test_that("checks for proper number work", { expect_true(is_number(1)) expect_true(is_number(pi)) expect_error(is_number("1"), "must be a single") expect_error(is_number(1:2), "must be a single") }) test_that("checks for proper proportion work", { expect_true(is_proportion(0.5)) expect_error(is_proportion(pi), "between 0 and 1") expect_error(is_proportion("1"), "must be a single") }) test_that("checks for proper count work", { expect_true(is_count(1)) expect_error(is_count(pi), "must be a single, positive") expect_error(is_count("1"), "must be a single") expect_error(is_count(-1), "must be a single, positive") }) test_that("checks for proper name work", { expect_true(is_name("one")) expect_error(is_name(1), "must be a single") expect_error(is_name(LETTERS[1:2]), "must be a single") expect_error(is_name(""), "must be a single") }) test_that("checks for proper name vector work", { expect_true(is_name_vector("one")) expect_error(is_name_vector(1), "must be a") expect_true(is_name_vector(LETTERS[1:2])) expect_error(is_name_vector(""), "must be a") }) test_that("checks for proper time limit work", { expect_true(is_time_limit(1)) expect_true(is_time_limit(pi)) expect_error(is_time_limit(-1), "is not a positive") expect_error(is_time_limit("1"), "must be a single") }) test_that("checks for proper boolean work", { expect_true(is_TRUE_FALSE(TRUE)) expect_error(is_TRUE_FALSE(1), "must be") expect_error(is_TRUE_FALSE("TRUE"), "must be") }) test_that("checks for proper index vector work", { expect_true(is_index_vector(1:10)) expect_error(is_index_vector(-3:3), "must be") expect_error(is_index_vector(LETTERS), "must be") expect_error(is_index_vector(c(1, 2, pi)), "must be") })