppressWarnings( stan_clogit(case ~ spontaneous + induced + (1 | education), strata = stratum, data = dat, subset = parity <= 2, QR = TRUE, chains = 2, iter = 500, refresh = 0 ) ) # for speed only test_that("stan_jm", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_os(c("mac", "linux", "solaris"), arch = "i386") void <- capture.output( m13 <- suppressMessages( suppressWarnings( stan_jm( formulaLong = logBili ~ year + (1 | id), dataLong = pbcLong, formulaEvent = Surv(futimeYears, death) ~ sex + trt, dataEvent = pbcSurv, time_var = "year", # this next line is only to keep the example small in size! chains = 1, cores = 1, seed = 12345, iter = 1000, refresh = 0 ) ) ) ) # expect_snapshot(model_info(m13)) }) data("Orange", package = "datasets") Orange$circumference <- Orange$circumference / 100 Orange$age <- Orange$age / 100 ## TODO probably re-enable once strange check error is resolved # m14 <- stan_nlmer( # circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ Asym | Tree, # data = Orange, # # for speed only # chains = 1, # iter = 1000 # ) invisible(capture.output( m15 <- suppressWarnings( stan_mvmer( formula = list( logBili ~ year + (1 | id), albumin ~ sex + year + (year | id) ), data = pbcLong, # this next line is only to keep the example small in size! chains = 1, cores = 1, seed = 12345, iter = 1000, refresh = 0 ) ) )) test_that("model_info-stanreg-glm", { expect_equal( model_info(m1), list( is_binomial = TRUE, is_bernoulli = FALSE, is_count = FALSE, is_poisson = FALSE, is_negbin = FALSE, is_beta = FALSE, is_betabinomial = FALSE, is_dirichlet = FALSE, is_exponential = FALSE, is_logit = TRUE, is_probit = FALSE, is_censored = FALSE, is_truncated = FALSE, is_survival = FALSE, is_linear = FALSE, is_tweedie = FALSE, is_zeroinf = FALSE, is_zero_inflated = FALSE, is_dispersion = FALSE, is_hurdle = FALSE, is_ordinal = FALSE, is_cumulative = FALSE, is_multinomial = FALSE, is_categorical = FALSE, is_mixed = TRUE, is_multivariate = FALSE, is_trial = TRUE, is_bayesian = TRUE, is_gam = FALSE, is_anova = FALSE, is_timeseries = FALSE, is_ttest = FALSE, is_correlation = FALSE, is_onewaytest = FALSE, is_chi2test = FALSE, is_ranktest = FALSE, is_levenetest = FALSE, is_variancetest = FALSE, is_xtab = FALSE, is_proptest = FALSE, is_binomtest = FALSE, is_ftest = FALSE, is_meta = FALSE, link_function = "logit", family = "binomial", n_obs = 56L, n_grouplevels = c(herd = 15L) ) ) expect_equal( model_info(m2), list( is_binomial = FALSE, is_bernoulli = FALSE, is_count = FALSE, is_poisson = FALSE, is_negbin = FALSE, is_beta = FALSE, is_betabinomial = FALSE, is_dirichlet = FALSE, is_exponential = FALSE, is_logit = FALSE, is_probit = FALSE, is_censored = FALSE, is_truncated = FALSE, is_survival = FALSE, is_linear = TRUE, is_tweedie = FALSE, is_zeroinf = FALSE, is_zero_inflated = FALSE, is_dispersion = FALSE, is_hurdle = FALSE, is_ordinal = FALSE, is_cumulative = FALSE, is_multinomial = FALSE, is_categorical = FALSE, is_mixed = FALSE, is_multivariate = FALSE, is_trial = FALSE, is_bayesian = TRUE, is_gam = FALSE, is_anova = FALSE, is_timeseries = FALSE, is_ttest = FALSE, is_correlation = FALSE, is_onewaytest = FALSE, is_chi2test = FALSE, is_ranktest = FALSE, is_levenetest = FALSE, is_variancetest = FALSE, is_xtab = FALSE, is_proptest = FALSE, is_binomtest = FALSE, is_ftest = FALSE, is_meta = FALSE, link_function = "identity", family = "gaussian", n_obs = 150L, n_grouplevels = NULL ) ) expect_equal( model_info(m3), list( is_binomial = TRUE, is_bernoulli = TRUE, is_count = FALSE, is_poisson = FALSE, is_negbin = FALSE, is_beta = FALSE, is_betabinomial = FALSE, is_dirichlet = FALSE, is_exponential = FALSE, is_logit = TRUE, is_probit = FALSE, is_censored = FALSE, is_truncated = FALSE, is_survival = FALSE, is_linear = FALSE, is_tweedie = FALSE, is_zeroinf = FALSE, is_zero_inflated = FALSE, is_dispersion = FALSE, is_hurdle = FALSE, is_ordinal = FALSE, is_cumulative = FALSE, is_multinomial = FALSE, is_categorical = FALSE, is_mixed = FALSE, is_multivariate = FALSE, is_trial = FALSE, is_bayesian = TRUE, is_gam = FALSE, is_anova = FALSE, is_timeseries = FALSE, is_ttest = FALSE, is_correlation = FALSE, is_onewaytest = FALSE, is_chi2test = FALSE, is_ranktest = FALSE, is_levenetest = FALSE, is_variancetest = FALSE, is_xtab = FALSE, is_proptest = FALSE, is_binomtest = FALSE, is_ftest = FALSE, is_meta = FALSE, link_function = "logit", family = "binomial", n_obs = 32L, n_grouplevels = NULL ) ) ## TODO add model m4 to m15 }) test_that("n_parameters", { expect_equal(n_parameters(m1), 21) expect_equal(n_parameters(m1, effects = "fixed"), 5) }) test_that("get_priors", { expect_equal( colnames(get_priors(m1)), c("Parameter", "Distribution", "Location", "Scale") ) expect_equal( colnames(get_priors(m2)), c( "Parameter", "Distribution", "Location", "Scale", "Adjusted_Scale" ) ) expect_equal(get_priors(m1)$Scale, c(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5), tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(get_priors(m2)$Adjusted_Scale, c(1.08967, 2.30381, 2.30381, 0.61727, 0.53603, 0.41197), tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(get_priors(m3)$Adjusted_Scale, c(NA, 2.555042), tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(get_priors(m4)$Adjusted_Scale, c(6.399801, NA, NA, NA), tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(get_priors(m5)$Adjusted_Scale, c(6.399801, NA, NA, NA), tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal( get_priors(m6), data.frame( Parameter = "(Intercept)", Distribution = "normal", Location = 3.057333, Scale = 2.5, Adjusted_Scale = 1.089666, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL ), tolerance = 1e-3 ) }) test_that("clean_names", { expect_identical( clean_names(m1), c("incidence", "size", "period", "herd") ) }) test_that("find_predictors", { expect_identical(find_predictors(m1), list(conditional = c("size", "period"))) expect_identical(find_predictors(m1, flatten = TRUE), c("size", "period")) expect_identical( find_predictors(m1, effects = "all", component = "all"), list( conditional = c("size", "period"), random = "herd" ) ) expect_identical( find_predictors( m1, effects = "all", component = "all", flatten = TRUE ), c("size", "period", "herd") ) }) test_that("find_response", { expect_equal( find_response(m1, combine = TRUE), "cbind(incidence, size - incidence)" ) expect_equal( find_response(m1, combine = FALSE), c("incidence", "size") ) }) test_that("get_response", { expect_equal(nrow(get_response(m1)), 56) expect_equal(colnames(get_response(m1)), c("incidence", "size")) }) test_that("find_random", { expect_equal(find_random(m1), list(random = "herd")) }) test_that("get_random", { expect_equal(get_random(m1), lme4::cbpp[, "herd", drop = FALSE]) }) test_that("find_terms", { expect_identical( find_terms(m1), list( response = "cbind(incidence, size - incidence)", conditional = c("size", "period"), random = "herd" ) ) }) test_that("find_variables", { expect_identical( find_variables(m1), list( response = c("incidence", "size"), conditional = c("size", "period"), random = "herd" ) ) expect_identical( find_variables(m1, effects = "fixed"), list( response = c("incidence", "size"), conditional = c("size", "period") ) ) expect_null(find_variables(m1, component = "zi")) }) test_that("n_obs", { expect_equal(n_obs(m1), 56) expect_equal(n_obs(m1, disaggregate = TRUE), 842) }) test_that("find_paramaters", { expect_equal( find_parameters(m1), list( conditional = c("(Intercept)", "size", "period2", "period3", "period4"), random = c(sprintf("b[(Intercept) herd:%i]", 1:15), "Sigma[herd:(Intercept),(Intercept)]") ) ) expect_equal( find_parameters(m1, flatten = TRUE), c( "(Intercept)", "size", "period2", "period3", "period4", sprintf("b[(Intercept) herd:%i]", 1:15), "Sigma[herd:(Intercept),(Intercept)]" ) ) }) test_that("find_paramaters", { expect_equal( colnames(get_parameters(m1)), c("(Intercept)", "size", "period2", "period3", "period4") ) expect_equal( colnames(get_parameters(m1, effects = "all")), c( "(Intercept)", "size", "period2", "period3", "period4", sprintf("b[(Intercept) herd:%i]", 1:15), "Sigma[herd:(Intercept),(Intercept)]" ) ) }) test_that("linkfun", { expect_false(is.null(link_function(m1))) }) test_that("link_inverse", { expect_equal(link_inverse(m1)(0.2), plogis(0.2), tolerance = 1e-4) }) test_that("get_data", { expect_equal(nrow(get_data(m1)), 56) expect_equal( colnames(get_data(m1)), c("incidence", "size", "period", "herd") ) }) test_that("find_formula", { expect_length(find_formula(m1), 2) expect_equal( find_formula(m1), list( conditional = as.formula("cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ size + period"), random = as.formula("~1 | herd") ), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("get_variance", { expect_equal( get_variance(m1), list( var.fixed = 0.36274, var.random = 0.5988885, var.residual = 3.28987, var.distribution = 3.28987, var.dispersion = 0, var.intercept = c(herd = 0.59889) ), tolerance = 1e-3 ) expect_equal(get_variance_fixed(m1), c(var.fixed = 0.3627389), tolerance = 1e-4 ) expect_equal(get_variance_random(m1), c(var.random = 0.5988885), tolerance = 1e-4 ) expect_equal(get_variance_residual(m1), c(var.residual = 3.289868), tolerance = 1e-4 ) expect_equal(get_variance_distribution(m1), c(var.distribution = 3.289868), tolerance = 1e-4 ) expect_equal(get_variance_dispersion(m1), c(var.dispersion = 0), tolerance = 1e-4 ) }) test_that("find_algorithm", { expect_equal( find_algorithm(m1), list( algorithm = "sampling", chains = 2, iterations = 500, warmup = 250 ) ) }) test_that("clean_parameters", { expect_equal( clean_parameters(m2), structure( list( Parameter = c( "(Intercept)", "Speciesversicolor", "Speciesvirginica", "Petal.Length", "Speciesversicolor:Petal.Length", "Speciesvirginica:Petal.Length", "sigma" ), Effects = c( "fixed", "fixed", "fixed", "fixed", "fixed", "fixed", "fixed" ), Component = c( "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "conditional", "sigma" ), Cleaned_Parameter = c( "(Intercept)", "Speciesversicolor", "Speciesvirginica", "Petal.Length", "Speciesversicolor:Petal.Length", "Speciesvirginica:Petal.Length", "sigma" ) ), class = c("clean_parameters", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -7L) ), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("find_statistic", { expect_null(find_statistic(m1)) expect_null(find_statistic(m2)) expect_null(find_statistic(m3)) expect_null(find_statistic(m4)) expect_null(find_statistic(m5)) expect_null(find_statistic(m6)) }) model <- stan_glm( disp ~ carb, data = mtcars, priors = NULL, prior_intercept = NULL, refresh = 0 ) test_that("flat_priors", { p <- get_priors(model) expect_equal(p$Distribution, c("uniform", "normal")) expect_equal(p$Location, c(NA, 0), tolerance = 1e-3) }) unloadNamespace("rstanarm")